Search results

  1. hillhopper

    Who needs big tits?

    Cute shirt...where do I buy one?
  2. hillhopper

    Thanks for the Rep DR!

    Thanks for the Rep DR!
  3. hillhopper

    Thanks for the rep PK!

    Thanks for the rep PK!
  4. hillhopper

    Hillhopper running for freedom from FO members

    Kinda cool to have a thread with your name in it... I think that completes all the personal goals I set for myself and my time here...I guess I can now move on to other things....I suppose we can have the reading of the beneficiaries of all my FO memorabilia later... As for the date...
  5. hillhopper

    Thanks for the rep Stan! Are you going to knit me a scarf?

    Thanks for the rep Stan! Are you going to knit me a scarf?
  6. hillhopper

    ineffectual scarf...but who cares?

    Thank you Stan..sweet of you to say! Great additions Dirk, you always have your mouse button right ready to go for these! Well it is a cold day today....and like I always say Cutie....Together~on the count of 3....One.....Two............Wait....we go on three OK...not 1, 2, 3 then go...we go...
  7. hillhopper


    I'm afraid I have to admit even I learned something about my breasts from this...Does that mean I can take a tax deduction write off all of this expense as education credits?
  8. hillhopper

    Modern Fairy Tale Endings

    ^ fixed it.
  9. hillhopper

    a test for the members

    These things NEVER work for me :( ...I am gay and I did notice the girl first...what gives?
  10. hillhopper

    snake bites

    I don't think I would holding it further away from me, I'd have drop kicked it by now...I mean what a SNAKE, I'm sure he didn't even buy her dinner yet!
  11. hillhopper

    Google Search Fail

    Ry I was scrolling through these posts and zipped along on yours so quickly that the only words I saw were 'back ~shave ~faster'....I LOL'ed (yes there should be a verb version) and then backed up and re-read...Just a random thought from someone feeling blonde today!
  12. hillhopper

    Nice Rack!

    :drool~ Hillhopper will now be away from her keyboard for a few minutes thinking about antlers....wait, what?
  13. hillhopper

    Taxi cabs from around the globe

    It looks like yummy frosting!
  14. hillhopper

    Everybody Loves Scarlett

  15. hillhopper

    Pretty honest in what they are looking for. Kudos.

    Well, given by the food or not, I'm glad to see they aren't discriminating, they are after all hiring ALL shits! Not just little shits or big shits or slimy shits that think they are big shits. They will even hire runny shits and noisy shits, though I hope they screen the angry shits really...
  16. hillhopper

    Thanks for the rep Brandy!

    Thanks for the rep Brandy!
  17. hillhopper

    I'll get the shirt if they don't let me trade it in for a thong LOL. Gin? My weakness is...

    I'll get the shirt if they don't let me trade it in for a thong LOL. Gin? My weakness is rum...I'll check into the Yahoo...
  18. hillhopper

    I didn't really think you were mad at me for referencing a t-shirt you were too chicken to order...

    I didn't really think you were mad at me for referencing a t-shirt you were too chicken to order because then your mom would know that you are on this site enough that you were given a free shirt....NO sweat I'm glad it was a "Mickey" mouse error! LOL
  19. hillhopper

    Imagine a speech bubble

    ^Because all of this it going through the minds of all blondes everywhere but there's no way to get the information disengaged from our brains and put into words so we end up becoming THE joke like: What does a blonde do when she first wakes up? Opens the car door. Because the reason she was...
  20. hillhopper

    Stan prepares for a vigorous workout.

    The shadow on the tree looks like Lord Farquaad from Shrek. Again-I have nephews and you can't help but pick up on this stuff...
  21. hillhopper

    Everybody Loves Scarlett

    EXACTLY what I would do too....any bets as to which of us gets away with it?
  22. hillhopper

    Keen eye to the finer details...

    Totally! The wheels should be much bigger!
  23. hillhopper

    BlueBalls trying his new human rocket scheme again

    That's a good way to get your feet dirty....
  24. hillhopper

    Pretty honest in what they are looking for. Kudos.

    And a new sign letter hanger guy....
  25. hillhopper

    ineffectual scarf...but who cares?

    Getting warmer:) And I have to stop at three according to the rules, so if someone finds some other examples of this outerwear item being used in an incorrect way, be sure to just post a link!
  26. hillhopper

    ineffectual scarf...but who cares?

    For warmth or strategery?
  27. hillhopper

    ineffectual scarf...but who cares?

    I wonder how much warmer these girls are because of their scarves? And why does the English language have words that change their spelling completely just to make it plural? Scarf or Scarves...what would be wrong with scarfs?, Nope can't use that spelling we reserved that spelling to describe a...
  28. hillhopper

    Hillary Duff Is Engaged...

    She's a safety girl! Makes me like her even more!
  29. hillhopper

    Hillary Duff Is Engaged...

    Seriously!? Those pics are real?
  30. hillhopper

    A message to BlueBalls -- Sincerely, your soon to be Masters

    :hilly is moving on to another, not so weird thread:
  31. hillhopper

    Playboy Bunnies Let Themselves Go

    Awww come on boys, I feel sorry, no I don't...get some help ladies!
  32. hillhopper

    Edna + Herman = Love

    Wait, what? Are you saying it's safe to use a public hot tub again? Some one should also tell her that if she does swallow his baby batter during oral sex that she should then drink lots and lots of alcohol to prevent a pregnancy in her stomach. BTW I'm really glad he's leaving her for you...
  33. hillhopper

    Susan Boyle's new cat hears her sing for the first time.

    The psychological scars will be the deepest...
  34. hillhopper

    In Winter Olympics The Angriest People Are The Ice Dancers

    LOL...let's see how well you would do ice dancing.....
  35. hillhopper

    Ideal Body

    This is even an ideal picture of all three represented sizes....not that I mind...I would take any of the three or all together....and now I have to leave for a few minutes....
  36. hillhopper

    That's helpful.....................

    Is this to help people with their illiteracy? Like how you label things like chair and table to help people catch on?
  37. hillhopper

    Roller Coaster, have fun

    I know, right!?
  38. hillhopper

    Fat Guy Falls Through Ceiling

    ^Please don't tell my dog about Cheese deep fried in peanut butter...I don't want him to be any more high maintenance than he already is and he already thinks licking peanut butter off of me is great treat! Oh and here's what I thought, watching this: :sing: Spiderman, Spiderman...does what...
  39. hillhopper

    Train Splashes Pedestrians

    And to think that there are people right now, this very second lined up at amusement parks all across the globe that have shelled out tens to hundreds of dollars for a similar experience....context...ain't it great!?
  40. hillhopper

    20 photos that will permanently damage your soul

    Mine must be damaged too...pity.
  41. hillhopper

    Thanks for the rep! Much appreciated!

    Thanks for the rep! Much appreciated!
  42. hillhopper

    Hey Dirky, or should I say Dukey? My rep screen has you handing me negative rep from your...

    Hey Dirky, or should I say Dukey? My rep screen has you handing me negative rep from your 'congrats on 6K thread' ...Slip of the mouse? or....? are we having a case of the Monday's?...did the T-shirt (lack there of) comment hurt?.... or what gives?
  43. hillhopper

    Roller Coaster, have fun

    Did I ever tell you about the time that I was on the Twilight Zone coaster at MGM? The ride is the type where you sit 4 across each row and there are 3 or 4 rows back, so one big 'car' of riders, the four of you in a row all share one lap other restraint. You know going into the ride...
  44. hillhopper

    Thanks for the rep and the ID!

    Thanks for the rep and the ID!
  45. hillhopper

    Thank you for the Grey Poupon (Awkward) rep!

    Thank you for the Grey Poupon (Awkward) rep!
  46. hillhopper

    The awkward graph

    Sorry, I only like French's...LOL (that's a fancy term for the girl's version of what ever you are talking about)
  47. hillhopper

    Girls Volleyball

    OOOKAAAAY! Now we're moving on to the next level...:tongue:
  48. hillhopper

    Stop looking at my tits

    Like a poisonous butterfly?
  49. hillhopper

    Mrs McDonalds

    I like the boots!