Yeah, I'm pretty angry. I'm tired of my hard earned dollars being spent on a war, that will solve nothing. I'm pissed at my tax dollars going to fund health care for lazy scumbags. I'm physically ill, at the way our Constitution has been used for toilet paper by an administration that lies about it's desire to make the country safer, when all it cares about is abusing the law abiding, while coddling the criminal element. It infuriates me, that 4 years were spent shoving health care down our throats, when the war should have been stopped, and our soldiers brought back home. It sickens me that the balance of a presidency has been spent trying to take away Constitutional rights, under the blatant lie of trying to make the country safer, but I see crime everywhere, but no one seems to want to take away their rights. I'm disgusted that several politicians past and present have not been prosecuted for the crimes the have committed...and saddened that the American people are to indifferent to do the right thing. Yeah, I'm a pretty pissed off person, and quite frankly, I couldn't give a craptastic flying flaming fuck, in a rolling dough nut what side they're on, or what there current status is, a shit load of heads need to roll, and the American public should be ashamed of itself for not trying harder to make that happen.