I really need to know your browsertype , security settings of your browser (medium, high etc ). Do you have flash installed ? Javascript disabled ? If you do not want to post it here. Just PM me ..
Thanks in advance
Yes it is !!
Hmmmm .. Seems to work all PC's and Mac's and phones Ive tested this on ... Just curious, can you tell me your browsertype , security settings of your browser (medium, high etc ). Do you have flash installed ? Javascript disabled ?
Today we're having major issues with our internal network, servers and load balancers ... so for to day I can say it is us. I've heard complaints before that people have to click a couple of times to get a page loading. I'll look in to this issue a.s.a.p. I thought I already solved it tho ... :(
You did know you can search for Caucasian-Blonde-Pornstars-in-The-Range-of-18-to-25-With-Fake-Boobs like that right ? :bowdown:
Most trouble seems to be fixed now, I'm rendering the thumbs for the search engine as we speak.
One of our mainservers (ofcourse the last one that is not load balanced) is performing a filesystem check right now. It has been running for hours now. I hope it will be up soon.
Anyways, I've made some adhoc changes to our network infrastructure and things should be a little bit faster now ..
hey Bunker,
When you put the babe name between NOBABE tags the system will not link the babes name to its babepage on
Jenna Jameson
Jenna Jameson
Seems to work :)