Top 10 Hardest Video Games of All Time...

Will E Worm

It should read: The ten most difficult video games of all time. :tongue:

10. Gauntlet
9. Blaster Master
8. Bayou Billie
7. Mike Tyson’s Punchout
6. Ninja Gaiden
5. Contra
4. Double Dragon 3
3. Ghosts n Goblins
2. Paperboy
1. Battletoads


According to that site those are the top ten.

What does your list look like?
Pretty nice listing, judging from those I've played. Glad to see a list that isn't filled with new titles just for the heck of it - no title since the N64 could ever compare in difficulty to its predecessors.

But I think they could've given at least one Mega Man title a spot on the list, they're pretty badass too.
Throw in

Supply lines (the mission) from GTA: San Andreas. It's not the actual game, just that particular mission.

As far as games, Ecco The Dolphin is fucking impossible
That list is bunk,imo.

I beat 4 out of the 10 games listed.I will agree,Gauntlet(especially the quarter glutton arcade version) was impossible to beat.

Obviously,whoever wrote that article never watched The King Of Kong:A Fist Full Of Quarters.According to most people,Donkey Kong is THE hardest game ever made.

I can name a couple that should be on that list.

Ikari Warriors
Fester's Quest
Kid Icarus
Mega Man
Kid Chameleon
any of the R-Type games
Kid Chamaleon was a bit rough, I agree. You got about to the middle and then it was begging to be game sharked, lol.
Kid Chamaleon was a bit rough, I agree. You got about to the middle and then it was begging to be game sharked, lol.


I have an emulator of it and pretty much all the other Genesis titles,and even though I have cheats for it,it's still fucking hard!

But also still fun to play.
Mega Man 3
Captain Skyshark
Mike Tyson Punchout
Ninja Gaiden 2 and 3
Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse
Double Dragon 3
Tag Team Wrestling (that game cant be beaten,maybe with gameshark)
Tomb Raider 2 and 3
Golden Axe 3
Metal Slug
Life Force
Almost every single game on the original Nes
Mega Man 3
Captain Skyshark
Mike Tyson Punchout
Ninja Gaiden 2 and 3
Castlevania 3 Dracula's Curse
Double Dragon 3
Tag Team Wrestling (that game cant be beaten,maybe with gameshark)
Tomb Raider 2 and 3
Golden Axe 3
Metal Slug
Life Force
Almost every single game on the original Nes

Metroid isn't that hard.It's definitely beatable.

Life Force isn't that hard either.It utilizes the same code for Contra to get extra lives.

I'm surprised that the original Pitfall isn't on this list.
I'm not one for having much memory but I seem to remember that Rambo on the SEGA Master System had me in a rage for a year of my pre-teen existence. I must have lost 3 controllers to it but the graphics sequence upon finally beating the game was a legendary memory for me - a really kick ass ending when shit like that just wasn't on most games at the time.

Rambo fuckin ruled!
Metroid isn't that hard.It's definitely beatable.

Life Force isn't that hard either.It utilizes the same code for Contra to get extra lives.

I'm surprised that the original Pitfall isn't on this list.

Metroid is beatable,I never said it wasnt.
but it is hard,especially the final stage where you have to escape within a time limit after destroying Mother Brain.

As for Life Force,notice what you just said? It utilizes the same code for Contra to get extra lives.
Try beating Life Force without that code and see how many times you pull your hair out your head from dying.

The original Pitfall? That's the Atari clasic one,I never played it before.

Other hard games that are hard the original Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
the first one made by Ultra.
that game is a beast.
Rad Racer
Darkwing Duck
Shinobi (Genesis version)
Streets of Rage 1,2,3 and Final Fight 1,2,3 are some of the most difficult games ever made. You have to mash button crazy on those games or use a code/cheat.
Renegade(There was this big chick in a red dress I could not beat,I think her name was Kim)
10. Gauntlet
9. Blaster Master
8. Bayou Billie
7. Mike Tyson’s Punchout
6. Ninja Gaiden
5. Contra
4. Double Dragon 3
3. Ghosts n Goblins
2. Paperboy
1. Battletoads

Where's Pacman? Kid Chamaleon? Gradius!?

Its all NES games...

The main reason these games are hard is because the NES didn't offer a save or code option for many of their games. These games required you to memories every stage in order to progress. Battletoads is definitely the hardest game I've ever played. I HATE the level where you have to ride that damn bike... ugh... so many wasted hours because of that game haha..
i agree with zells list more than the original list. R Types were fucking HARD, when it started getting overly hectic, and required that bubble thing you could pick up that sticks on the front of your ship to be switched from back to front every few minutes. Great games though.
I never had issues with the original Donkey Kong or Pitfall but the original Raiders of the Lost Ark on the Atari 2600 confounded the piss out of me. I never knew exactly what you were supposed to do there, lol.


what the fuck you lookin at?
I was about to say fucking Contra better be on that list. Great game, but hard as fuck with only 3 lives!
Star Tropics was hard as hell for me. Also the first Final Fantasy for the NES was pretty damn tough, not so sure if it would be hard nowadays but back when I was younger it sure was.


what the fuck you lookin at?
That would be why I used the code to beat it!

What about Friday the 13th? While that game sucked Jason balls, it was hard as fuck!

Really any game prior PS2 could be on this list. Prior to PS2 there was no way to save your progress in a game. It was all or nothing. You either beat the damn thing in one sitting or you had to start over from the beginning.

The games themselves weren't all that terribly difficult, but the fact that you'd have to start over from the very beginning when you lost all your lives, or when you turned off your system. Lead to many broken controllers!
Also the first Final Fantasy for the NES was pretty damn tough, not so sure if it would be hard nowadays but back when I was younger it sure was.

I wouldn't say the first FF is one of the toughest games ever, but I think the first one is pretty tough when compared to all the more recent FFs, especially when you compare the beginnings of the games. The first one didn't pull any punches like some of the other ones do when you start out. I also think it was harder to keep yourself healed up on the longer dungeons in the first one.