The Video Games Thread

Just an idea. Come in here to talk about all your favourite video games wether they be oldies or new-ies feel free to comment on anything video game related.

At the moment im hooked on Call Of Duty: World at War and Resident Evil 5 on the PS3, good games to go on when you feel like killing someone :mad:

Also im looking forward to some of the future releases such as the new Final Fantasy (cant get enough of those games!)


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Just finished a replay of Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
Not that i know of, i know theres a "Games And Stuff" section but ive mostly seen website games and the like on there, just thought id do this thread in the talk section and see how it goes.

Thats the games section and its a great section but pretty dead so I dont see anymore reason to take from it


Not that i know of, i know theres a "Games And Stuff" section but ive mostly seen website games and the like on there, just thought id do this thread in the talk section and see how it goes.

Nope, video games are talked about there quite a lot. This thread will fail. Use the subforum.
I've rediscovered my addiction to San Andreas lately. It took me almost 3 weeks to finally finish the vigilante mission! :crash:
I've rediscovered my addiction to San Andreas lately. It took me almost 3 weeks to finally finish the vigilante mission! :crash:

I remember when i first played san andreas and how huge it was to the other gta games, huge islands with plenty of things to do. I wonder why they never put some of the things from san andreas into GTA IV such as getting a haircut, buying safe houses ect.
I remember when i first played san andreas and how huge it was to the other gta games, huge islands with plenty of things to do. I wonder why they never put some of the things from san andreas into GTA IV such as getting a haircut, buying safe houses ect.

Rockstar has said a few times that the options the eliminated in GTA IV in terms of player customization was to make the main character, (Nico for those unaware) more convincing and consistent throughout the story.
Right now I'm really into Fallout 3, playing two characters, a good one and an evil one. Already finished it once but going over it again.
Rockstar has said a few times that the options the eliminated in GTA IV in terms of player customization was to make the main character, (Nico for those unaware) more convincing and consistent throughout the story.

Good job then really because GTA IV is near enough perfect as it is. Still top price over here in the UK (£39.99)
Rockstar has said a few times that the options the eliminated in GTA IV in terms of player customization was to make the main character, (Nico for those unaware) more convincing and consistent throughout the story.

Too bad they don't let you fly in it.
I used to be an avid gamer for a long time, but recently it's hard to find the same enthusiasm. Most of the games today are really pretty and well-done, but they offer nothing new that wasn't around 10 years ago.
It feels like new games should offer more than just shiny graphics and downloadable content. Call me nostalgic, but I miss the days when you became immersed in a game and just played it like crazy - only to remember how awesome it was when you were done.

That said, I'm into pick up and play games nowadays mostly. So fighting games have me nearly addicted. Can't wait for Tekken 6 to be released.
Until then I'm playing old NES games on emulator to the PC, using my Xbox360 controller. Works like a breeze, and besides, old games are much more difficult so they offer a worthy challenge still. Try playing any old Mega Man game for example... :D
yeah the old games were awesome. I remember playing some old games not so long ago and my brother came into my room and started taking the piss just because i have a PS3 sitting next to me yet im playing on Mario. Anyone remember Golden Axe and R Type? two of my fav old classics.
Works like a breeze, and besides, old games are much more difficult so they offer a worthy challenge still. Try playing any old Mega Man game for example... :D

Call of Duty 4 on Veteran makes me think of fighting Mike Tyson on Mike Tyson's Punchout back in the day.