Search results

  1. Darksquid

    What red and furry and goes 200mph

    posted on chat roulette - "show me your tits or i push the puree button!"
  2. Darksquid

    Just Park Anywhere

    goddamn american car destroying an italian beauty
  3. Darksquid

    Dumbest Tattoos EVER!

    mabie she likes it when a guy squats over her and... (if i continue will i be banned?)
  4. Darksquid

    Wanna be my neighbor?

    that's a very bad sales pitch!
  5. Darksquid

    really small tits :)

    you know what sucks, they are probably hard as rocks :(
  6. Darksquid

    Headline of the century

    Headline of the century - confirmed
  7. Darksquid

    Could It Be ... ...

    see, things really are better on the dark side!
  8. Darksquid

    Active status

    there is another thread on this topic, but yes freeones should really have this feature!!!
  9. Darksquid

    Why's it such a pain in the ass to give some rep???

    someone told me you had to rep like 15 different people before giving the same person rep
  10. Darksquid

    Celebrities you like but think you shouldn't

    I know all you liberals hate her, but Ann Coulter is hot, and she is actually pretty funny too.
  11. Darksquid

    Message To The Conservatives

    i didn't write it i just reposted it, but that is funny, nice catch!
  12. Darksquid

    First look at New Conan the Barbarian

    I am a retard and I don't know shit about shit
  13. Darksquid

    The worst you've ever been scared?

    when my high-speed internet connection was down for 5 min. and i couldn't look at porn! [Please Note: the attachment in this post has been deleted by moderator JCMSVOBODA] [Read more about the board rules: here]
  14. Darksquid

    The Top 20 Hottest Soccer Players Wives!

    i can't pronounce any of their names, and don't know who their married too. -no one cares about soccer stop posting about it, this is why americans left europe, we didn't want to keep hearing how awesome the 0-0 game was!
  15. Darksquid

    First look at New Conan the Barbarian

    lol, i voted and then looked at the results! awesome!
  16. Darksquid

    Why isn't Soccer popular in America?

    Because it sucks. "america fuck yeah!"
  17. Darksquid

    Last minute preparation before he passes out...

    the sad thing is people like this exist and they really think they are smart, or interesting, or cool, or good looking, or that girls like them, or that their friends are laughing with them.
  18. Darksquid

    Eat your veggies!

  19. Darksquid

    Death of A Wolf - Metal Gear Solid

    i haven't played it in a while, but it reminded me of mgs4 when you first return to shadow moses, and it plays exactly like the ps1 original.
  20. Darksquid

    Perverts see this differently...

    how can you miss tetris? it's on every game system, computer, and cell phone ever made if you want to play it, it aint hard to find.
  21. Darksquid

    A TON of women

    you bastards!!!
  22. Darksquid

    A Vegetable stand...

    very nice!
  23. Darksquid

    The US Open Minded

    a lpga player would NOT be interested.
  24. Darksquid


    F*cking awesome!!!
  25. Darksquid

    I Love Spring Break Girls!

    You bastards!!!
  26. Darksquid

    Tiger shark

  27. Darksquid

    How to Make a Dissolving Bikini

    i just had a great idea, someone needs to make a female version of jackass where they do this kid of shit! also this prank needs to go viral!
  28. Darksquid

    Perverts see this differently...

    i wonder how many will get it?
  29. Darksquid

    Ahem... Which of the % are you!?

    i would be laughing my ass of but that's actually one of the least funny pedobear pics i've seen
  30. Darksquid


    wow, it actually is kinda hot in a VERY bizarre way!?!?
  31. Darksquid

    Message To The Conservatives

    a message to liberals-
  32. Darksquid

    Stormtroopers accused of racial profiling

    Fail. stormtroopers don't arrest people, they just kill them! you don't know the dark side at all.
  33. Darksquid

    Me come to spread the word of Jesus

    another shitty photoshop fail.
  34. Darksquid

    It's probably true...

    obama must of held in every fart he's had in his life!
  35. Darksquid

    Life is sometimes scary!

    damn dirty hippies, why won't you go away?
  36. Darksquid

    Tuff guy

    just because someone is old now dosen't mean thay didn't kick ass back in the day! repect!
  37. Darksquid

    I want to live here

    it's called photoshop, wake up it's 2010!
  38. Darksquid

    Star Trek secrets

    blasphemy, shatner is a god!
  39. Darksquid


    names plz!
  40. Darksquid

    Shyla & a bear

  41. Darksquid

    Rainbows are awesome.

    better than a pot of gold!
  42. Darksquid

    Stupid shocks...

    you, don't need the bumpy road, if you have her in her car wearing that dress your doing fine!
  43. Darksquid

    Lost in Translation

    or an invitation
  44. Darksquid


    i thought you would go in a different direction, like this-
  45. Darksquid

    Pedobear maintains his innocence

    keep going, much funner than l3ggy pics!
  46. Darksquid

    Imma let you

    no one cares about soccer, or kanye!
  47. Darksquid

    Correcte seafarers are salty thread

    obvious photoshop
  48. Darksquid

    There is a fortune cookie on the sofa...................

    what fortune cookie? really, i don't see it!