Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
That's a powerful video, and those guys "hoo"ing reminds me of the idiots I used to maintain custody of when I worked for TDC.

I bet. And here our president refuses to label them for what they are but instead signals a tacit approval. Argue that he didn't if you wish but that's how these scumballs interpreted it so perception is manifested as reality in this instance and the argument becomes academic. The man in the White House condones the bigotry and hatred of the alt-right white supremacist movement. Anyone who agrees with the president does likewise and anyone, especially those in our government, who remains silent on the issue or skirts around it by condemning the actions "on both sides" or attempts to draw a moral equivalency between the alt-right and those who oppose them also condone the bigotry and hatred of the alt-right white supremacist movement.

This is not a time to simply accept this as being business as usual. I would urge everyone who would disagree with the president to contact their governmental representatives and insist that they speak out and denounce both the white supremacist movement and the president's remarks. You can easily do this by going to Resistbot and following the simple instructions on your smartphone. Believe me, they hear the voices of their constituents even though their actions (or lack thereof) may seem to indicate otherwise.

Website is here:


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: Trump & the GOP Tolerate Racism & Hate



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue

LOL nor should anyone be. I sure ain't. Check that....I did a DNA test on 23andMe and was more than a little surprised to have discovered some African DNA in my family. I later researched my family tree on and traced my family all the way back to Virginia in the 1600s. I won't bore anyone with details but it is a very interesting story (to me at least) to see how that African blood came to be and how we all ended up in Texas.

So, as it turns out, I'm really black and white! :eek: I guess Christopher Cantwell and his minions would call me a n****r! It would be interesting if he did a DNA test as well. He might be surprised to find out he has some African DNA too! What the hell would he do then???!!! :dunno:

Interesting they picked Leo for the meme as he is about the most liberal actor in Hollywood but, hey, the message works regardless.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I will wait for the Trump zombies to make fun of these black Americans showing such raw emotions over the pain they are feeling right now. Our president does not hear them.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
A disconsolate General Kelly as he listens to the president disgrace himself before the entire nation yesterday.

I bet. And here our president refuses to label them for what they are but instead signals a tacit approval. Argue that he didn't if you wish but that's how these scumballs interpreted it so perception is manifested as reality in this instance and the argument becomes academic. The man in the White House condones the bigotry and hatred of the alt-right white supremacist movement. Anyone who agrees with the president does likewise and anyone, especially those in our government, who remains silent on the issue or skirts around it by condemning the actions "on both sides" or attempts to draw a moral equivalency between the alt-right and those who oppose them also condone the bigotry and hatred of the alt-right white supremacist movement.

This is not a time to simply accept this as being business as usual. I would urge everyone who would disagree with the president to contact their governmental representatives and insist that they speak out and denounce both the white supremacist movement and the president's remarks. You can easily do this by going to Resistbot and following the simple instructions on your smartphone. Believe me, they hear the voices of their constituents even though their actions (or lack thereof) may seem to indicate otherwise.

Website is here:

More god damn lies. Trump labeled them as racist thugs.

He also labeled Antifa and BLM as violent thugs and the alt-left. The reason Alt-left pisses you lefties off is because you want them to be legitimized.

These are the same Marxists communists that create Occupy Wall Street. That had rape tents and other heinous acts.

A black nationalist killed five police officers in Dallas, and the excuse? He was just one man..well he was one man participating in a protest that turned terribly violent, because Fields was just one man too.

There is not one mainstream quality to BLM or Antifa.

Anyone that believes otherwise can go fuck themselves.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
More god damn lies. Trump labeled them as racist thugs.

He also labeled Antifa and BLM as violent thugs and the alt-left. The reason Alt-left pisses you lefties off is because you want them to be legitimized.

These are the same Marxists communists that create Occupy Wall Street. That had rape tents and other heinous acts.

A black nationalist killed five police officers in Dallas, and the excuse? He was just one man..well he was one man participating in a protest that turned terribly violent, because Fields was just one man too.

There is not one mainstream quality to BLM or Antifa.

Anyone that believes otherwise can go fuck themselves.

If I didn't know it was you, this quote could come straight from the mouth of Christopher Cantwell. What I said is the absolute truth. Your racist and anti-semitic views ring on deaf ears, BC.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I have been involved in sales my entire career and I can tell you beyond any doubt that this is what a snake-oil salesman sounds like, folks.



New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
LOL nor should anyone be. I sure ain't. Check that....I did a DNA test on 23andMe and was more than a little surprised to have discovered some African DNA in my family. I later researched my family tree on and traced my family all the way back to Virginia in the 1600s. I won't bore anyone with details but it is a very interesting story (to me at least) to see how that African blood came to be and how we all ended up in Texas.

So, as it turns out, I'm really black and white! :eek: I guess Christopher Cantwell and his minions would call me a n****r! It would be interesting if he did a DNA test as well. He might be surprised to find out he has some African DNA too! What the hell would he do then???!!! :dunno:

Interesting they picked Leo for the meme as he is about the most liberal actor in Hollywood but, hey, the message works regardless.

Ain't no such thing as an American of more than three generations being of "pure" race. I guaran-goddamn-tee you they mixed that blood with some other race, nationality, or ethnicity by the time that third generation rolled around. Doesn't fucking matter, what these White Nationalist motherfuckers don't seem to understand is that regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, or anything else that might put a person into "minority" status is that we're all Americans, first and foremost and have a duty to treat each other with human decency. Marching to protest the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee makes those supporting "Unite The Right" guilty of supporting the hate, bigotry, and savagery that the Confederacy stood for.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
The reason Alt-left pisses you lefties off is because you want them to be legitimized.
Why would I get pissed off over a term conservatives made up to make themselves feel better?

These are the same Marxists communists that create Occupy Wall Street. That had rape tents and other heinous acts.
There's the propaganda puppet we know ("...and love" would normally follow, but you continue to espouse views and propaganda that does harm,!
Why would I get pissed off over a term conservatives made up to make themselves feel better?

There's the propaganda puppet we know ("...and love" would normally follow, but you continue to espouse views and propaganda that does harm,!

Oh it hurts your feelings, snowflake.

Before you retreat into your safe space again, care to refute the propaganda?

LOL How does this link supposedly exonerate Trump? All it illustrates is his penchant to tell diametrically opposed, radically contradictory stories that leave people not knowing who the real Trump is, where he actually stands, or why he's so invested in unashamedly lying or obfuscating.

Here's a perfect example of that, in regard to David Duke...

And another regarding Putin


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman

The events of the past weekend in Charlottesville were a terrible tragedy for America, for the state of Virginia and for us, the descendants of General Robert E. Lee. Our family extends our deepest condolences to the families who lost a loved one. We send our heartfelt sympathy to those who were injured, and pray for their recovery.

General Lee's life was about duty, honor and country. At the end of the Civil War, he implored the nation to come together to heal our wounds and to move forward to become a more unified nation. He never would have tolerated the hateful words and violent actions of white supremacists, the KKK, or Neo Nazis.

While the debate about how we memorialize figures from our past continues, we the descendants of Robert E. Lee decry in the strongest terms the misuse of his memory by those advancing a message of intolerance and hate. We urge the nation’s leaders as well as local citizens to engage in a civil, respectful and non-hateful conversation.

As Americans and as human beings it is essential that we respect one another and treat others as we ourselves wish to be treated. As General Lee wrote in his diary, “the great duty of life is the promotion of the happiness and welfare of our fellow man.”

Robert E. Lee V
Great-great-grandson of General Robert E. Lee

Tracy Lee Crittenberger
Great-great-granddaughter of General Robert E. Lee

He is a liberal and his family moved to Virginia from San Francisco when he was young.

Gotta love descendants of great people speaking for them from the grave.

Odds are that we can find descendants of great men and women who have ancestors no one would claim as well.

He obviously didn't tap into the Lee gene pool, he's a fucking P.E. teacher.

His family tree does not allow him to speak for his great great grandfather 5 generations removed.

Dale Earnhardt had a son that couldn't drive a race car either...


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
He is a liberal and his family moved to Virginia from San Francisco when he was young. Gotta love descendants of great people speaking for them from the grave. Odds are that we can find descendants of great men and women who have ancestors no one would claim as well. He obviously didn't tap into the Lee gene pool, he's a fucking P.E. teacher. His family tree does not allow him to speak for his great great grandfather 5 generations removed.

I'm sure he is in a much more informed position to speak to his great great grandfather's views than are a bunch of racist, ignorant, mouth-breathing, redneck neo nazi white nationalists.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
We are ashamed to benefit from white supremacy while our black family and friends suffer. We are ashamed of the monument.

Dear Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney and members of the Monument Avenue Commission,

We are native Richmonders and also the great-great-grandsons of Stonewall Jackson. As two of the closest living relatives to Stonewall, we are writing today to ask for the removal of his statue, as well as the removal of all Confederate statues from Monument Avenue. They are overt symbols of racism and white supremacy, and the time is long overdue for them to depart from public display. Overnight, Baltimore has seen fit to take this action. Richmond should, too.

In making this request, we wish to express our respect and admiration for Mayor Stoney’s leadership while also strongly disagreeing with his claim that “removal of symbols does [nothing] for telling the actual truth [nor] changes the state and culture of racism in this country today.” In our view, the removal of the Jackson statue and others will necessarily further difficult conversations about racial justice. It will begin to tell the truth of us all coming to our senses.

Last weekend, Charlottesville showed us unequivocally that Confederate statues offer pre-existing iconography for racists. The people who descended on Charlottesville last weekend were there to make a naked show of force for white supremacy. To them, the Robert E. Lee statue is a clear symbol of their hateful ideology. The Confederate statues on Monument Avenue are, too—especially Jackson, who faces north, supposedly as if to continue the fight.

We are writing to say that we understand justice very differently from our grandfather’s grandfather, and we wish to make it clear his statue does not represent us.

Through our upbringing and education, we have learned much about Stonewall Jackson. We have learned about his reluctance to fight and his teaching of Sunday School to enslaved peoples in Lexington, Virginia, a potentially criminal activity at the time. We have learned how thoughtful and loving he was toward his family. But we cannot ignore his decision to own slaves, his decision to go to war for the Confederacy, and, ultimately, the fact that he was a white man fighting on the side of white supremacy.

While we are not ashamed of our great-great-grandfather, we are ashamed to benefit from white supremacy while our black family and friends suffer. We are ashamed of the monument.

In fact, instead of lauding Jackson’s violence, we choose to celebrate Stonewall’s sister—our great-great-grandaunt—Laura Jackson Arnold. As an adult Laura became a staunch Unionist and abolitionist. Though she and Stonewall were incredibly close through childhood, she never spoke to Stonewall after his decision to support the Confederacy. We choose to stand on the right side of history with Laura Jackson Arnold.

Confederate monuments like the Jackson statue were never intended as benign symbols. Rather, they were the clearly articulated artwork of white supremacy. Among many examples, we can see this plainly if we look at the dedication of a Confederate statue at the University of North Carolina, in which a speaker proclaimed that the Confederate soldier “saved the very life of the Anglo-Saxon race in the South.” Disturbingly, he went on to recount a tale of performing the “pleasing duty” of “horse whipping” a black woman in front of federal soldiers. All over the South, this grotesque message is conveyed by similar monuments. As importantly, this message is clear to today’s avowed white supremacists.

There is also historical evidence that the statues on Monument Avenue were rejected by black Richmonders at the time of their construction. In the 1870s, John Mitchell, a black city councilman, called the monuments a tribute to “blood and treason” and voiced strong opposition to the use of public funds for building them. Speaking about the Lee Memorial, he vowed that there would come a time when African Americans would “be there to take it down.”

Ongoing racial disparities in incarceration, educational attainment, police brutality, hiring practices, access to health care, and, perhaps most starkly, wealth, make it clear that these monuments do not stand somehow outside of history. Racism and white supremacy, which undoubtedly continue today, are neither natural nor inevitable. Rather, they were created in order to justify the unjustifiable, in particular slavery.

One thing that bonds our extended family, besides our common ancestor, is that many have worked, often as clergy and as educators, for justice in their communities. While we do not purport to speak for all of Stonewall’s kin, our sense of justice leads us to believe that removing the Stonewall statue and other monuments should be part of a larger project of actively mending the racial disparities that hundreds of years of white supremacy have wrought. We hope other descendants of Confederate generals will stand with us.

As cities all over the South are realizing now, we are not in need of added context. We are in need of a new context—one in which the statues have been taken down.

William Jackson Christian
Warren Edmund Christian
Great-great-grandsons of Thomas Jonathan “Stonewall” Jackson
So we are supposed be,surprised that political correctness has caused descendants of great people to become cucked?

The only damn members of generation x, y or z or millenials that would stand a chance to defend this country like previous generations would be those that volunteer for military or law enforcement.

If we have to reinstate the draft, these manbun wearing wimps will make sure we are all killed.

Again, these descendants can only speak for their ancestors, Jackson and Lee both would tell us that they only were a small part of what others did. 600,000 died during the civil war.

Far more descendants of lesser known soldiers of the Confederacy will.probably let them know that they don't speak for them.
Let me know when those descendants starting speaking out en masse.

I can find 8 descendants of world renowned physicians to say they sucked at their job too.

Right now you have about 8 people that have spoken out.

All leftists or moderates.

If 6-8 people are considered en masse then a dozen eggs must be the mother lode to you.