Search results

  1. Boldy

    What are you listening to right now?

    Megadeth - Hanger 18 Freeones Office Rocks! :banger:
  2. Boldy

    >> Input please: thumbs or text?

    And gives me red dots on my chin! :yummie::blowjob:
  3. Boldy

    >> Input please: thumbs or text?

    No, I'm just here to complain and keep my chair warm ... *looking at the numkey pad determining what position in Pi all permutations of the rows under rotation has*
  4. Boldy

    >> Input please: thumbs or text?

    :why: *trying to find the ban button without crashing the server* :elaugh:
  5. Boldy

    What are you listening to right now?

    Trivium :banger:
  6. Boldy

    >> Input please: thumbs or text?

    Yep ! Eat Dick n00b, are you gonna code this one ?
  7. Boldy

    why isn't there many black chicks on this site :dunno:
  8. Boldy

    slow/sluggish page changes on Freeones

    Today we're adding a new dedicated database server to the DB pool. So you know, we're aware and working day and night on it
  9. Boldy

    slow/sluggish page changes on Freeones

    Now all be nice to a total of 32 cpu's and 56GB of ram will ya
  10. Boldy

    slow/sluggish page changes on Freeones

    Just added a new dedicated server to the pool. Hope this helps :dunno:
  11. Boldy

    This Board is So Slow....

    We had some major network issues yesterday on our backend network. All fixed now ... :eeew: Take care and keep wankin' :)
  12. Boldy

    Look at our FreeOnes Anniversary cake!!!!!

    Of course I was not in the office today :crying:
  13. Boldy

    ( * y * )---c==8

    you mean 101010 ... :bowdown:
  14. Boldy

    WTF board lag

    Serious server issues, working on it ... almost 24 hours awake ... whoot !
  15. Boldy

    Your #1 Freeones' programmer iPhone App

    Only apple's Xcode :crash: Haven't tried any 3rd party tools yet .. probably never will ...
  16. Boldy

    Your #1 Freeones' programmer iPhone App

    No no no , no porn this time but burps! Do your favorite freeones programmer a big favor ! ... Yes, just approved ! People you should all ! download and participate in "Rate My Burp" on the iPhone :) itms:// Have fun ! :glugglug: B.
  17. Boldy

    Dutch Porn Stars :nanner: Wh00ttt...
  18. Boldy

    Best cover song

    :banger: SOAD -> snowblind -> Black Sabbath
  19. Boldy

    A suggestion...

    AAAAAAAAARGGGHHH!!! :fight::fight::crash::crash:
  20. Boldy

    To all you Iphone/Apple haters...

    i'm damn sexy
  21. Boldy

    I'm logged in but can't add any more babes

    Can you try a different browser like Firefox ? If that does not help you probably have to clear all your cookies. Then login again at . Then try again
  22. Boldy let us know your thoughts

    Never say never... have you seen the Apple TOS ? :moon::crash:
  23. Boldy

    I hate this site!

    Make FreeOnes your only bookmark ... :dunno:
  24. Boldy

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    Sometimes there is a delay, not intentional. Our slave servers are behind due to the minor downtime we had today. It'll take a while before they are in sync again. We've ordered blazing fast ssd disks for all of our database servers to avoid these type problems in the future. B.
  25. Boldy

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    Who ? Roald :dunno:
  26. Boldy

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    You're welcome :bowdown:
  27. Boldy

    ★★ New Feature - Comment & Rank Babes ★★

    FUcKING COMPUTERS .. I FUCKIN HATE THEM ... :crash::crash::crash: Shit should be rockin again btw :thumbsup:
  28. Boldy

    The leatest news to go along with the world's end in 2012. Christ's return in 2011

    Re: The leatest news to go along with the world's end in 2012. Christ's return in 201 I'll sign him up with a free account. That will keep him busy for a while .. :boobies::love-smi::nannerf2::nannerf1:
  29. Boldy

    For the members who haven't met or seen a pic of Roald/Can you guess what he looklike

    Re: For the members who haven't met or seen a pic of Roald/Can you guess what he look :thefinger :thefinger :thefinger :thefinger I'm drunk already !
  30. Boldy

    For the members who haven't met or seen a pic of Roald/Can you guess what he looklike

    Re: For the members who haven't met or seen a pic of Roald/Can you guess what he look Lol thats pretty close :wave2:
  31. Boldy

    who would you vote for as president of the WORLD?

    George Orwell or David Ike ...
  32. Boldy

    Hot Brazilian girls / Brazilian Pornstars / Beautiful Models & Babes from Brazil

    Re: More brazilian babes have fun ... 4 pages of Brazilian fun
  33. Boldy

    Searching urls doesn't work

    Works fine for me :
  34. Boldy

    FreeOnesTUBE is in Beta test please

    I'll upload a video of my furry ass next week ... :dunno:
  35. Boldy

    X-Factor Raw Talent!

    At least i'm drunk ... :)
  36. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    Stop the presses everybody ! :nanner: More upgrades to come soon ... :thumbsup:
  37. Boldy

    Do you think the board feels faster since Saturday 14 Nov?

    I'm with the band :banana: ** seriously testing post speed in here ** edit : yep fast
  38. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    We've installed 10 new 16 core 24 GB servers in our network the last 6 months. Unfortunately the all servers have faulty network cards, this is the major problem we have right now. We're replacing all cards somewhere this week. I hope everything will go faster then.
  39. Boldy

    Youtube embedded videos slowing freeones?

    We've installed 10 new 16 core 24 GB servers in our network the last 6 months. Unfortunately the all servers have faulty network cards, this is the major problem we have right now. We're replacing all cards somewhere this week. I hope everything will go faster then.
  40. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    Say What ?! :dunno::dunno:
  41. Boldy

    This is what you get when you're working in porn too damn long

    Check out my dog .. (seriously) 3q2PuBOB8_I
  42. Boldy

    Similar Babes

    Thank you ! :nanner:
  43. Boldy

    Similar Babes

    This is based on ethnicity, (original) hair color and age range ... More added soon I guess :)
  44. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    I have itchy "ban button" fingers today, watch out :thefinger
  45. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    We have a broken network port on the myfreeones server. I'm on it ..
  46. Boldy

    it was just a glitch, for my curiosity, are you located in the Philippines ? Thanks!
  47. Boldy

    This should be fixed within 30 minutes from now ... :fight:
  48. Boldy

    ★★★ Help: New voting system (+ NUDE PICS Petra) ★★★

    I hope you're kidding right ? :ban:
  49. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    NO LAZY SUNDAY FOR YOU!! :helpme: Can anyone confirm that the board is running faster now ?
  50. Boldy

    Server is too busy?

    Okay just moved the master database over to a different server. The server where it was on was dropping packets like crazy on its interfaces. I really hope this helps. In any case it fucked up my sunday :(