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  1. JD

    Bryci (

    daddyshark76 - If you read what i said, I said if you REREAD the thread you'll see it's not about this or that. I never said you said it was about those things. I am thinking maybe you read it wrong? I wasn't implying you said those things, I was pretty clear I thought when I said "if you go...
  2. JD

    Bryci (

    LOL With all due respect, you can't take me defending something and turn it into me making a statement, and then take it out of context as well. if you go back and reread the thread, you'll see where I said it's not about the money and why. I said we are not doing harder stuff or just anything...
  3. JD

    Bryci (

    Members only set. We do bnot release every set for free promo use. We have moved to two photo sets per week, two videos per week, one cam show/chat. the videos are HD 1920 x 1280 and the images of course are 4000+ pixels wide. We release one set for promo per week and one set is members only...
  4. JD

    Bryci (

    Yup, Kayla is awesome. :glugglug: Nope, she's not, I spoke with her last week. She took some time off for personal reasons but she is very much still with us. We're flying her to Canada in the summer to shoot so that will be a blast! I had mentioned about what we also run on the side, and as...
  5. JD

    Bryci (

    No, never. We traded some galleries with Nikki being that we are friends with them, so they had 3 or 4 zips on their network of Bryci and we had 3 or 4 zips of Nikki inside our site. Bryci was no more part of Nikki's Playmates as Nikki was part of They are independent of one another...
  6. JD

    Bryci (

    We have a lot more wallpapers that we're releasing shortly. Petra asked us if they could put Bryci wallpapers there and we agreed =) Thanks Petra!
  7. JD

    Bryci (

    Hey man, actually this isn't the same kitchen as the sundae shoot. :) We moved between that shoot and this one, this kitchen is *much* larger, almost too large to be honest. Too many damn cupboards, we always forget which ones have glasses and which ones have plates. I think most are empty but I...
  8. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Content Boys! Bryci is having fun in the Kitchen! 30 picture preview, all sized down of course from the 60 image set. Hope you guys like! We are flipping today to a much anticipated schedule change. We're going to Mon - Photos | Tues - Webcam |...
  9. JD

    Bryci (

    Had my own multimedia company at 20 (fancy way of saying we made websites for local companies), made the mistake of hiring friends and they were lazy so I was about to lose my savings, investment. I met a girl that was a model that wanted her own site, I fired all the lazy pricks working for me...
  10. JD

    Bryci (

    You would think I would, but the truth is... people have questions, comments, opinions. I think it's more than fair to ask questions or even make assumptions, we all do it. I've found when I reply, usually the person replies as well and the misunderstanding or question is answered, all is fine...
  11. JD

    Bryci (

    We won't ever be offering trail memberships. You'll find no solo sites do this usually for multiple reasons and then larger sites that do offer this, you get a limited membership anyway when you sign up so you don't really get access to the entire site. Trial memberships are sort of an inside...
  12. JD

    Bryci (

    haha, no worries man, sorry if I sounded like an ass =) It's hard sometimes to know what people mean and what they don't. Online things are often misunderstood. =)
  13. JD

    Bryci (

    Then cancel :) Dur. Pretty easy to figure that out I would think? We have detailed exactly why there have been no massive updates this week, and not one person has complained. Aside from this week, we have been updating more then ANY OTHER SOLO GIRL SITE. We also update with larger images and...
  14. JD

    Bryci (

    I covered this clearly, but apparently my answer was a different opinion then yours so I must be wrong, is that how it works? What you consider high, others are fine with. You get what you pay for, ever hear that saying? We give more weekly updates then any other solo site, we also give larger...
  15. JD

    Bryci (

    We'd rather have LESS members and have quality members then have more members and not know who our members are. Quality over quantity. More people means more bandwidth. A slower server for all and lack of any real community feeling. Those that are members of Bryci's site and participate inside...
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    this is called copyright infringement and this set will be removed shortly. like what? fully nude? she does, but she doesn't show everything outside of the member's area. Her nude photos are still playboy style, she's not spreading leg or anything like that.
  17. JD

    Bryci (

    She actually does change her hair in a few sets of hers, pulling it up/back etc, but she plans to do this more in the future with different sets. The one thing guys don't understand and I never understood either until I started shooting, if a girl say... curls her hair for a set, then that means...
  18. JD

    Bryci (

    I had already answered this. :glugglug: Some of the photo sets are for members only so if people want to see the set, they have to sign up for We're going to start this more shortly, we're going to release one promo set per week starting next week, the other updates are all members...
  19. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's a few pix from the last update, we didn't do a promo set for this set for webmasters as we don't do promo sets for every Bryci set. :) (gotta keep some things exclusive for members)
  20. JD

    Bryci (

    While I appreciate your opinion, I think you're missing one very important fact... It's not about the money. Not everyone is motivated by money to do anything at any cost. Guys might be, but women... not so much. :2 cents: I myself have been doing sites for 12-13 years so yes, I understand...
  21. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's fresh stuff guys! Hope you like =) Bryci playing with her Wii
  22. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man, we appreciate your support! It's funny how some guys become keyboard commandosand talk shit but in reality, if they had an opportunity, they'd drop over themselves just to talk to any of the models in here. I especially like it when someone says something as stupid as, cut your...
  23. JD

    Bryci (

    23 years old.
  24. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's fresh content guys! this is for the stocking crowd more than anything... some of you like this, so here ya go!
  25. JD

    Bryci (

    I agree TOTALLY! and so does Bryci, we're looking forward to the weather getting nicer so we can get outdoors and start shooting in various locations. Thanks for the feedback. :thumbsup: I understand your point, but if someone is an ass to myself or what we're doing, I don't see how that means...
  26. JD

    Bryci (

    Dirk, Feedback is always a good thing, and a differing opinion is not a bad thing, but when you insult a girl... that will generally be met with some resistance, don't you think? It begs the question... if someone isn't a fan, why waste time posting in the girl's thread? Just makes the person...
  27. JD

    Bryci (

    Newbie at bewbies. that's awesome. :hatsoff: I mean no disrespect here, but... have you ever been with a female before? You do know that nipples will be one shape when warm, and they change shape when cold..... right? The nipple gets hard and the areola changes shape. The skin has to come...
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks Judge, we're trying. =) Once the weather is a little nicer we'll be outdoors so the HD videos should really pop then. Thanks man, I read adult star and I wanted to make sure you wouldn't be signing up thinking it was hardcore porn or stuff.. haha is softcore, playboy style...
  29. JD

    Bryci (

    She doesn't show that, if that's what you're after, there are thousands of other girls online to check out, I am sure you'll find one you like. :glugglug: :thumbsup: Thanks man. Bryci does show below as in, you can see lips etc, but she doesn't spread legs or show inside herself. Playboy style...
  30. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks uberghey! Today's fresh update is one of the hotter sets we've shot.. this set was crazy, B got pretty worked up shooting it. We also just added a POV video to the site in true 1920 x 1280...
  31. JD

    Bryci (

    Glad you're liking what we're doing Joodoo! Darkwarrior3007... yeah man, we've got some cool shit coming. =) We're building the new site on the exactl same frame that brazzaers, playboy, club jenna and others are built on, it allows for complete interaction and comments on every image, video...
  32. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh set ! Fresh LAUNDRY Set! this of course is a link to the promo set, the full set has 64 imgs. More stuff coming tomorrow!
  33. JD

    Bryci (

    Nope, not Bryci. Bryci does not show pink parts.
  34. JD

    Bryci (

    That set is members only, that is why it's not online anywhere. :) We don't release promo content of every set we put in the site, we try and keep some things just for members to make the site better. The purple dress was loaned to Bryci from a friend that thought she'd look good in it, in the...
  35. JD

    Bryci (

    Not sure how you define risque I guess... if you mean will she be spreading legs or showing more then she's been showing, I don't think so. She's always defined her comfort zone, and I just snap away. With other girls I have shot I usually have to help them through a set, telling them positions...
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci shoot! For those that like voyeur type photos, I snapped pix of Bryci from a distance and we like the way it turned out, hopefully you do as well! There are 60 images in this set, the preview below has 30. We're shooting all this weekend, fresh pix and videos...
  37. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh update! Bryci shot this herself with her compact camera (when I was out of action with a pinched nerve so I was somewhat laid up), we didn't like the quality of the Canon SD1200IS (which was used for this set and the last Blue self shot set) so we returned it and bought a new compact...
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man, always good to know people like what we're doing. The latest set, Bryci's Pink Self Shot Set will go live later today (Wednesday) and we're shooting on Thursday for fresh content. Hey man, I'm not taking offense in the least. No joke, I get a kick out of some of the things said...
  39. JD

    Bryci (

    haha.. wow, welcome to internets hey? ok.. in order.. Yes, we have videos in the site. Requests from members are always taken, but no guarantee the request will be done. All comes down to what is requested I guess. She does what she's cool with, if it's a nice request and not something that...
  40. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks Petra, back to Bryci finally! :nanner: :hatsoff: Fresh self shot stuff coming later today, B is getting ready fort a new shoot right now, I'll post some of those later as well. Thanks to all for the continued support! :glugglug:
  41. JD

    Bryci (

    it's a Buddhist mantra meaning compassion.
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    There will be another Self shot gallery going live tomorrow :) Glad you liked this one!
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    hahaha, wow. you have zero idea what you're talking about. I love the internet. :nanner: It's called an affiliate program marketing. Almost every site has it, welcome to the www?. Other webmasters, including Freeones for that matter, sign up to promote Bryci. They then get access to galleries...
  44. JD

    Bryci (

    We aim for 50-60 and up. If we're able to do 100-150, we go for it but sometimes the lighting is shit or whatever and we get picky. So far, not one person has complained about the # in the sets so I guess we're doing something right. :) ahhh muffin. Must be tough making so many assumptions in...
  45. JD

    Bryci (

    We took the old camera (Canon SD1200 IS) back and picked up the Canon SD 960IS, MUCH better camera and it also does HD videos so now we can shoot off HD videos on the go.. flashing in stores... haha, whatever B feels like. Because there are only two promo videos of Bryci, both are on
  46. JD

    Bryci (

    aaaand it's that time again :) I pinched a nerve in my back/neck last week and I am still recovering so I wasn't able to use the D700 this week very well, damn thing when set up is around 14-15 pounds and while that is light still... after 3-6 hours of shooting, it can get tough on a pinched...
  47. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's some new stuff we just shot in the new bathroom! Hope you like it as much as Bryci did! also..
  48. JD

    Bryci (

    Yup yup, I bought those for B because she liked them.. I got them here. Quite cheap and really good quality. The artist sends them out fast too.
  49. JD

    Bryci (

    also here -->
  50. JD

    Bryci (

    Just added a new gallery guys, Red Lace Dress The actual set has 76 in it.. here are 30 of those though! =)