Geek Test

"not now bitch i'm owning some noobs!"


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Yes I want to fail, I want to fail misreably.
Good for him. A true gamer wouldn't stop playing for some chick. He'd wait and any good women would just get under the table and give him a :blowjob: while he plays.
Somebody should make a porn movie based on this idea! I can already picture the trailer in my mind:

"He had trained for this tournament for his entire life. It was his dream to win the Erectronic Sports World Cup just once. All of the strenuous joystick training that he had gone through while sitting in his mother's basement in front of his computer wouldn't be in vain. This time, he would be victorious! He had tried so many times before and gotten so close, always prematurely failing before the finals.

What he didn't know... that this time the contest would be harder than ever. He wouldn't just be faced with his normal competing enemies, other nerds. He would be faced with the ultimate enemy of nerds everywhere. An enemy who can completely disarm and destroy a nerd's abilities just by being in the same room with him:

A hot woman... who is not a jpeg.

He hadn't trained for this. None of them had.

And there was a new rule: if you cum before the finals, you lose.

Only those with the best joysticks, the hardest drives and the bluest balls would survive this year's ESWC."
