Search results

  1. JD

    Bryci (

    No, she's not a porn star, sorry. She's in the amateur couple category. She was approached a few years back by a major studio that owns most of the major porn sites/hubs online and she declined because she had no interest in working with them. She started into adult as an independent model with...
  2. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man! My eyes are still adapting after having lasik surgery done, so shooting has been challenging, I can't see some things as tight as I once could so I have to take more time and often I forget! the set is now live =)
  3. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's a high res sneak of a set we're pushing live next Monday! Good things are happening at! :clap:
  4. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks damn! Katie is uping her game but trust me when I say... it gets better. ;) Check her out at!
  5. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    According to her - never. She's had the options a hundred times over now, many studios had approached her long before she was with Bella. We told her if she wanted to grab a guy friend and film some stuff we're fine with it as well. Thing is, it's not what she wants. That's something many guys...
  6. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Are you seriously butthurt because I gave you some of your own attitude back? Strange. Before responding to you, I clicked your post history and I could see you being a somewhat negative person in various threads so yeah, when you talk shit about a site I run or a girl that is...
  7. JD

    Bryci (

    lol no harm done in the least :)
  8. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks You haven't seen anything yet! ;) Or... Why not just be happy and accept what Katie is doing? She chose to do something she wasn't doing before. If you don't like it, you don't have to watch. Posting shit comments only makes you look like an angry / bitter and well, I'm...
  9. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Merry Christmas Indeed! Did someone say Panty stuffing? Wait until you see what's cuming for this lady... damn damn damn. I just saw the videos... wow. members of will be smiling! small sneak peak since this doesn't show much... this video she named...
  10. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks If you're wondering what's up with Katie Banks and her new direction.. she wrote a blog. Click the pic for the article.
  11. JD

    Bryci (

    If I knew it was Shark Week, I'd have used child safe wording. My bad there man, seriously. :D I said "skinny bitches" - TWO words. I never said skinny women are bitches. (if you're going to quote me, at least do so properly) It's slang, you know this right? I don't call women bitches...
  12. JD

    Bryci (

    Hell yes man! Thank you for the kind words!
  13. JD

    Bryci (

    A couple gifs Bryci made today and if you're an affiliate seeing this, yes, you can use these if you wish. :)
  14. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks TC is @TC_Davidson. That is is Katie's photographer and has been for the past 2 years or so. Last time I shot Katie was Arizona 2011, we didn't live close to one another so we were only able to shoot once every 6-12 months so it made more sense for her to find a local. I had...
  15. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes with both but odds are it'll be the new year, we were flying Talia up in December but then B and I realized we'd rather wait until our new shoot locations materialize, making it easier to shoot outdoors, better content all around that way. Katie has some Christmas surprises coming for her...
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    typically affiliate sites frown upon hotlinking.. so rather than hotlink, perhaps post a link to the gallery you love? All of Bryci's galleries are inside my blog at including behind the scenes photos/videos from shooting etc. also has a TON of Bryci...
  17. JD

    Bryci (

    He clarified his point, I understand now. =) Glad you liked the last video.. sometimes when shooting we have no idea what we're doing until we do it. In the last video I was pissed.. I was trying not to cum and then Bryci started riding me and well, fuck. Done and done. Because Bryci. ha! I...
  18. JD

    Bryci (

    Fair enough, we did work with Renna Ryan, she's awesome but I still think that perhaps you didn't ponder the statement from how how a woman would take it. not one woman would smile at your comment, even ones that were pregnant. lol No worries man, sorry if I over reacted. it's not like me. ;)...
  19. JD

    Bryci (

    It was a rude comment, no other way to take it. If you don't think before you speak, why speak? How could any female take that comment as a good thing? Seriously man.
  20. JD

    Bryci (

    Nope, not remotely close. No baby bump, no nothing other than sweet, sweet sexy Bryci. Thanks for the kind words though. Trolling will get you banned in FreeOnes Curves are sexy, skinny bitches, not so much. :2 cents:
  21. JD

    Bryci (

    You will more success if you check for other models. Bryci is not a porn star that films with other men. is a couples website (not to be confused with a swingers or cuckold website). B told me when we started this venture, she had zero desire to film with...
  22. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    the info on cammodels, is from Talia herself. :2 cents: Boobpedia on the other hand, is a wikipedia type site where nearly anyone can edit things. That doesn't make those things factual. In some cases it could be exactly accurate, in other cases where information is not available - someone...
  23. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    the info on cammodels, is from Talia herself. Boobpedia on the other hand, is a wikipedia type site where nearly anyone can edit things. That doesn't make those things factual. In some cases it could be exactly accurate, in other cases where information is not available - someone seems to...
  24. JD

    Bryci (

    You're not a fan, you're a thief. There is a difference. Do you understand how copyrights work? Are you trying to get yourself sued? Be smarter. If you keep doing this sort of thing, yes, we will take action.
  25. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Sorry, you're not correct on her stats. I see boob sites guessing on a model's stats/measurements often which leads to people assuming they are right. You are wrong on these, not sure where you got them but my guess is the person that guessed them had far too much time on their hands. Kind of...
  26. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for the time it took to type that out, it's always good to hear opinions and what the public is after. We pondered doping two sites for about 5 minutes. We've seen that done before with some models, and then seen the fallout from members on boards where they felt they were getting...
  27. JD

    Bryci (

    We polled our member base and those that responded, told us they wanted hardcore videos over solo. For every 10 people that replied, 1 said solo, 9 said hardcore so that's why we've been slanting more towards hardcore. I don't know about you, but it sucks when you sign up for a site because they...
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    For the fans - here is an advance sneak peak high-res photo from our set, Play Time. Click for 2500 pixel version This set goes live on November 18th at thanks for kicking ass! :clap:
  29. JD

    Bryci (

    Candy (Bryci's sister) is supposed to to be coming over next week or something.. I'm going to try and get her and Bryci into a competition. ;) I agree, she's quite the looker!
  30. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci Galleries!
  31. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks Galleries!
  32. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Fresh Talia Shepard galleries!
  33. JD

    Bryci (

    I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for pregnancy anything, we have zero interest in having kids. We work in adult, nuff said. We brand almost everything we release, with possible exception of raw screen grabs from videos that haven't been processed yet so if we do a Christmas set, it will be...
  34. JD

    Bryci (

    Too funny. I'm an adult. I know how pregnancy works. Can we dispense with the life talk and get back to photos? :)
  35. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes, we've heard of the pill. lol. Thing is, the pill is far from perfect. I know four different couples that conceived while on the pill so while I can see stats this and stats that, it's as simple as - cum inside at the right time of the month and congrats, you might be a Dad. Condoms.. lol...
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    We've already done one in the site - We don't do them often, because, well, BABIES. We don't have one. We don't want one. Maybe waaaaaay down the road, in a galaxy far, far away... but not now.
  37. JD

    Bryci (

    Just wrote a quick blog with a few more screen grabs - Happy Halloween everyone!
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for the kind words, she was offered a contract a few years back with one of the largest porn companies out there - they wanted her to be a contract star. She declined because she had no interest in being a porn star, having sex with a bunch of people. Granted, it's safe in the industry so...
  39. JD

    Bryci (

    This set is fucking hot.
  40. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    New Talia Shepard Promo!
  41. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks New Katie Banks Promo!
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    New Bryci Promo!
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks man. I've always lived by the principal to not influence a model because contrary to what some guys might think - it's not what a model does that makes her successful or not. It's how she does it. I have seen non nude models outsell hardcore models 10 times over which breaks all common...
  44. JD

    Bryci (

    I get asked sometimes - so what it's like having Bryci as your wife? Honestly, not sure what I did in a previous life to deserve her, it's amazing but playing video games? Nope. Not happening. (sneak peak of Thursday Oct 10th's HD video going live for members of ) The...
  45. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes, for sure! Katie and Talia don't live close enough we can just get together to shoot easy but I know Katie and B have made plans for the future but the girls shoot different styles so we need to figure that out. Bryci uses toys, does hardcore etc.. Katie isn't on that page so this is why we...
  46. JD

    Bryci (

    This has been answered already Boris, the last time you asked this a week or so ago. There are no titjob videos or photoshoots, we have not done any and have no plans to. If you want videos, you have to sign up for a membership to like everyone else. We don't post them for free.
  47. JD

    Bryci (

    There are a lot of 'prefect' girls out there, but we're not really interested, thanks though. It takes a lot of time/money to do a site. This girl was shot by Murbo Dagldiyan, in Russia. She is beautiful, no question but we only sign girls in North America that we ourselves fly in to shoot. We...
  48. JD

    Bryci (

    Again, FreeOnes is not tech support. If your isp is banned, there is a reason. I already told you how to solve this. Sorry you're having issues but when someone posts here rather than contacting us with the info needed... umm... we can't help you.
  49. JD

    Bryci (

    Nice job Hans! This was fun!!
  50. JD

    Bryci (

    Wondering what sort of things we're doing at Here's a sneak peak of Bryci's sister Candy... Who wants Candy!? Some back story...