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  1. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    Yes. I thought racism wasn't tolerated here. If it is then I would beg to ask what isn't. ???
  2. Jagger69

    Elaine Chao (Senator Mitch McConnell's Wife): You Fuck Her Or No?

    64? Hell, that's right in my wheelhouse! I'll fuck her if you won't, Johan. Just let me go ask my wife if she has any objections and I'll let you know the outcome. :facepalm:
  3. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    I'm not going to expend one iota of my time looking up your posts. Don't need to. You've unequivocally proven that you stand with the white nationalist movement, that accusation has been made against you by me and others and you have yet to deny it so it therefore must be true. By the way...
  4. Jagger69

    CNN Host Cries Over Trump Blaming "Both Sides"

    Y'all have no legitimate answer to the overwhelming disgust and outrage that is cascading in from every corner of the world against the white nationalists so you have no option other than to put up some shiny new object in an attempt to divert discussion. Fuck the white nationalist movement and...
  5. Jagger69

    Do you envy/resent those who have more than you?

    No one has more than I do. I feel certain that I am richer than anyone on this forum. I wouldn't trade places with anyone.
  6. Jagger69

    Christopher Cantwell Concerned About Warrant For His Arrest

    This is revolting. He crows about the death of Heather Heyer, calling it a "win" and shamelessly brags that "there will be more" and now that he's facing possible incarceration he becomes a whiny, teary-eyed peacenik (although he behaves a lot like someone who is seriously coked-out so maybe...
  7. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    I urge everyone who shares my feelings about racism, bigotry and hate to not just be a spectator about this. Please....make a concerted effort to speak up the next time someone you know makes offensive remarks that you find repugnant. Let them know that it is not OK!! Write to your...
  8. Jagger69

    Dear Liberals and Media

    Because he never said that he supported white nationalism. In fact, the whole white nationalist movement stayed pretty-much hidden in the shadows until Trump took office and Bannon became his chief strategist. Now, especially after Trump winked at them on Tuesday, they think they have a green...
  9. Jagger69

    Dear Liberals and Media

    Yes, it's funny how people seem to naturally gravitate toward wanting to be led. Witness what's happened in Russia. Putin has revived the hero worship of Stalin of all people and the Russians seem to be embracing it. This human trait has given rise to countless despots throughout history.
  10. Jagger69

    Charlottesville erupts.

    No need to, you're backing them up for us. Notice how no one is coming to your aid here, BC? Are you the only racist on this forum?
  11. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    In spite of your personal insults, I'll concede that you're not stupid. Surely I don't have to point out to you that your refusal to denounce the president's remarks defending Nazis and klansmen would imply tacit approval. So I won't. Surely in you heart of hearts you know how wrong he was...
  12. Jagger69

    Charlottesville erupts.

    I'd like to see a few of the people on this forum be the Nazi in this pic.
  13. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    The only thing that you can guarantee is that you are a racist and bigot, sir. Does it make you feel big and bad to personally insult me?
  14. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    I have been involved in sales my entire career and I can tell you beyond any doubt that this is what a snake-oil salesman sounds like, folks.
  15. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    If I didn't know it was you, this quote could come straight from the mouth of Christopher Cantwell. What I said is the absolute truth. Your racist and anti-semitic views ring on deaf ears, BC.
  16. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    So says a certified racist. Sorry but your credibility here is zero, BC.
  17. Jagger69

    Thanks for the rep, buddy! I appreciate the sentiment but you flatter me too much!!

    Thanks for the rep, buddy! I appreciate the sentiment but you flatter me too much!!
  18. Jagger69

    Dear Liberals and Media

    My God. That's all you are care about? :facepalm:
  19. Jagger69

    Dear Liberals and Media

    This is why we always hear that the conscience of the nation is really center right. Republicans are (or used to be) conservative and that, in essence, means they are reactionary at their core. Given the choice between making a decision to change things in a significant fashion or to maintain...
  20. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    A disconsolate General Kelly as he listens to the president disgrace himself before the entire nation yesterday.
  21. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    I will wait for the Trump zombies to make fun of these black Americans showing such raw emotions over the pain they are feeling right now. Our president does not hear them.
  22. Jagger69

    Dear Liberals and Media

    This simply is not true. I know a lot of people who are fiscal conservatives (of which I am one) and I know a lot who are social conservatives (which....surprise!....I am not) and others who are a mix of both so you can't just lump them all together, Johan. The fact that Trump's approval...
  23. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    LOL nor should anyone be. I sure ain't. Check that....I did a DNA test on 23andMe and was more than a little surprised to have discovered some African DNA in my family. I later researched my family tree on and traced my family all the way back to Virginia in the 1600s. I won't...
  24. Jagger69

    Dear Liberals and Media

    Yes they are really not in a very good spot right now. I personally know a good number of liberals who were not fans of Hillary and voted for Trump simply to lodge a protest vote, thinking all the while he could never possibly be elected. Of course they had egg on their faces once he was and...
  25. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    Very astute observation, Ratster! :thumbsup:
  26. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    Re: Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate
  27. Jagger69

    Interim White House Communications Director Hope Hicks is Kinda Hot

    Yeah. Rumor has it that she is actually Trump's mistress. Not saying she is but, considering his past extra-marital transgressions, it would not be a shock to anyone.
  28. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    I bet. And here our president refuses to label them for what they are but instead signals a tacit approval. Argue that he didn't if you wish but that's how these scumballs interpreted it so perception is manifested as reality in this instance and the argument becomes academic. The man in the...
  29. Jagger69

    Charlottesville erupts.

    Thanks, X. I posted the same video in another thread. Sadly, for anyone to simply laugh it off makes them just like Christopher Cantwell.
  30. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    Everyone on this forum should take 22 minutes and watch this video. These are Trump's "very fine people". Christopher Cantwell is a Nazi who was one of the key speakers on the docket for the "Unite the Right" rally last Saturday. Take a look. Anyone who still maintains that they support...
  31. Jagger69

    I love you guys

    Ich liebe dich auch, Supa! And, no, I didn't just say I love his dick, OK??? Look it up.
  32. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    No. Not at all, BC. In fact, civil war historical sites are the EXACT place these monuments belong. Please understand, this is not about eradicating these things and places from the face of the planet, it's about eradicating the public glorification of them by erecting statues, naming parks...
  33. Jagger69

    I love you guys

    I love you too, fox. And even though he won't reciprocate, I love BC as well. And please, no kumbaya references, OK? ;) :1orglaugh
  34. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    There aren't any public monuments to Hitler and I think he still remains a pretty relevant part of history, don't you? Auschwitz is preserved as a memorial to the people who were murdered there, not as a tribute to the monsters who did the murdering. A statue of Robert E. Lee astride his horse...
  35. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    The Challenger was sleeker and more attractive but, even though not specifically a Dodge (it was a Plymouth but a Chrysler cousin nonetheless so what the hell) the '67 GTX was the most bad-ass looking of their muscle cars in my opinion.
  36. Jagger69


    You and I are on the same page, corny: :thumbsup:
  37. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    Wow! He must have read my post! :1orglaugh Note that he still did not refer to what happened as domestic terrorism but the fact that he specifically referred to the KKK, Nazis and white supremacists was a huge step toward establishing himself as being intolerant of racism and hate from these...
  38. Jagger69


    Anybody else watching this series on FX? Reviewers on Rotten Tomatoes seem to be lukewarm about it due to its complexity and only give it a 59% score but the viewers seem to love it and rate it at 82%. I agree with the viewers and would highly recommend it. Check it out here if you are so...
  39. Jagger69

    GoDaddy, Anonymous Silence the Voice of Hate

    And, please, no whining about the first amendment. They were shut down for violating GoDaddy's terms of service. From CNN....and it ain't fake news, folks: To further ensure that these Nazi cockroaches will no...
  40. Jagger69

    Twitter Users Name and Shame Charlottesville White Nationalist Scum

    Good. Call 'em out and make them pay for their perverted and twisted beliefs. It's way past time that we eradicated racism and hate from American society once and for all.
  41. Jagger69

    Tear down Confederate War Memorials

    How ironic that these alleged vanguards of southern heritage and history have now guaranteed that these monuments will forever be associated with racism and hate. They literally shit in their own mess kits.
  42. Jagger69

    Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate

    By his continued silence on the matter after a tepid and ambiguous statement about the sickening and tragic events that took place in Charlottesville on Saturday, President Trump and anyone who continues to support his policies can be considered to be tolerant of racism and hate and they are...
  43. Jagger69

    2017 Baseball.

    Perhaps a watershed moment in the 2017 MLB season occurred in the bottom of the 6th inning of the game between the Cardinals & Royals last night at Busch Stadium in St. Louis. Trailing by a run with 2 outs and the bases loaded and reliever Peter Moylan on the mound for KC, perennial all-star...
  44. Jagger69

    2017/2018 NCAA Football Thread

    Yeah well get ready to tee it up against my Longhorns then. It's hard to fathom that Kirk Ferentz has been in Iowa City for almost 20 years! He's been a solid second act to the immortal Hayden Fry but he has never taken the Hawkeyes to the promised land. They have lost 5 consecutive bowl...
  45. Jagger69

    Songs that are just magical to you

    Great stuff John, Animus, Elwood, Rane....everyone! :thumbsup: Shifting gears for a second....this short piano sonata by Yann Tiersen is hauntingly sad yet guardedly optimistic. It's desperate yet expectant, dreary yet with a glimmer of light. There's just something about it that draws me...
  46. Jagger69

    If You Were On Death Row And About To Be Executed What Would You Want As Your Last Meal?

    Was gonna post my own but this sounds so damned good that I simply would copy and paste it with a few minor accoutrements.... I would insist that the prime rib be roasted rare-to-medium rare and served with horseradish and sauteed mushrooms on the side, add a wedge salad with extra bacon...
  47. Jagger69

    Freeones Users-+-+....

    Usually from my supercharged Dell XPS PC, occasionally from my antiquated iPhone 5 while wishing I was using a Galaxy S8 and almost never from my run-of-the-mill iPad. I do have some favorite babes that I regularly access on FO for pics and vids but spend by far the bulk of my time in the talk...
  48. Jagger69

    Glenn Campbell 1936-2017

    A very sad day indeed. :crying: By the Time I Get to Phoenix & Wichita Lineman are two of my classic favorites for sure. He suffered from Alzheimers as my father did as well so I have a special brand of compassion for his plight and that of his family. Rest in peace, cowboy. We're all...
  49. Jagger69

    My Fuckin' Sister-in-Law!

    If only.... Good idea but she would be very leery of getting involved with anyone who had anything to do with me. Nice sentiment, however! If only.... Yeah, the x-man and me are practically neighbors. He only lives about 100 miles from where I do. In Texas, that's a walk across the...
  50. Jagger69

    My Fuckin' Sister-in-Law!

    Certainly you may weigh in and thanks to all for some really good input! However, perhaps I should have elaborated. This is not just a "shed". It is my workshop with a big workbench and many elaborate tools, both mechanized and manual....some hand-held, some floor-mounted. There is lots of...