Search results

  1. squallumz

    Relationship advice anyone?

    advice: stay away from faux forms of communication. this includes facebook, twitter, and, texting. also, act like a badass. girls like that. if you have to eat a salad around one, always use your fingers.
  2. squallumz

    Help Me Please!

    im tired of facebook. and im tired of facebook stalkers. yes, you all do it if you have one.
  3. squallumz

    Do I SUCK at SEX or WHAT!? :-/

    6 to 6.5 inches is bigger than average. Quit yer whinging and be thankful ffs.
  4. squallumz

    To anybody that has ever been a cook/waitstaff/bartender

    i used to chef at quite a few places. all the way from high scale restaurants as head chef, all the way down to retirement homes, and even my very own gig. i've seen it all. lets put it this way: im sick of cooking. i'm on a long hiatus. it used to be fun. and now, its bullshit. once the...
  5. squallumz

    is it normal to find hentai, cartoon porn and 3d renders attractive?

    i like hentai a lot actually, but im quite picky. i don't get anything going for the 3D stuff, however. for instance, what's above me is way weird. but hey, have at it.
  6. squallumz

    Obsessed :/

    i like when a swearing fest ends with "peace."
  7. squallumz

    Obsessed :/

    nope. i skimmed and i saw blah blah twitter, blah blah email. that's all i needed to know.
  8. squallumz

    Jenna Jameson Named Master of Ceremonies for 2014 XBIZ Awards

    yeah, pretty sad stuff. the girl's all sorts of loopy.
  9. squallumz

    Obsessed :/

  10. squallumz

    I feel like a crack addict!

    you wont notice until your plants start falling off. my tight shorts wont stay on, and the same with my boxers. im down about 3 pounds. and im totally fine with wearing a belt. ;)
  11. squallumz

    Hottest Japanese Pornstars?

    Ryo Odagiri and Serina Hayakawa are also quite tasty. Ruu Hoshino deserves a fap.
  12. squallumz

    FreeOnes is the 2014 Fan Site of the Year! We did it again!

    my vote: only he looks sadder in my vision.
  13. squallumz

    S-P-A-N Photo Tournament: Looking for All-time Greatest Classy-Hot Nudes!

    this term is being pushed down our throats, isn't it? like a big dick. a big strong dick. a big strong spotted dick.
  14. squallumz

    Weird bird.

    har har har.
  15. squallumz

    Adult Websites Tour: Farewell!

    hot damn sab, this is fancy.
  16. squallumz

    Why Does It Smell More Awfuller When You Fart In The Shower?

    your boyfriend beat you to it this POS topic already.
  17. squallumz

    Weird bird.

    its the zeeblo fowl. obviously.
  18. squallumz

    America's Children 1850-1930

    pretty awesome actually.
  19. squallumz

    Maximizing broccoli’s cancer-fighting potential

    holy watermelons, batman!
  20. squallumz

    Justin Bieber arrested on drunken driving, resisting arrest charges

    DUIs should be unforgivable, regardless of who it is. for as tough as these laws are supposed to be, nothing bad ever fucking happens when you get a DUI.
  21. squallumz

    Pornstars Begging For Money

    and we can get a nice case of heatstroke while we're at it. on the plus side, we might get to see a rattlesnake. before it bites us both.
  22. squallumz

    How The ***** Plans to Beat Censorship For Good

    its not about the context of it. one can say *******s suck or *******s are awesome. either way, same result.
  23. squallumz

    Big-screen "phablet" smartphone sales to soar

    Re: Big-screen "phablet" smartphone sales to soar i dont know, man. you keep telling me no, but your body's telling me yes.
  24. squallumz

    Who is your favorite pornstar?

    Ms Pacman i love a drugged up slut.
  25. squallumz

    How The ***** Plans to Beat Censorship For Good

    its clear what it was about. honestly, i do hope they get a handle on it. im tired of everyone sitting around expecting everything for free. and i dont mean just porn. music is really bugging me lately. on youtube, there's been some dumb ho who keeps asking how to find this one song for...
  26. squallumz

    Webcam [Short Film]

    its like a cheesy cautionary tale. they should play this to 7th graders to scare them away from sexting like those sex ed kids that tried to scare us off of blowjobs that they hired for us. they even told us you can get pregnant from anal sex. the fuck was that about?
  27. squallumz

    Webcam [Short Film]

    the fuck is this shit?
  28. squallumz

    Maximizing broccoli’s cancer-fighting potential

    is as far as i got. why do we always have to fuck with nature?
  29. squallumz

    Big-screen "phablet" smartphone sales to soar

    Re: Big-screen "phablet" smartphone sales to soar and bigger and bigger, and bigger they will get. until you give in with windows 8 bullshit. touch sucks.
  30. squallumz

    Pornstars Begging For Money

    she almost got me into it as well. if it wasn't so fucking hot here, i'd prolly be bothered. see geocaching.
  31. squallumz

    dungeons and dragons (D&D) anyone?

    yeah, i'm having a tough time with it in general. with dailys and such, i often made thing's more believable by letting them have one back or so based on certain circumstances. rage, will, rewarding for being awesome. honestly, if i make it through this 3.5 game, ill at least know what's...
  32. squallumz

    Looking for Girlfriend to help bring Groceries in

    we don't even have stairs. the problem is, its just fucking boring!
  33. squallumz

    Looking for Girlfriend to help bring Groceries in

    hey! i just went grocery shopping and i went through this whole thing again.
  34. squallumz

    dungeons and dragons (D&D) anyone?

    i got the ALIEN game all planned out in my head. its going to be like the first movie. one small crew woken up out of hyper sleep. maybe its timed for when help arrives, or a self destruct sequence is put into place. its not going to be a pleasant place. the good thing about it is since we...
  35. squallumz

    Official checked Star Member thread

    im excited to have Ellie Idol back. its been a long time.
  36. squallumz

    Emma Watson

    the horrible flithy acts that i would do this girl. unspeakable. but wonderful.
  37. squallumz

    its awesome to see you back!!

    its awesome to see you back!!
  38. squallumz

    Advice/help on how to find a porn vid done by a former classmate

    arizona.. of course its arizona. girls in AZ are naughty little things, aren't they? given that no one tends to keep their identity a secret anymore online, it really shouldn't be hard. but then again, do you want to stalk her out like a crazy person? find a mutual friend and ask them...
  39. squallumz

    Where do you guys buy Viagra online?

    what's the legality of this anyway? personally, i wouldnt risk buying prescriptions without a real doctor's prescription. could be dangerous.
  40. squallumz

    dungeons and dragons (D&D) anyone?

    so.. savage worlds has got me really excited to try out. and guess what? i came up with the COOLEST game even today during mealtime. ALIEN. savage worlds style. the problem is, convincing my woman to play. shes scared of it already. we are both big alien fans (sans AvP), so it goes back...
  41. squallumz

    Turn based strategy games?

    Ellie! you're back!!!!
  42. squallumz

    Recommend me some PS2 Games

    i was given ffx-2 for christmas. now... i have to restart 10 because i stopped playing it. dammit. got busy with shit and you can get busy with rpgs.
  43. squallumz

    If your mother was a pornstar

    when are you coming home, daddy?
  44. squallumz

    Pornstars Begging For Money

    i'm happy to support, but unless i know them personally (like Sabrina) i'm going to need some love back.
  45. squallumz

    Pornstars Begging For Money

    some people like to use any fame they got to be lazy. what bugs me is the lazy bastards on kickstarter. the ones that are truly awful, like that guy with the band that was on here for a short time. its like, come on, man.
  46. squallumz

    what game are you playing right now?

    also, fap. they make the first kiss so damn great.
  47. squallumz

    The legacy of BONER and his friends.

    boy, you cray cray.
  48. squallumz

    What are you listening to right now?

    sisters of mercy addicted to them lately.
  49. squallumz

    Emma Watson

    fap fap fap.