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  1. BlkHawk

    Game of Thrones

    A Lannister always pays his debts! Tyron finally paid one of his.
  2. BlkHawk

    Do You Believe in American Exceptionalism?

    Jagger pretty much summed it up for me as well, thanks for the great post. - - - Updated - - - Jagger pretty much summed it up for me as well, thanks for the great post.
  3. BlkHawk

    Was Your First Time Having Sex Good Or Bad?

    Well I didn't know squat, but the good thing about her, she knew things woman twice her age don't know. She was about ten years older than me and was rather experienced. Pretty sure she got off on inexperienced guys, and giving them an education :)
  4. BlkHawk

    Was Your First Time Having Sex Good Or Bad?

    It was good before her husband came home.
  5. BlkHawk


    From the article you linked the headline and the date stamp. Pay attention to the date. Netflix Declines Most Since 2004 After Losing 800,000 U.S. Subscribers By Cliff Edwards Oct 25, 2011 8:54 AM CT
  6. BlkHawk

    Game of Thrones

    I do hope episode 10 has the scene I have been waiting all year for. Knowing my luck it will be Sam describing the battle to Gillie for an hour. Anyone other than me happy to see Ygritte die? I cheered, hell I actually clapped. Don't know why I hated that character so much.
  7. BlkHawk

    Fox News Democrat Warriors Pat Caddell And Doug Schoen

    Would I pay money to see a tag team match with Bill Mahar/Al Franklin vs Sean Hannity/Glenn Beck? If smashing chairs are involved, yes, yes I would pay for this match. :) Somebody sell this idea to Vince McMahon.
  8. BlkHawk


    A friend who used to live in the country used Netflix on a 1.5Mbps connection, and it did work. I believe you can set quality of playback for video for slow connections, I know Netflix will automatically downgrade quality for slow connections it detects. He was unable to watch HD streams, they...
  9. BlkHawk

    Subway Have Removed Ham and Bacon From Their Menus to Appease Muslims!

    I'll agree to disagree on religion, as to the catfish sub, I do love a good catfish po' boy. Let's be honest though a chain like Subway would just royally screw something like that up. Catfish, or oyster po' boys should be left to the mom and pop style Cajun restaurants. :)
  10. BlkHawk

    Subway Have Removed Ham and Bacon From Their Menus to Appease Muslims!

    They all worship the god of Abraham. In a nutshell: Muslims recognize Christ as a prophet, and Mohammad as a prophet. Christians recognize Christ as the messiah, and believe Mohammad was not a prophet. Judaism believe Christ was not the messiah, and Mohammed was not a prophet. They all...
  11. BlkHawk

    Texas Republicans Include "Gay Therapy" Plank in Platform

    Re: Texas Republicans Include "Gay Therapy" Plank in Platform Hey now don't be so hard on your home state. Look on the bright side you don't live in Alabama. :) Alabama Chief Justice: Gay Marriage Is Un-American, Goes Against God And 'All That Is Noble'...
  12. BlkHawk

    Google: The "Don't Be Evil" boys & girls say they will forget you... sorta/kinda.

    I started an earlier thread on this in the politics section that highlight some of the problems with this. For those interested : My favorite from that thread is the doctor who...
  13. BlkHawk

    Game of Thrones

    Good episode, especially the fight, was glad to see the viper chose a reach weapon over a sword. Anyone else have flashbacks to "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."
  14. BlkHawk

    Winston Churchill's last living child dies.

    Lady Mary Soames passed away at 91. She traveled with her father to the Potsdam conference, and manned AA guns as part of a volunteer group in WWIi. After the war she dedicated her life to public service. None of that surprised me considering who her father was, what surprised me is she was...
  15. BlkHawk

    Angel Dark vs Amy Reid

    They are both amazing, but Angel is perfect in every way.
  16. BlkHawk

    Confessions From the Waiters Serving Your Food

    Advice I got from a short order cook: Never order pancakes, you would be amazed at what you can hide in the batter. I have never ordered pancakes since.
  17. BlkHawk

    Think Outside the Box

    I just had a bad flash back to the corporate world of the 1990's when every consultant, and motivational speaker would say "Think outside the box." Thank you ever so much dstone for reminding me of all the horrible seminars I had to sit through. :(
  18. BlkHawk

    What is the latest good film you watched ?

    Joint Security Area (2000) Korean film, I found from a couple of posts on this board.
  19. BlkHawk

    Thanks for the rep, didn't think anyone would read that long of a post :) glad you enjoyed it.

    Thanks for the rep, didn't think anyone would read that long of a post :) glad you enjoyed it.
  20. BlkHawk

    Thanks for the rep, didn't think anyone would read that long of a post :) I also like Taylor...

    Thanks for the rep, didn't think anyone would read that long of a post :) I also like Taylor Rain's ass!
  21. BlkHawk

    What was Hitler's endgame?

    Resources were the key, the Japanese knew they didn't have the available troops, the Americans didn't until after the war. This, if invasion of North America happened it wouldn't have been until the 1950's or later. This would have been far more likely over an actual invasion. Germany had a...
  22. BlkHawk

    What was Hitler's endgame?

    How long of a rant do you want? This might be quite long. Initially he didn't want the non-aggression pact with the Soviets, he wanted an alliance with the UK. He considered the UK descended from Aryan stock, and felt they would view communism as a greater threat to Europe than Fascism. That...
  23. BlkHawk

    Know of any pornstars/celebs who had breast REDUCTIONS???

    Anita Dark, at least reconstruction. Her early photos they were quite large, hung low, with large areola. Her late photos are smaller, firmer, and small areolas.
  24. BlkHawk

    Recommend some long and lean body type women.

    Lately I have a thing for this body type. They aren't always tall so advanced search isn't as helpful as usual. Looking for body types with a long lean figure, specifically between the shoulder and hips. All natural no implants please. Couple of examples: Jay Taylor, and Angel Hott. Thanks
  25. BlkHawk

    World War I (1914-1918): Year of Remembrance

    As part of the centennial remembrance the BBC has an article on the Choctaw code talkers of WWI. Good read it also has an interesting video a tribe member speaking the language. I wasn't aware of code talkers being used in WWI, per the article they...
  26. BlkHawk

    Broads More Annoying Than Drew Barrymore

    Lori Petty, her voice specifically. Her personality doesn't bother me, but the tone her voice makes actually causes my ears to ring. I can't watch anything she is in without getting a severe headache.
  27. BlkHawk

    The Conservative, Republican, TEA Party Love Of Scandals

    Harvesting emails, and calling patterns without warrants by the NSA rather bothered me. Virtually every politician on both sides said it was in the name of security, so let's just ignore the fact it violates the constitution.
  28. BlkHawk

    Oregon Joins The Ever-Growing List

    I sort of expect to see armed rebellion at that point. Not the entire state mind you, just some of the ultra conservatives.
  29. BlkHawk

    Is Industrial Civilization Headed for "Irreversible Collapse"?

    I was thinking more along the lines of Paris Hilton, and not slaughter so much as having her clean gas station toilets for the next 50 years. I'm not really violent, but I can be petty! :)
  30. BlkHawk

    What's your favorite snack food?

    Can't believe no one mentioned pork rinds. My favourite are the hot and spicy, little high in saturated fat but no carbohydrates.
  31. BlkHawk

    Is Industrial Civilization Headed for "Irreversible Collapse"?

    Pretty much agree with all that, with out people choosing to have fewer kids I don't see us making the technological breakthroughs to maintain the Western worlds standard of living for even another 100 years. There is just too many of us using to many resources.
  32. BlkHawk

    Is Industrial Civilization Headed for "Irreversible Collapse"?

    These types of things used to concern me. As I have gotten older, I find myself deciding it isn't my fight. I have no children, nephews, or nieces, in fact my brother, sister and I are the last generation of our family. I have nothing against making needed changes, and won't stand in the way...
  33. BlkHawk

    Piece Of Shit Kid Turns His Cat On An Innocent Dog

    Not a cat person eh Dino?
  34. BlkHawk

    EU right to be forgotten - good idea or state enforced censorship?

    It isn't just search history being removed, but links to actual articles. Take the case of the politician, the BBC didn't name him so we will go hypothetical. For instance let's say there is a news article about his previous time in office, it highlights he arrived late, left early, and spent...
  35. BlkHawk

    EU right to be forgotten - good idea or state enforced censorship?

    More take down requests: A man who tried to kill his family wants links to the article about it removed. A man who ran a tax scam wants links to that story removed. Looks like if you live in the EU you can now have a whitewashed past no matter how...
  36. BlkHawk

    Let's play TOP THAT PIC!

    Still sticking with the horse over hockey boy. The only thing better would have been the photographer capturing all four hooves off the ground. This series of photos captures that quite well.
  37. BlkHawk

    Let's play TOP THAT PIC!

    I gotta go with the horse. That's a great pic.
  38. BlkHawk

    EU right to be forgotten - good idea or state enforced censorship?

    Recently an EU court decided individuals have the right to have Google remove links to material they find embarrassing. I could see something like this being useful for those who were under 18 at the time of the Internet posting. Remove all those baby photos mom posted to Facebook, or the time...
  39. BlkHawk

    Keystone XL Approval and Energy Conservation

    Per the BBC it may have gone down manholes into the sewer system, from there into the river.
  40. BlkHawk

    Marvel vs DC

    Well hell, if you have all the Conan stuff I guess you are also a Roy Thomas fan. He had an extremely long and good run on Marvel's Conan series. Also a fan of the 70's thru 80's Daredevil, big fan of Gene Colan's art from that time. If you like Howard the Duck you should look at Steve...
  41. BlkHawk

    Marvel vs DC

    Voted Marvel for the movies, the DC movies suck except for the first two Dark Knight, and the first Michael Keaton one. DC rules animated series though, the DCAU was great as was Young Justice. For the comics I started with Marvel, but then started following writers like Peter David, Mark...
  42. BlkHawk

    Culture Shock Stories

    I have never traveled outside the United States, as such I have never experienced a culture shock. I've worked with, and been friends with people from different cultures often. They all had some amusing stories of adjusting to life in the States, from misunderstandings about water closets, to...
  43. BlkHawk

    Things You Do On Purpose Just To Be A Prick

    I like to fart in elavators right as I step out and other people are stepping in. I try to only do it when I think it will be a silent one though.
  44. BlkHawk

    Same sex parenting: What do the children say?

    "You must spread some reputation around before giving it to Mayhem again." Good break down of the article.
  45. BlkHawk

    Scariest moment of your life?

    My father and I were sorting cattle one day, when a sudden storm came up. He was standing next to the gate when a peel of thunder spooked the cattle. One of them jumped, and landed on the gate bending it in half and knocking it onto my father. He went down under it, then 40 cattle stampeded...
  46. BlkHawk

    Who Still Uses Internet Explorer?

    I have pretty good luck with Opera.
  47. BlkHawk

    cliven Bundy- great american patriot or freeloading garbage

    To think all those years my family spent raising cattle we paid for pasture, guess we were suckers. We should have just cut down some fences, gathered our guns, and called it good. Bundy is a thief pure and simple. He is a disgrace to all hard working ranchers, and needs to spend some quality...
  48. BlkHawk

    Is there any better feeling than an orgasm?

    Taking your first deep breath after almost choking to death. Personal experience with that one, you have no idea how great breathing is until you cant breathe.
  49. BlkHawk

    Armchair lawyers, how screwed would this guy be?

    Nah, though I have thought about becoming a cereal killer, I've had it in for Trix and that damn rabbit for quite a while now.
  50. BlkHawk

    Armchair lawyers, how screwed would this guy be?

    I was watching the Following and oddly enough it inspired this topic: You have been kidnapped and have a serial killer pointing a gun at you. He gives you a knife and tells you to kill another person he has kidnapped. If you don't he will kill you. The kid on the show cried, begged, prayed...