Dont try to troll the man if you lack the conviction to stand by your comment. Thats just weak. Btw JD...that last video you guys came out with is amazing! And bryci looks as good as ever. Good job you lucky SOB haha
He clarified his point, I understand now. =) Glad you liked the last video.. sometimes when shooting we have no idea what we're doing until we do it. In the last video I was pissed.. I was trying not to cum and then Bryci started riding me and well, fuck. Done and done.
Because Bryci.
ha! I have to start remembering to do it like the 'porn stars' do it.. shoot 3-4 minutes, pause. shoot 3-4 minutes, pause. that or jack one off first so I have some staying power.
Hey James, do you think maybe there's a compromise to be made on the solo toys vs. couples scenes? Like Bryci uses the toys to get warmed up and you swoop in for the kill?
Scenario I'd love to see: you're a massage therapist coming over to work on Bryci sore thighs from her workout. You get her on the massage table and get her all good and oiled up and things start to get hot and heavy as you try to get the hard to reach places but she says that she's still pretty sore. You go to the car to get the heavy duty gear and when you get back she's broken out her own heavy duty gear on the table. You come in from behind, taking in the scene, and take over for her. One things leads to another...everybody's happy!
It's weird on the toys v hardcore thing. When we polled our members, 9/10 said hardcore so if that's the case.. 1 week in 10 weeks is a toy video. So we thought, okay, good deal - now we know. Then we get the occasional comment like in here or email that asks for solo and as a guy, I TOTALLY get it. I might not want to see my dream girl with a guy, I'd want to see her with a toy so I could enjoy myself.
So what we've decided to do, the days we film, we're going to try and film both. That way, we can offer more toy videos in addition to harder videos.
As for the massage table idea.. I bought a massage table late last year for that very idea.

We just haven't used it yet but we have it, and then after using it we'll probably sell it on ebay 'slightly used' (ewwwwww / lolololol)