Brunete from Ed the Sock

I saw this girl years ago on the Canadian show "Ed's Night Party". He never said her name so far as I can recall, so I had no point of reference to find her. Anyway, she was associated with a site called which still exists but has been completely revamped, so I can't really do much with that. Anyone know her?


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hmm very hard to tell because of the pic quality... But the name that came up, while seeing the pic was gwen summers...

but this might very well be wrong!
Yikes on the typo in the title. That's definitely not her. The video I'm taking these caps from is all I have and there are no close-ups, so I don't think there's anything I can do about the quality.


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Hey all. I just had to register here. My gf is in this episode and was wondering if we can get a copy of it? In return, we can try to help identify all of the girls. Its from may of 2004. Thanks in advance
Just bumping for the blonde. Tried a search for the show but found next to nothing. I fear an I.D will be down to pure luck. :dunno: :wave2: