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Your thoughts?


Ignorance of the law does not apply.

Obviously lacks common sense. Best to remove her now before she amputates the wrong leg.

Throw all gun toting fucks in the slammer. Then give them their guns back.
Damn right it's about the issues! And yes, it does cut both ways.

There is no mention what so ever in the Constitution about National Health Care.

There is mention in the Constitution about The Right To Keep and Bear Arms.

I love how people are so up in arms (see what I did there?) about the fucking constitution. It was written a LONG ASS TIME ago. Just because people needed a gun back then doesn't mean Ted Nugent needs to have 300 of them in 2012 for "hunting".


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I love how people are so up in arms (see what I did there?) about the fucking constitution. It was written a LONG ASS TIME ago. Just because people needed a gun back then doesn't mean Ted Nugent needs to have 300 of them in 2012 for "hunting".

It is because of the constitution that you have a right to create a law that doesn't allow Ted Nugent to have 300 guns. Go petition your legislators and get it done if you want. It is your right. If your legislators won't do it you can do it yourself. Read the constitution. The answers are there.
This is the problem with gun laws: they target people who are not the problem. This woman was obviously no threat to anyone, she simply wanted to turn in her gun after realizing her mistake but gets treated like a criminal for it.
Because nowhere in The Constitution is there an Amendment that states "the right of the people to smoke pot shall not be infringed."

Just about more then the weed factor its about people deciding their own course in life.
Cannot understand taking someones freedom and putting them in cages with rapists and murderers because of my hang up about their habits. But as usual the reality is that angry lonely people like yourself and the Great Worm are about control and knowing better then everyone else then live and let live but I digress.
Few thoughts....
On the topic - Seems like they were a bit harsh on the woman. The laws are not crazy. Gun control in NYC is a good thing IMO.

States Rights - kind of funny, used to be the Democratic Party was the states rights party. I'm amazed at watching the Republicans debate. Bain is bad? Sheesh, one of the best managed firms that I know of. I've had the pleasure to work with Bain and they are about smart business. If we don't stay competitive, we don't stay employed. Perry is a butthead.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
This is the problem with gun laws: they target people who are not the problem. This woman was obviously no threat to anyone, she simply wanted to turn in her gun after realizing her mistake but gets treated like a criminal for it.

She was stupid and the law is the law. Ignorance is never an excuse. HOWEVER, NYC does have programs for turning in your hand gun. Sometimes they even pay you for it. If they just hustled her off to the station and explained the law and offered this option to her, that should have been enough.


Closed Account
For most gun owners, we know New York City & Washington D.C. are problem areas as far as caring firearms. It's not hard to find out what the gun laws are and if your carry permit is valid in that state. I do agree that there should be an allowance for intent. A few years ago, we had an employee that hunts. He uses his SUV for hunting and a subcompact to go to from work. One day it started snowing and he decided to take the SUV. Guess what happened when he reached the guard post? He had to use most of the day explaining that he was not a disgruntled employee and it was a error. Could this had been prevented? Sure. Did he learn his lesson? Yes, including from the jokes he received about this. Was he a threat? No. This is why the judge should have some leeway in the law. While most people understand & agree with the spirit of the law, sometimes a law should be revised for unforseen consequences.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Few thoughts....
On the topic - Seems like they were a bit harsh on the woman. The laws are not crazy. Gun control in NYC is a good thing IMO.

Whether they are good or bad, effective or ineffective, those are the laws in New York. This woman should have obeyed the law (or been more aware of what she was carrying) and she wouldn't have had a problem. Right? And I say that as a Life Member of the NRA. IMO, she only has herself to blame. I had a similar situation in Washington, D.C. years ago. I knew that it was illegal for me to possess a handgun in D.C. But while traveling back from a test firing session at a range in Maryland, I took a short-cut through D.C. and I had some ammo on my front seat. When I went through a traffic check, the D.C. cop freaked out on me. That's the first time I've EVER had a cop put his hand on his gun when speaking to me... telling me to keep my hands on the wheel, etc. He and his partner questioned me for several minutes about where my gun was. My answer: at home. :dunno: Long story short, the cop confiscated the ammo and told me he could have arrested me for possessing handgun ammunition in the District. I did not know that - now I do.

States Rights - kind of funny, used to be the Democratic Party was the states rights party. I'm amazed at watching the Republicans debate. Bain is bad? Sheesh, one of the best managed firms that I know of. I've had the pleasure to work with Bain and they are about smart business. If we don't stay competitive, we don't stay employed. Perry is a butthead.

As for Bain, I'm not familiar with that firm in particular. But I am familiar with many other private equity firms. Whether they call people like me project managers, management consultants, process improvement specialists or Black Belts, it's those of my ilk that go in after firms or divisions are purchased by PE firms. There are times when the overall goal is to actually improve the business and make it a long term working concern. And there are other times when the goal is to just dress it up, sell off marginal, non-core pieces and then flip it quickly. It's very seldom that a PE firm will keep a business for more than five years. But at the end of the day, the primary objective is to maximize the profits from the eventual sale... and lessen the losses when/if things go sour. If I'm not mistaken, Bain underfunded the pensions of at least one business and then took it into bankruptcy. The pension fund is an asset. Quite often, that fund is used as collateral when the initial purchase is made. PE firms typically work off massive leverage. The old saying about using "opium" (OPM = other people's money) to acquire assets is how they do business. So one way to make your money back faster is by not fully funding the pensions and putting that money in your pocket. Firing older workers (close to retirement) and using as many temps as possible (with no benefits) is another tactic used by some.

PE firms aren't all bad, but they're not all good either. At least not in my experience. There are times when they build dying companies back up. And there are other times when they take a decent business and strip it bare... sort of like selling the lumber, copper wiring and pipes out of a house just to generate profits.

And yeah, Perry is a butthead. Only standing beside Michele Bachmann does he look intelligent.