Lol thanks hun. I have my dumb moments, but usually over the simple things. It is not pathetic that your 19 and haven't had a sexual relationship. I dated a guy before when I was 18 and he was 21 and I deflowered him. (made me feel bad tho cuz he was a christian :( )
I didn't ask how you were doing dorkness :D But you beat me to it. ;) I'm doing good, just working and stuff. I want to go find something fun to do tho
I used to love winter when I lived in Alaska, but I so hate being cold now. Summer feels so much better when your away from work and doing what you want to do. Fall is my fav time of year tho :) A flexible work schedule is always a great thing
Yea, as much as I love running around nakey, I gotta pay the bills ;) I'll definitely get some more up. I might do some amateur pics today with my webcam to make the pics a little more personal and less professional. If I do, I'll put some up here.
So you like barefoot pics? :p I don't know if I really have any. I have a footjob vid on my site. I think I could take some pics for your fetish for you tho :)
Yea sorry hun :) Sometimes you can find my pics on adult blogs. I try not to put too much out there or there wouldn't be a point in paying for my site hehe. I will put some more up here for you all this evening tho :) Thanks everybody, this is really my fav place to be online. :)
Oh I am hun thanks! I have some motivation today to get some new amateur galleries made. I wish I felt like working everyday lol. I can be lazies :D How is your day going sweetie ;)
Sometimes it is a lot easier to talk to a stranger than someone you know. It sucks that she feels bad about it, but she could give a little here and there. Sex is one of the best parts of a relationship. Honestly, I could not be with someone that doesn't put out. I'm as bad or even worse...
I know a physical relationship is very important to guys and can make or break a relationship, but you have to ask yourself... Is the time spent and feelings had in this marriage worth losing? If you feel like that is a yes, you need to sit down and talk to your wife. I'm sure you don't want...
Have a lot of meaningless sex :) That doesn't always work tho. Just try to stay busy and before you know it, you will find yourself healing and moving on. I'm not saying it's going to be easy tho. I with was a guy for three years b4 I joined adult and we were ready to get married but we were...
hehe :) I'm pretty bi :p I've dated chicks as well as guys. I liked them almost equally but a guy can do a bit more for me ;) I like Aria but I don't really have a fav. I love anime porn but they don't come with names so much :p
The Goddess of Death Dr. Death :) I'd take a pic for you, but I fear you may have nightmares. You know you'd roll over and be like, OMG I was drunk last night! :rofl:
Aw thanks sweetie. I'm always going to be myself. I was the kind of girl in highschool that thought lighting things on fire was fun. (my friends and I used to have fire shows) Im such a dork but I'll never change. Unless I get really rich and ...still never would :)