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  1. BlkHawk

    Word lessons or what misuse of a word drives you crazy?

    Pronouncing parfait as pair a fat. Only heard it once, but almost pissed myself laughing.
  2. BlkHawk

    Should certain men be STERILIZED?

    Additionally our present methods of farming may not be sustainable indefinitely. We are able to maintain the yields we have now by applying nitrogen fertilizer to the soil. We get that currently from petrochemicals. This is also increasing the level of nitrates in the water tables...
  3. BlkHawk

    Should certain men be STERILIZED?

    You're kind of right in the sense genetically modified plants weren't approved till the 1990's. Genetically modified organisms started around 1980. Cross genetic breeding between different plants really got going in the fifties and sixties. The later tech is what created the massive yield...
  4. BlkHawk

    Stupid Americans

    Well I thought the school made a stupid choice. In wondering why a school district might have a policy against shaved heads, maybe at some point they had an issue with skinhead organizations. That is assuming it is district wide and applies to high schools as well. Still an example that zero...
  5. BlkHawk

    Finding used porn in the woods.

    Never found porn in the woods. I grew up around a large Amish community, so I did find things like battery powered radios. A few Amish kids kept stashes like that.
  6. BlkHawk

    Films that were good not popular

    The Man From Earth Mostly just people in one room talking, but very good all the same.
  7. BlkHawk

    Do we need to teach cursive writing?

    Well you're up on me, I just smear my poo on walls. :rolleyes:
  8. BlkHawk

    Should certain men be STERILIZED?

    Let's see who has a defined mental illness: Van Gogh painter of Starry Night and many others; Tesla inventor of way to much to list, his work with electricity and AC current is responsible for most of modern day society; Howard Hughs aviator/inventor; Lincoln; I suspect Edison, from what I have...
  9. BlkHawk

    Fred Phelps. Dead

    Or in his case the anals of history. I always figured his wife slipped a finger up ass his one night, and he enjoyed it, thus beginning his irrational fear/hatred of homosexuals. That or he was actually a gay man so deep in the closet he projected his own self loathing onto others.
  10. BlkHawk

    Yeah, plus I can be so anal retentive at times that couch cushions stick to my ass when I stand...

    Yeah, plus I can be so anal retentive at times that couch cushions stick to my ass when I stand up! :)
  11. BlkHawk

    After twenty years I still don't always get the meaning of a post without facial expressions :)...

    After twenty years I still don't always get the meaning of a post without facial expressions :). Project Gutenberg is great, some typos in a few books but I can live with that. Thanks for the rep!
  12. BlkHawk

    People Who Use E-Readers Dive Far Deeper Into Books

    Yeah all the classics are free that is one of the best things about ereaders. If the classics are not available in the actual ebook market you can still find them at Project Gutenberg. I said I read the free classics on them, I'm not getting the sarcasm. What did I miss?
  13. BlkHawk

    People Who Use E-Readers Dive Far Deeper Into Books

    I don't know about text books, but any book I buy through iBooks, or Kindle, can't be transferred to another account. Unless they have changed this in the last four years. It is the main reason I stopped buying ebooks, I just read the free classics on them now. I wish I could type in a...
  14. BlkHawk

    People Who Use E-Readers Dive Far Deeper Into Books

    I use e-readers, but have one major complaint; I can't give an ebook to someone I think will enjoy it. Same problem I have with all digital content, you don't own your copy, you just lease it.
  15. BlkHawk

    Do we need to teach cursive writing?

    My ability to learn was rather odd in school. If I took notes I failed, if I just sat there and listened I passed. Just how I absorbed information I guess.
  16. BlkHawk

    United Steaks of America

    Yes and no. I spent years farming without using modern confinement techniques, and I personally think the meat tastes better when the animal is able to move and build more muscle tissue. May just be in my head though. I have killed and butchered many animals over the years, so I'm not...
  17. BlkHawk

    Do we need to teach cursive writing?

    Well it used to be short hand for this. I don't know about Europe, but over here that used to be a very common class. My older siblings were required to take it in high school, but after dictation machines became common most places stopped teaching it. I doubt any public school has offered a...
  18. BlkHawk

    United Steaks of America

    I have actually been there as well, it was very good the two times I went. South side has a place called Fat Tuesday that makes a fantastic oyster po boy. Ask for the hot sauces they keep behind the counter not the stuff on the table. The ones behind the counter are the super hot ones.
  19. BlkHawk

    United Steaks of America

    My family just calls them tenderloins. Used to get great ones on sandwiches at a lot of livestock sale barns. The things were twice the size of the bun. There is place called Smittys in Des Moines that does a good job, and one in Ottumwa called Ellis.
  20. BlkHawk

    United Steaks of America

    I want to argue Iowa Chops for Iowa, almost two inch thick pork chop. Since Maid Rite started here the loose meat is also a good choice.
  21. BlkHawk

    Do we need to teach cursive writing?

    If they are going to teach it I would rather see something like Barchowsky Fluent Handwriting (BFH) be taught. It is a joined-up script so it has the speed of traditional cursive, but the letter forms remain the same as block printing, so a kid doesn't have to learn additional forms. It is...
  22. BlkHawk

    Do we need to teach cursive writing?

    Sadly there are high school students who can't read this touching missive. :crying:
  23. BlkHawk

    Do we need to teach cursive writing?

    I agree on the notes. I remember reading that it isn't called cursive in the UK, but run together, or something like that. Is that true?
  24. BlkHawk

    Do we need to teach cursive writing?

    Over on Fox News: Apparently some parents and politicians are upset that high school students can't read cursive. Personally I don't see the point anymore. The only possible use would be a...
  25. BlkHawk

    Welcome The Newborns

    Athos, Porthos, and Aramis the three Mouseketeers!
  26. BlkHawk

    Have you been present at a big event?

    Like the title asks, could be a disaster, giant celebration, or really anything that made the news. Was it like the news portrayed? My only experience was the floods of 1993. The news at the time got it mostly right, though I noticed...
  27. BlkHawk

    16th Century Rocket Cats

    Reminds me of the incendiary bats the US government researched in WWII.
  28. BlkHawk

    Copyright Stupidity

    I am guessing that you think I am an internet loon :) and don't want to discuss this with me. That's fine, but as I stated I am curious what the benefit of extending copyright protection of your work beyond your lifespan is. I really don't understand how that benefits society or the artist.
  29. BlkHawk

    Copyright Stupidity

    There is a difference, if your children don't work the farm nothing happens with it. They can sell it and then they lose it, they can rent it out, but they have to maintain it. They have to do something with it they just can't live there do nothing and generate an income from your previous...
  30. BlkHawk

    Copyright Stupidity

    If they used a recent image of the statue taken by the museum Italy may have a case. What if they used an image taken by a photographer who granted permission? What if they used an image that is a hundred years old? In the EU copyrights on photographs last exactly 70 years. So what happens...
  31. BlkHawk

    Copyright Stupidity

    No I understood it, in my original post I mention they are claiming copyright of the image not the statue. I don't see how they can, unless they themselves took the image in question. It would be no different than Egypt asking a travel company to pay for using the image of the pyramids in a...
  32. BlkHawk

    Copyright Stupidity

    The Italian goverment is claiming a copyright violation to stop a gun company from using Michelangelo's David in an ad campaign. How the hell can anyone claim copyright on images of a 500 year old statue? Copyright law is one of my push button...
  33. BlkHawk

    Animals Sleeping

    I found this interesting particularly the part about some birds able to change how much sleep they need based on the season. They left out the great cow myth about tipping them while they sleep, which has two problems: 1. Beef cows weigh between 800 and...
  34. BlkHawk

    Should certain men be STERILIZED?

    Hey, we're Americans, we're supposed to be stupid about far away places it's tradition. :)
  35. BlkHawk

    As a kid what meal did you beg for?

    I think I was 12 before I had a pizza that wasn't frozen first. The closest pizza place was thirty miles away.
  36. BlkHawk

    As a kid what meal did you beg for?

    When your folks asked you what you wanted for supper, what did you beg for? I always wanted hamburgers with French fries. We butchered our own livestock, so most nights it was steak, roasts or pork chops. Almost never had hamburgers as a kid, now of course I want the steak.
  37. BlkHawk

    Pick 5 porns stars and quick.

    Draghixa Angel Dark Jane Darling Anita Blond Wanda Curtis
  38. BlkHawk

    Can't find an old movie?

    No, no, pretty sure it is Driving Miss Daisy.
  39. BlkHawk

    Should certain men be STERILIZED?

    Hmm, I don't see a group I would support sterilization for. Maybe mimes as a test run?
  40. BlkHawk

    Can most American women be bought?

    I imagine American girls are a lot like European girls, they are individuals. Some look for wealth, some don't. Same with looking for tall/short, muscled/lean, older/younger men etc. Yes there are some who look for wealthy men, but not that many. If you want an idea of what most Americans...
  41. BlkHawk

    International Space Station making visible pass by this week.

    I used to watch the stars a lot when I had the farm, out in the middle of a pasture on a clear night with no moon and no man made lights was awesome. I never bothered to research the constellations so never new what I was seeing. Here in the middle of the city I find it somewhat pointless...
  42. BlkHawk

    International Space Station making visible pass by this week.

    Found some images of MIR taken from earth 1991 for anyone interested. Other orbiting objects as well.
  43. BlkHawk

    International Space Station making visible pass by this week.

    I am pretty uneducated about viewing orbiting objects from earth. How much can you actually see? I assume with naked eye it is just light reflecting, so it would kind of look like another star or planet. What can you see with a good amateur telescope?
  44. BlkHawk

    What do you wish to be invented?

    An episode of Star Trek had Worf break his back and become paralyzed. They cut him open and grew a new spinal cord in his back, or something like that. I want that except able to do it with all damaged organs as well.
  45. BlkHawk

    Dirty Politics

    An article from one of my favourite sites shows the animosity present in current politics has been around quite awhile: This also highlights how the parties have changed: In the past Democrats were leading the moral...
  46. BlkHawk

    Enter this special Valentines Day contest and win Toys to use on your special someone!

    Mine is really minor in comparison. While in school there was a girl I was interested in and wanted to date, it took me a month to convince her to go out with me. The date was meh, I didn't think either of us had a good time, not awful, but no spark. This was a week before valentines day, and...
  47. BlkHawk

    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

    Really listen to the audio I posted of Dr Rowland, he is explaining the use of a small amount of lithium in the upper atmosphere to follow wind currents. It has nothing to do with the chemtrail conspiracy you are desperately trying to prove exists. The fact that you are willing to misrepresent...
  48. BlkHawk

    Chemtrails : Aluminum & Other Poisons Falling From The Sky

    I'm guessing you have a lot of clothing and footwear with Velcro strips, as there maybe trust and/or comprehension problems with laces.
  49. BlkHawk

    If you could recieve a blowjob from any mainstream actress who would it be?

    Seniors need loving too, and you haven't experienced a blow job until you've been gummied. :lick:
  50. BlkHawk

    You are welcome for Dukakis and thanks.

    You are welcome for Dukakis and thanks.