Search results

  1. Darksquid

    Sweet talk before and after a marriage

    awesome, clever writing
  2. Darksquid

    Octopus Bounce

    The squid approves
  3. Darksquid

    Metal Gear Solid - Inception

    not at all like all like snake ... Fail!
  4. Darksquid

    Nuclear Pizza

  5. Darksquid

    Pass The Mayo

  6. Darksquid

    Ask A Stupid Question ...

    um... a joke/fake, really BILLY BOB!
  7. Darksquid

    Karma is a bitch

    awesome!!! i wish girls were this slutty when i was a teen!
  8. Darksquid

    Vintage cigarette ads

    love it!
  9. Darksquid

    Parking by the Braille system

    it's a toyota, his brakes failed.
  10. Darksquid

    Sheryl Crow must've meant this

    At least one person can admit it.
  11. Darksquid

    Silent Star Wars

    Thats the coolest thing I've seen in a while
  12. Darksquid

    Nazi's HATE carpooling

    "why so serious?"
  13. Darksquid

    Twilight Versus Blade

    We all agree twilight sucks, what we forget is that blade sucked also!
  14. Darksquid

    The best show on cartoon network

    Wow, i posted this a long time ago... I meant of the newer shows, and not adult swim. adult swim has sucked ass for at least 4 years! I miss the old days of anime, and shows that were actually funny when you wern't drunk/stoned/stupid. (boondocks isn't bad though)
  15. Darksquid

    Whatever you do, DON'T CLICK ON THIS!

    meh, not even close to the grossest thing i've seen online, i give it a 2. "try again, try HARDER!" - Brandon Lee, the crow
  16. Darksquid

    Ballisiest resignation I've seen in a while.

    anyone who thought it was real, is an idiot
  17. Darksquid

    I like big butts

    nice, widows humor
  18. Darksquid

    Apparently This Woman Caught A Big Fish

    she knows how to work a pole. -obvious pun-
  19. Darksquid

    She's great at decorating on a budget

    "you are not alone" -John Conner
  20. Darksquid

    Douchebag Team

    awesome dirk! "bring that pussy, come on." classic.
  21. Darksquid

    Mmm ...

    in japan bukkake means both what we know it here for and The word bukkake is often used in Japanese to describe pouring out water with sufficient momentum to cause splashing or spilling. Indeed, bukkake is used in Japan to describe a type of dish where the broth is poured on top of noodles, as...
  22. Darksquid

    Indian pole dancing.

    dude... that was fucking awesome!!! we just need to teach alisa how to do that!
  23. Darksquid

    Oh Yeah, This One's A Keeper ...

    sounds like the daughter has a brain in her head despite the bad parenting.
  24. Darksquid

    trying to be helpful fail

    he hasn't heard of protective covers
  25. Darksquid

    Junior’s first Porn

    I nominate him for father of the year!
  26. Darksquid

    ''Fucking Hippy''

    Awesome cat! btw they are called "damn dirty hippies"
  27. Darksquid

    BlueBalls new tattoo

    i'm guessing that it's not a tattoo?
  28. Darksquid

    School budgets slashed

    OMG! it's a new means to transport children to terrorist training camps and brainwash them. we must target them for predator strikes ASAP!
  29. Darksquid

    Why we have to deal with shitty teen vampire movies

    Stephenie Meyer (born December 24, 1973), age 36 is a slightly overweight bored housewife, if she had only been getting dick from her husband, or lived out her younger man fantasy we would have been spared this tween vampire bullshit!
  30. Darksquid

    what is a vampire?

    you misunderstand, he gives vampires, AND gays a bad name!
  31. Darksquid

    Hillbilly Condo Complex

    it's suprisingly cool.
  32. Darksquid

    heard of an ass you can bounce quarters off of?

    i never said i wouldn't bang her ;)
  33. Darksquid

    what is a vampire?

  34. Darksquid

    anti-piracy fail

  35. Darksquid

    heard of an ass you can bounce quarters off of?

    you could do your 401k on this one ;)
  36. Darksquid

    apple users

    are cool
  37. Darksquid

    About to get interesting...

    don't hate, i've got enough cock for both of you.
  38. Darksquid

    For Shifty

    oh why?
  39. Darksquid

    Check Out My New Tattoo

    people who get "funny" tattoos are morons
  40. Darksquid

    Not Even Vince Could Sell This

    suitable for drunk driving? wtf?
  41. Darksquid

    what would you choose?

  42. Darksquid

    Gandalf the Merciless

  43. Darksquid

    A Truckload Of Hotness
