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  1. Darksquid

    This Man = Genius

    pure genius
  2. Darksquid

    Upgraded Package

    how much extra, i'm willing to pay ;)
  3. Darksquid

    She Has The Theory Down

    btw im not a huge sasha grey fan, but she looks hot in that pic
  4. Darksquid

    She Has The Theory Down

    she wrote the book!
  5. Darksquid

    Toilet rules

    he's laughing at the steriod junkie's shriveled dick.
  6. Darksquid

    Michael Phelps

    he is just as freaky looking as Michael Phelps
  7. Darksquid

    Crowd Surfing Win

    they picked it because deep down they knew they sucked
  8. Darksquid


    how many times do i have to say it! it's been two years get a fucking life!
  9. Darksquid

    Do As She Says!

    members of the apple cult are a turnoff, no matter how big there tits!
  10. Darksquid

    Mason Moore and....penis man??

    if by bizarre you mean stupid and fake and not at all sexy then yes... bizarre
  11. Darksquid

    He was right all along

    god, will you liberals ever get over it, it's been two years, get a fucking life!
  12. Darksquid

    Don't fall in love

    it seems to me that hell will be alot more interesting than heaven, not like i have a choice at this point ;)
  13. Darksquid

    Jed Eye Chart

    "chancelor palpatine, sith lords are our speciality" i have no idea why that picture reminded me of that quote
  14. Darksquid

    What The Fuck? Why The Fuck?

    if you can't take the crazy get off the internet!
  15. Darksquid

    The best "Coexist" sticker I've seen.

    i own guns from three of the above!
  16. Darksquid

    Zombies Vs Vampires: A Scientific Comparison

    the fact that zombies can't think is why they are dangerous, they are infectious, mindless killing machines, ang they arn't queer emos!
  17. Darksquid

    Osama Vs Obama

    as much as i disagree with obama this bullshit dosen't help anyone
  18. Darksquid

    Well Hello There Well Hello There

    i thought this thread would be about obi wan :(
  19. Darksquid

    The 10 silliest things ever said by politicians

    Damnit!!! i wanted to be the one to post that!
  20. Darksquid

    10 Screenshots from the Maury Povich show

    umm... am i the only one that noticed the photo is from tyra not maury?
  21. Darksquid

    funny obama pic

  22. Darksquid

    double douchbag

  23. Darksquid

    The only logical solution to Terrorism...

    ugh... and I went too far?!?
  24. Darksquid

    the only logical solution to terrorism

    your right the nuclear fallout would be way too extreme ;)
  25. Darksquid

    cool mom

    thanks mom!
  26. Darksquid

    double douchbag

    its like the perfect storm of douchbaggery, ignorant liberal douchbags wear che t-shirts, all other douchbags use twitter.
  27. Darksquid

    Look carefully at this pic...

    that middle pig looks like a cock
  28. Darksquid

    the only logical solution to terrorism

    "search your feelings you know it to be true"
  29. Darksquid

    Present for mum

    do your part to prevent inbred babies.
  30. Darksquid

    Hey-ba Ma-bin'!

    i don't care what anyone says i'd fuck her.
  31. Darksquid

    Geek Test

    "not now bitch i'm owning some noobs!"
  32. Darksquid

    We dont negotiate!

    funny pics
  33. Darksquid

    Pure laziness!

    that's not a fail, its awesome!
  34. Darksquid

    Tarantino's Best

    i can't belive people needed the joke explained
  35. Darksquid

    Watching someone use a computer

    been there before, awesome post
  36. Darksquid

    Welcome to our...

    very old, my parents had this sign by our pool like 15 years ago
  37. Darksquid

    One Lucky Bastard

    i'm fucking jealous
  38. Darksquid

    Apology to fat girls

    those are nice
  39. Darksquid

    For all you aspiring artists!

    that's what i was thinking
  40. Darksquid

    What kind of room mate are you?

    they are, and they make the best room mates!
  41. Darksquid

    All my friends are dead...

    a new classic book, it should be taught in school
  42. Darksquid

    Dancing Obama

    Alternative title: Dancing worst president since Jimmy Carter
  43. Darksquid

    Security Innovations for Modern Living

    the dell sticker, and ipad cover to hide your apple products also hide the fact that you are a douchbag
  44. Darksquid

    How To Buy A Bra...

    no, she needs implants. small boobs make me cry :(
  45. Darksquid

    Funniest Urban Dictionary Entries

    Suicide Wank ... awesome