In the United States, the age of consent varies from state to state and may include a provision on the age delta between the parties. I don't know how old the students were in the Texas case, but the age of consent in Texas is 17. And what Haeli Noelle Wey was charged with was "improper relationship between educator and student". In Texas, that is apparently a legal question, not simply an ethical question, as would be a 50 year old boss banging his 18-20 year old secretary. Maybe this hypothetical boss owns the company and he might be perfectly OK with that. Maybe the hypothetical secretary is perfectly OK with it too. The district attorney would have zero interest in that situation. But if he was her 25 year old teacher and she was 16, homey would have a legal problem... or two. And like Haeli Noelle Wey, he would likely lose his job, have to hire an attorney and would be facing criminal legal proceedings. He would know that, just as she did... which is why she asked one of the boys to erase her texts. Now she's fucked and doesn't have a teaching certificate anymore. If convicted, I don't know if she'll have to register as a sex offender or not, but just this charge will mean that her future career prospects will be severely limited. In addition to that, she may face a civil suit from one or more parents. Stupid girl. Ruined career.
As a rule, I don't feel sorry for stupid people, who let their hormones guide them and cause them to ruin their careers over animal urges. In the United States, we need more good teachers, who want to advance the educations of their students and help them prepare for better futures. We most certainly do not more over-sexed whores, who spend their time trolling the classroom for dates, because they're too damaged or emotionally insecure to date people their own age.