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  1. JD

    Bryci (

    Here's five new Bryci promo galleries! If you are wondering why we didn't release these earlier - we like members to have exclusivity on content for awhile so we do promo when we have a chance but it's not top priority. our members are always top priority. If you're hoping for hardcore promo...
  2. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Time for some new Katie Banks galleries! We don't release weekly with this stuff because we want members that sign up to have some exclusivity on content before we're pushing promo content out the door. So members will always get weekly updates - but promo stuff is every 2-3-4...
  3. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Ready for SIX new Talia Shepard promotional galleries? These were all photographed by a woman we'd hired to shoot Talia because I was not able to make it down to shoot her. The person that shot her is a model herself, and no, not a photographer so these photos are more amateur than the stuff...
  4. JD

    Bryci (

    So let me get this right - a site does something you disagree with so you get all pissy at them in a forum? If we're doing something you don't like... go somewhere else?
  5. JD

    Bryci (

    Side note - we've had a great deal of feedback thus far.. based off two very much voyeur style clips and so far, people are thrilled. Our member forum has posts from members that love what we're doing. Sure, there will be some that get upset because we're not filming this style or that wasn't...
  6. JD

    Bryci (

    The clip is exactly what I posted here in the forums. The curtain is clear but it's more of a voyeur clip. The curtain wasn't in the way, it was exactly where we put it. :D Some clips will be voyeur, some clips will be pov, some clips will be further back. We do whatever we're feeling when...
  7. JD

    Bryci (

    Talia does not do hardcore, she does G/G only. As for myself, I would never do hardcore with anyone other than Bryci. We'd spoken about doing things or what we wanted to do etc. Neither of us have any desire to be 'porn stars' and fuck others. We want to have fun with each other and that's it...
  8. JD

    Bryci (

    the fuck? ha - no idea what you're on man. I'm thinking it's good though! HA!
  9. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Oh shit, called out by an e-warrior. Damn it. What to do what to do. I'll respond honestly. More fun. You know zero about me. You know what you see online. You know what I show you. That said, again, you know sweet. fuck. all. about me and you're trying to pass judgement on myself or Bryci's...
  10. JD

    Bryci (

    So we just did our next video... goes live Thursday. Shower Blowjob Better lighting but yes, we're still a little shy. We're still working up to going full speed though! POV + more coming.. We won't be teasing all the time, we're getting there. It's not as easy as it sounds - just jump out and...
  11. JD

    Bryci (

    hahahaha Maaaan Talia is like a little sister to me. It's going to be odd enough watching the two ladies get freaky and I have a rule - don't dip your pen in the company ink. Not that it's an option, it's very much not. B is more than enough for me. :D
  12. JD

    Bryci (

    Yes, when they do g/g next - you'll most def. see things up close and personal. I've spoken to both about this and both are excited! (as am I to film this and get it to you guys)
  13. JD

    Bryci (

    isn't responding at all keeping the drama going? Ignore the trolls. (They just get banned anyway for being trolls) Katie doesn't do toys or touching so she's out.. and Talia and B will be shooting with each other when we're able to get together. I never understand why guys call G/G stuff...
  14. JD

    Bryci (

    We already have some ;) We'll be posting for members shortly and Bryci told me she wants to film tomorrow so that'll be fun.
  15. JD

    Bryci (

    yup..the db was fuxord earlier. :( sorry for dupes
  16. JD

    Bryci (

    I tried to answer yo guys but the db seemed to be acting up - will try again in a bit.
  17. JD

    Bryci (

    Figured I'd answer both at same time. :) Yes, we have spoken extensively about this and Bryci has spoken with Talia about this as well. Yes, you'll see some fun from those two next time we get together to shoot. We're going to do a wicked road trip later this year down to Arizona from Canada...
  18. JD

    Bryci (

    Figured I'd answer both at same time seeing s it's more or less the same question. :) Yes, we have spoken extensively about this and Bryci has spoken with Talia about this as well. Yes, you'll see some fun from those two next time we get together to shoot. We're going to do a wicked road trip...
  19. JD

    Bryci (

    Figured I'd answer both at same time seeing s it's more or less the same question. :) Yes, we have spoken extensively about this and Bryci has spoken with Talia about this as well. Yes, you'll see some fun from those two next time we get together to shoot. We're going to do a wicked road trip...
  20. JD

    Bryci (

    Because when I said it, it was true. Someone wanted something we weren't doing so I said go somewhere else, pretty common sense. B makes her decisions on her time. When she asked if I'd go down this road with her, I pondered it as well. We figured ok.. but only if we do what we want, how we...
  21. JD

    Bryci (

    The video we pushed live was our first step into the HC arena - yes, it's somewhat teasing still because it's not a well lit room. That said, we're filming Sunday/Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday and this time.. some normal light as well as a little POV action might be in store. We're going to start...
  22. JD

    How long before Bryci is doing Hardcore ?

    I'll hit you up in email shortly - we haven't shot affiliate stuff yet but we will be of course. =)
  23. JD

    How long before Bryci is doing Hardcore ?

    thanks for your support.
  24. JD

    How long before Bryci is doing Hardcore ?

    Saturday March 2, 2013. Our first hardcore video goes live. :) We had said not going there - we changed our mind. No reason, other than we wanted to have more fun with our site. We filmed today - and we're filming again over the weekend. Don't expect production stuff like some sites. This is...
  25. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks! we had a blast. It is literally exporting right now - we never do teaser vids or anything, we do caps when the vid goes live though so Saturday there will be caps on As I said - it's not a production style, we'll never do those as we're not some big porn company and neither...
  26. JD

    Bryci (

    I had so no hardcore because that is not what Bryci does. I spoke too soon apparently as she decided that yes, she wants to go down that road with me so... We ended up doing a hardcore video. It's our first one so it's dimly lit, more of a voyeur video but hopefully some of her fans like it...
  27. JD

    Bryci (

    haha - great ideas but we don't live near any of the other Bellas.. and I think we're all pretty sick of the shake. :( the midget idea made me spit water..well done. :D
  28. JD

    Bryci (

    So if anyone checks this regularily.. here's your chance to play directory. I'm filming some Bryci movies on Thursday or Friday... what would you like to see? No, hardcore is not on the option list.
  29. JD

    Bryci (

    This pretty much covers things perfectly. Never say never? Yes. Never say never. I have no idea what is around the corner.. okay, I might have an idea. :stir: Whatever road we go down, be it the one we're on or a new adventure.. if we change direction, you'll know. Members of...
  30. JD

    Bryci (

    When posting your favorite photos, please only use images from or Promo images are 1500 pixels in size. If you're posting larger images, these are images a member posted and we have those removed. Thanks
  31. JD

    Bryci (

    We know, we heard you the first we answered this yet you felt the need to say it again. sigh. Move on Hardline, find another to follow.
  32. JD

    Bryci (

    Why are you still here? It's kind of sad that you feel the need to keep going back to the same thing. Saying people will get bored of whatever a model is doing, sadly for you, holds truth. If it did, nude models wouldn't be employed anymore. Shall we talk about Non Nude models? Look at Nikki...
  33. JD

    Bryci (

    Thanks for your comments, but you know how it works. Models use what *they* are comfortable using. This was a video grab from a video that Bryci did. I had zero to do with it. I didn't even know she was doing it until she slapped the memory card down with the video. :D The video is great...
  34. JD

    Bryci (

    Her foot job video just went live on for those interested.
  35. JD

    Bryci (

    In her website, all videos we've ever done are in there as well as videos we'll do in future. =)
  36. JD

    Bryci (

    I've already answered this.
  37. JD

    Bryci (

    Sneak peak for Bryci's Valentine set that comes in a couple weeks... more like a behind the scenes I guess. :D Be sure to check - things are about to get... interesting. ;)
  38. JD

    Bryci (

    Soonest they will be together is when we go down to shoot Talia in spring area. Trust me - it's on the agenda. :D
  39. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks!
  40. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Thanks for the kind words but.. I haven't shot Talia for the last 19 sets seen on Those galleries for her were all shot by an amateur photographer. Someone that knew Talia so we thought it'd be fine because I live several thousand miles away from Talia so...
  41. JD

    Bryci (

    New Bryci set - Pink Trim
  42. JD

    Bryci (

    All Bryci's promo galleries are now here as well - Damn, that's a *lot* of photos! A lot of member's loved this one -
  43. JD

    Bryci (

    Fresh Bryci sets!
  44. JD

    Katie Banks / Katie Evan

    Re: Katie Banks Fresh Katie Banks!
  45. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    FreeOnes is not support for her site. :) If you have a question or issue, follow the link at the bottom of her site labeled support. ty
  46. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    Fresh Talia Content!
  47. JD

    FTV Renna / Renna Ryan / Renna Ryann

    Fresh Renna content!
  48. JD

    Bryci (

    New sets coming for you all on Monday morning! Four new sets to be exact :)
  49. JD

    Hunter Leigh

    Re: New babe added to FreeOnes: Hunter Leigh There has been new material added to her site, granted, not a lot. I never said we had 100 fresh sets that would go live daily. lol *I wish we did* ! :D We still have some new stuff to be added and it will be added as soon as we're able.
  50. JD

    Talia Shepard / FTV Victoria

    I'd add videos if I had videos to add. We had hired someone to shoot her and she came back to us with amateur (at best) images that are blurry, over exposed etc and the videos were all crap (to be honest) and out of focus etc. Really disappointing for Talia and us. B and I are heading to AZ in...