Search results

  1. Boldy

    Why are the rss links changed lately??

    Sup ? Wanna fight ? :fight::fight:
  2. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    There was some flying shit, and it hit the fan again ... working on it .. :(
  3. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    Working on it .. should go better now . It has been quite a ride ...
  4. Boldy

    server errors

    We've had hardware failures, database fuckups and the whole enchilada the last few days, working had to get things going again ...
  5. Boldy

    Search error message

    I've put the gremlins back in their cages now :crash:... I'll forward this to the board specialist in our team.
  6. Boldy

    Midget with implants?

    My kind of thread ...
  7. Boldy

    No links anymore for Carmen McCarthy???

    Huge DB troubles last night .. Fixing it now
  8. Boldy

    Spelling error

    OMG ! ... we run a porn company right ??! :dunno: Is it dick, dig or dike ?
  9. Boldy

    Problem with adding favorite babes

    Thanks for the info, i'll test it with chrome, and will try to fix the issue. Thanks for the info, B.
  10. Boldy

    Frank or Brock ?

    one day before the fight bump !! :)
  11. Boldy

    I regret to inform you...

    ehhhhhhhhhhh :dunno::dunno::dunno::dunno:
  12. Boldy

    Problem with adding favorite babes

    Guys, I really need to know your browsertype , security settings of your browser (medium, high etc ). Do you have flash installed ? Javascript disabled ? If you do not want to post it here. Just PM me .. Thanks in advance
  13. Boldy

    >>> Introducing FreeOnes Most Popular Babes!

    Step away from the keyboard sir! :ban:
  14. Boldy

    Frank or Brock ?

    Yes it is !! :nanner:
  15. Boldy

    Frank or Brock ?

    ufc 100 coming up ... What do you think? I think the big giy will kick Frank's butt bigtime ...
  16. Boldy

    Problem with adding favorite babes

    Hmmmm .. Seems to work all PC's and Mac's and phones Ive tested this on ... Just curious, can you tell me your browsertype , security settings of your browser (medium, high etc ). Do you have flash installed ? Javascript disabled ? Thanks B.
  17. Boldy

    Difficulty loading Freeones Board

    Today we're having major issues with our internal network, servers and load balancers ... so for to day I can say it is us. I've heard complaints before that people have to click a couple of times to get a page loading. I'll look in to this issue a.s.a.p. I thought I already solved it tho ... :(
  18. Boldy

    Freeones board.. it's f *cking slow..

    Just quoted myself ... ehh DB check is done, let me know if you still encouter the weirdness you had the last few days ... thanks
  19. Boldy

    Freeones board.. it's f *cking slow..

    That is just fucking great ... :( I'll shut down the board ad run a DB check on the master. I hope that fixes the problems you guys are having
  20. Boldy

    Freeones board.. it's f *cking slow..

    You did know you can search for Caucasian-Blonde-Pornstars-in-The-Range-of-18-to-25-With-Fake-Boobs like that right ? :bowdown: Anyways Most trouble seems to be fixed now, I'm rendering the thumbs for the search engine as we speak.
  21. Boldy

    Freeones board.. it's f *cking slow..

    One of our mainservers (ofcourse the last one that is not load balanced) is performing a filesystem check right now. It has been running for hours now. I hope it will be up soon. Anyways, I've made some adhoc changes to our network infrastructure and things should be a little bit faster now ..
  22. Boldy

    Mission accomplished! Even the pope loves Freeones (proof inside)

    Re: Mission accomplished! Even the pope loves Freeones Yeah Biaaaaaaaaatch ...
  23. Boldy

    What's Your Favourite Foreign Swear Word?

  24. Boldy

    Renee Perez links are gone

    We're struggling with some database issues this weekend, this is the main reason the pages show up without any links. I'll look in to it a.s.a.p.
  25. Boldy

    Dear 17652...

    I should fire all n00bz in here ...
  26. Boldy

    Can't access from Norway

    Not yet ... :) Just for the record, you are Norwegian right ? Or at least located in Norway atm
  27. Boldy

    Can't access from Norway

    Small workaround untill I get this one fixed For now you can goto . This will stop the redirecting ... :dunno:
  28. Boldy


    Geek serving porn for the masses tho ... :glugglug: Not on Windows ... FYI
  29. Boldy


    Depends .. Does it run on Windows ? :)
  30. Boldy

    >>>> FreeOnes Search Suggestions Beta!

    He's my left hand ... :nanner: Hey Anders, hows that pizza ? Lol
  31. Boldy

    >>>> FreeOnes Search Suggestions Beta!

    Oh shit , time to order more servers :eek:
  32. Boldy

    Automatic links to Freeones database

    hey Bunker, When you put the babe name between NOBABE tags the system will not link the babes name to its babepage on Test: Jenna Jameson Jenna Jameson Seems to work :)
  33. Boldy


    Dunnow :dunno:
  34. Boldy

    Jade Marcela - links deleted?

    Probably a bug :( I'll take a look at it. Links are all up now btw Thanks
  35. Boldy

    When will the 3 Millionth Post be made? Win 1 Year to PayOnes, Brazzer and more!

    Check yo !
  36. Boldy

    would you fuck a midget?

    Dong won't fit :crying:
  37. Boldy

    Fuck Your Obama Threads

    Nope ! :)
  38. Boldy

    Fuck Your Obama Threads

    if ($lUserName == "BlueBalls") { $lServer->annoyModule->activate(); $lServer->annoyModule->annoyUser('BlueBalls'); $lServer->annoyModule->deductRandomPointsFromUser(); $lServer->annoyModule->trowServerBusyOnceInAWhile(); } :dunno:
  39. Boldy

    >> Top 20 most popular babes October (PICS)

    Roald is my fake nick ... :wave:
  40. Boldy

    Best Job you have ever had?

    This one:boobies::love-smi::computer::computer: :love-smi:
  41. Boldy

    problem with site

    Its friday, database issues ! :( its fixed now
  42. Boldy

    Wii Fit

    My Wife and kids love it. I Hate It Every time I step on it the bloody thing screams Auuwww.. and my Mii charactar is suddenly fat ... :(
  43. Boldy


    Please do not post pictures of my dad here... Thanks in advance ...
  44. Boldy

    Interracial Section

    Create your own sections! :thumbsup: FreeOnes InterRacial Links
  45. Boldy

    Any evidence for god?

    He told me to code Freeones ... Funny guy
  46. Boldy

    Puffy Nipples Fanatic

    Some good stuff in here :
  47. Boldy

    Post count???

    WE had some database issues, it should be backup to normal now .. Thanks
  48. Boldy

    Problem With Freeones Bio Section..

    Weird, does this one work for you ?