
ok the question is Are human like robots coming soon to the future and would you have sex with a female robot?
When they get to it, I hope they don't program robot sex toys to cuddle after sex.
Ain't it always the way?
You get in the mood to fuck your robot and company shows up.
Considering this is an adult themed message forum, there sure do seem to be a lot of stupid fuckin' kids here. Goddamn.
It depends on how you define human-like. AI currently is nowhere near creating sentient robots, so by that definition, no. We currently have AI that can do very simple tasks efficiently and smartly, but outside of that no.
If Microsoft did the software then no. I don't want my pleasurebot freezing on me and ending up being dog-knotted
Geek serving porn for the masses tho ... :glugglug: Not on Windows ... FYI

You mean Freeones is made on a Macintrash? :eek: No wonder the server kept fucking up a few months ago. :crash:
I guess we will need something to hold off a future attack of zombies on the Earth...or maybe it's the other way around where we will need to zombies to kill of the robots that get out of hand.
A robot is a robot, and will probably continue to be so for another few hundred years. It's not like I would mistake them for humans to be honest.

I'd probably not fuck one either, for the same reason I wouldn't fuck a sex doll - it's just a bit too creepy and sure it might feel good physically but mentally it would be like shagging your cousin.
I'd imagine anyone who would use a fleshlight should have no problem with a full size robot. I heard somewhere that robots are currently evolving about 2 million times faster than humans did - just look at how far they've come in the last hundred years or so - so a life-like robot chick is not inconceivable.
I'd imagine anyone who would use a fleshlight should have no problem with a full size robot. I heard somewhere that robots are currently evolving about 2 million times faster than humans did - just look at how far they've come in the last hundred years or so - so a life-like robot chick is not inconceivable.
You can't compare biological evolution to technological. And even so, a robot with emotions and free will is currently impossible because we don't even know what those things are or how they "work."

Robots may be programmed to do stuff, but in reality they're no more advanced than the simplest of insects. And they lack an important factor of all lifeforms: reproduction. Robots rely on its creators to support and manage them.

I'm very skeptic that we will ever see robots as more than practical machines for simple tasks. They are more of cattle than companions so to speak.
That's a very limited view. Given the last hundred years of technological advancement in every possible field of science and engineering it's difficult to believe that anything is impossible. I don't think artificial sentience is as much a matter of "if" as it is "when." We've only really had computers for 60ish years, and widespread computer use far less than that, and look how far it's come. Our knowledge and technology is advancing at an accelerating rate, there's no telling where it'll go. This is a very exciting time to be alive.