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  1. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    I know the race is only approaching the final bend but the finish line is in sight. I wasn't around for the previous competitions (which is why I wouldn't believe you ever finished last if you didn't disclose this information) but the reasons why you can and should win it all are numerous and...
  2. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    It's crunch time now Slipping 3 more tarty thrusts into Miss H's box. It won't be long now before the reign of Miss Hybrid Freeones is upon us.
  3. alkidder

    Lolita Borgia ~ Official 'Cute but Kinky' Thread xXx

    Round 3 needed to be get kinkier and smuttier, therefore it needed a hearty helping of miss Lolita Borgia and the competition as it reaches its climax is better off because of it. PS, a wet Lolita ranks very, very and yes one more very high on the arousal meter.
  4. alkidder

    The official "Jaana Ruutu for Best newcomer" thread

    Re: The official "Jaana Ruutu for Best newcomer" thread This is an awesome picture of an awesome person. +1 for Best Newcomer today and everyday until I can vote no more.
  5. alkidder

    >>> Round 2 of Miss FreeOnes! Which girls are YOU voting into round 3?!

    I had under an hour to sneak in some final votes for round 2 and 3 of them went to Miss Briana Lee.
  6. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    Congratulations Alicia! A well deserved and well earned victory and thank you for the many lovely and drool worthy pictures
  7. alkidder

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! If it helps any Mandy, I just name dropped you in a post in another thread. I assure you it was for a good and legitimate reason. Plus seeing how you do what I was referring to here in this thread since pretty much the first time I poked my...
  8. alkidder

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    If it helps any Mandy, I just name dropped you in a post in another thread. I assure you it was for a good and legitimate reason. Plus seeing how you do what I was referring to here in this thread since pretty much the first time I poked my head in here just substantiates what I mentioned. The...
  9. alkidder

    FreeOnes Board Voting Bloc

    I apologize if the following doesn't have much to do with the nature of this thread. So with that out of the way.. I think the Miss FreeOnes competition is a perfectly, imperfect system. In other words, there are changes that could be adopted but these could damage the integrity of the system...
  10. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    Me thinks the modeling suits you just fine but with all those As you keep churning out in School Bri, I'd like to believe your future will be bright and plentiful with options :)
  11. alkidder

    Lelu Love

    Darn when I'm distracted from reading it is usually because I'm asked to take out the trash. Looks like a hot video Lelu :) On an unrelated note, my last two relationships were with Women who adored Twilight. I never saw the appeal..guess that explains why they are now past relationships, meep.
  12. alkidder

    oh Canada

    Sorry I couldn't resist plus I believe this thread has already been well represented with Canada's finest. Although I personally just wanted to see the Lane Sisters mentioned :)
  13. alkidder

    Aeryn Walker - Official Naughty Nerdy thread

    I lurve you and your giffage miss Walker
  14. alkidder

    Make Shit Up ABout a Place You've Never Been

    The last house on the left is actually on the right.
  15. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    One cannot and should not start their weekend without placing 3 more thrusts into the most beautiful box around, that being of course Miss H's. that #1 spot for Miss FOs doesn't feel right without you there.
  16. alkidder

    What do you like?

    I believe an A is also in order as in hot dAmn you look AmAzing in those pictures HArley Make that for 4 As actually, that's Dean's List credentials right there!
  17. alkidder

    What do you think? Suggestions.

    While this is true, it's because of your continuing interaction and presence among us that makes the Earth all that more beautiful when it rotates. Granted whatever the next chapter in the book of Briana Lee may be, I have a hunch it is going to be awesome and hopefully extremely gratifying...
  18. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    Has anyone ever told you that you are a natural at modeling Bri? :) Congrats on 5000 posts and here's to the next 5000 extreme posts.
  19. alkidder

    The official "Jaana Ruutu for Best newcomer" thread

    The FreeOnes contest could be the equivalent of a pissing contest for Christy Mack for all we know. I'm not trying to disparage her as she does seem to genuinely enjoy interacting with her fans but she doesn't represent FreeOnes in anyway shape or form. Maybe because of the success she is...
  20. alkidder

    The official "Jaana Ruutu for Best newcomer" thread

    Well from what I have gathered, Christy Mack is pretty vocal on Twitter about her desire to win both Miss FreeOnes and Best Newcomer. Speaking like a true politician she is promising legalizing gay marriage and something about loving chicken mcnuggets if she wins. So her fans are certainly...
  21. alkidder

    Demi Dantric Official Thread**NEW web site has

    I think I will for now on follow the Demi Dantic calendar. That's 7 days a week of Demi, 30, 31 or 28 days, 365 (366 on a leap year). That's alot of beautiful Demi to salivate over and I couldn't be happier
  22. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    three more thrusts of Duff Man proportions for the beautiful Miss H
  23. alkidder

    Make Shit Up ABout a Place You've Never Been

    I hear Antarctica is pretty warm this time of year
  24. alkidder

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    I like happy Mandy, but um..angry Mandy has a way with words that make one want to willingly submit to her beck and call. I am without question a bonafide Briana booster but the stubborn part of me believes that round 3 needs some Mandy goodness as well.
  25. alkidder

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! I like happy Mandy, but um..angry Mandy has a way with words that make one want to willingly submit to her beck and call. I am without question a bonafide Briana booster but the stubborn part of me believes that round 3 needs some Mandy...
  26. alkidder

    Lolita Borgia ~ Official 'Cute but Kinky' Thread xXx

    I strongly believe round 3 absolutely needs an infusion of kinky and cute that only Miss Lolita Borgia can provide. Certainly a well deserved position for one of FreeOnes most lovely OCSMs.
  27. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    I concur with Jitna.. I also wish my votes had more clout to them because the lack of Briana near the top spot for Miss FreeOnes is a true miscarriage of justice. and Bri's eyes are mesmerizing in this picture.
  28. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    +1 for Miss Maximum and +1 for her towel
  29. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    +3 for the undisputed Tart Queen of FreeOnes
  30. alkidder

    The official "Jaana Ruutu for Best newcomer" thread

    Gosh I really do make a terrible minion don't I? I don't know when I would ever go against any suggestion you make. I mean I am not the sharpest knife in the shed but I figure we had a relationship of the you say "jump" and I say "how high?" variety. On a completely unrelated note, I always...
  31. alkidder

    Lolita Borgia ~ Official 'Cute but Kinky' Thread xXx

    Well I did like what Miss Aeryn Walker did to Miss Lolita Borgia but if I could do my own thing well I am kind of drawing a blank getting lost in how beautiful you look (not the first time, won't be the last I know) all I can say for certain is whatever it is I can't currently think of what I...
  32. alkidder

    The official "Jaana Ruutu for Best newcomer" thread

    Right here, bam! Still trying to figure out how to turn one vote for Jaana into ten votes for Jaana. Surely there must be some trickery that will allow the deed to be done.
  33. alkidder

    What do you like?

    I've always enjoyed the voyeuristic view of watching the model take a shower. Starting with the undressing and then going into the shower and just going about their business which of course could include masturbating and the like. I know it is fairly vanilla but with the right performer doing...
  34. alkidder

    OCSM of the Week 2013

    Congrats to Bri and Lucy in sharing OCSM of the week Honours this week! That's a twosome we can all lust for er..admire :D
  35. alkidder

    In need of some good thoughts and prayers please!

    As someone who just recently as of Thursday lost someone very special to me, I am sending all my best wishes and positive thoughts that your mother pulls through Maggie. She sounds like an incredibly strong woman and isn't going to go down without a fight. Wishing only good things for you and...
  36. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    Been away for a day but I cannot nor will I forget to place 3 strategically placed thrusts in Miss H's most beautiful and welcoming box.
  37. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    I absolutely love this picture. Sorry, can't think of anything witty to add..You just look so great.
  38. alkidder

    What do you think? Suggestions.

    I don't know about the lap dance thing. You would look beautiful which is a natural but perhaps POV would be the most ideal scenario. Plus Mr. Anonymous would be best suited to be silent during the shoot if such a thing is possible, no easy task I am sure :) As for the peeing. Like others, it...
  39. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    Back on track with three overdue thrusts into Miss H's box. Looking as stunning as ever
  40. alkidder

    Aeryn Walker - Official Naughty Nerdy thread

    Looking great Aeryn! Plus you shouldn't have to unpack all by yourself, that's what good "students" like myself are there for to help you out :)
  41. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    My word, I can't remember the last time I was told by a teacher to stay after school (and so often) Then again I never got aroused by the prospect of seeing the teacher after school until Miss H.. Things that make you go hmm eh?
  42. alkidder

    Probably going to kick myself for this...ask me anything!

    Miss Maximum, since you are a Zumba teacher now, which of the following do you think is better for people who want to get the most out of doing Zumba. Trying to mimic each movement as accurately as possible even if it isn't in sync with the teacher or making sure you are constantly moving at a...
  43. alkidder

    Help me pick my next hair color!

    darn, I like the dark brown personally..but I think you can totally own it with purple.
  44. alkidder

    Appareantly my porn name is Big Pounder, whats yours?

    Dirty Pump-her Jury's out on that one.
  45. alkidder

    Another FREE cam show, this Friday March 1!

    I am sorry I missed this Jaana :( My grandmother passed away on Thursday night after a long bout of diverticulitis so I wouldn't have been a lot of fun during your chat. You are still getting daily votes from me though, for as long as it takes to get you to victory.
  46. alkidder

    Miss Hybrid - official thread

    I may have been away but the stuffing have been in full force 2 and 2 for yesterday and today Miss H, sorry for the drop but you are still the undisputed Queen of FreeOnes as far as I see it.
  47. alkidder

    Freaky Friday

    I like this time of the day...very very very much :) So undeniably lovely
  48. alkidder Briana Lee's Brand New Website!!!

    I still think Super Bri is a fitting Super Hero name for a very incredible and Super Woman.. Call my crazy, but I am also quite fond of Miss Free Ones 2013 Briana Lee. It may seem a little long but each word is as important as the one that precedes it.
  49. alkidder

    Mandy Flores

    Re: Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin! Thank you Mandy! I just want to show my support the best way I can for you because remember you are fantastic :) A shout out and a free spanking, really couldn't ask for more so thank you again. Round 3 wouldn't be the same without you so...
  50. alkidder

    Mandy Flores 1st thread! Let the addiction begin!

    Thank you Mandy! I just want to show my support the best way I can for you because remember you are fantastic :) A shout out and a free spanking, really couldn't ask for more so thank you again. Round 3 wouldn't be the same without you so I am going to do my part to see that you get there.