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Yes on Californias proposition 66!

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Read this article!

I happend to read the article and decided to share, and i encourage Yes on prop 66 1,000% But unfortunetly people are driven by the public eye, witch is a very sad thing and with out analizing a fact the jump in to conclusions.
And I dont agree with a person spending life time in prison over not regestering or simple over a misterminor. And i put my self in the same position, but because people are not going tru it they dont care and are driven over, by Arnolds Commercials.

I also want to encourage every single person that lives in the state on california to vote yes on proposition 66.
Know the facts before you you decide to place a vote you may regreat later! It can happen to you or somebody you may care about.
I would move to California just to vote yes.

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Well unfortunetly Arnold has invested millions of dollars, and has made comercials telling millions of viewers that if PROP 66 WINS MORE THEN 26,000 inmates will be relesed. Witch is a lie, only the non violent ofenders will have a re trial and not even then will be a guarentee that they will be released, but again like i said the people that see the commercial and dont know any better will emidietly will want to vote No, unless they know the facts, witch most of them dont, they are just driven by arnold lying , False unexplained comercial.


i will vote yes, carmen.....but only because i love you!:thumbsup:
Why does anyone need a retrial, by categorical referendum no less? That's what the apellate process is all about. Violent or non-violent, if you feel you've been wrongly-convicted of a crime, you can appeal your conviction and sentence.

How is this different in California? I guess I don't understand the issue/proposition. I'll check it out...

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Thats what is so fuck up about it, the law in california sucks and no matter if it is a violent or non violent crime the law says you will be charge with the same conviction no matter what it is (Violent or non violent), and that is what they are trying to fight/change.

By the law chenging (Prop.66) winning, the people who are convicted previosly for life in prisent over a non violent crime get a re trial to reavaluete their case and possibly give them the time they diserve and not life, that means if it loses people are screwed and they get no re trial and stay in there for life with out chances of getting out or anything for probably not even comitting a serious crime.

Isn't the law fuck up!
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If you've been sentenced to life in prison, you're in VERY deep shit to begin with, and you're no "mama's boy." People don't get "life" without having committed at least 2 prior serious offenses (felonies).

There's the "3-strikes" sentencing guideline (which can be pretty unfair to petty drug-heads who just got busted for carrying dope 3 times), and maybe that's what this is all about. Certain drug-related "minimum" sentences are unfair as well.

But guaranteed retrials for all non-violent criminals? What happened to the appeals process? I'm missing something here.

I'll check it out, Carmen!!!!

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
As you may know obviosly the has to be a previos crime, but even if your crime was commited 20 years ago and you paid for it and did your time, if you happend to comit any kind of crime 20 ,30 years later(Violent/non violent/misterminor) they will still count that previous crime again that you did years ago, together with the one you just did, the only difrence is that just because you had a case years ago, any time you comit any time of misterminor or minor crime, that specific law here in california, counts any tipe of crime as a strike (As a mayor crime, no matter if it was not), and what happends with it being three, is that 99% of the time as you may know or may not know, every time you have one crime the cops/jugde they like to counted the same charge with three or four difrent things, so You Might of just done one crime/misterminor, but they counted as three strikes/counts.

Example. They cought you with marihuana in the airport, instead of just charging you with possesion, they decide to charge you with more then one case for the same crime like , 1-possesions, 2-airport endangerment (That is already 2 strikes 3-etc. 4-etc. so the person does not neceserally has to comit 3 strikes or felonies (it could of just been one or two), the law its pretty good as convicting and adding more stuff to just one case, if you know what i am talking about, and i hate to get to politic, but since i have been in my home town in P.R i have dealt with these thinhs allot so i know what i am talking about.I just dont make shit up.
And i hate to see how they deal with that overhere.
I understand what your saying Carmen, but it simply comes down to what I said. Do not commit crimes and you don't have to worry. I didn't realize how hard following the rules can be. It's not rocket science. :2 cents:

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Kemuel said:
How about you don't crimit a crime and you won't have to worry.

Vote No

Well shit happends, what about (For your self) if you happend to be cought in the airport with marihuana.
If you are 21 and happen to fall in love with a 17 year old, do you know that no matter what it is considered Rape, even if it is a mutual thing, and you guys where in love etc. etc.
You happend to comit a previous crime because you beat somebody up because they violeted or disrespected you or your family.

They are many (Crimes) that have happend for meny difrent reasons, and yes most of the convict have been convicted over bad stuff, but just like the examples i mention any one of us can be convicted over self defence etc. etc.
So never judge somebody for what might of happend or what they did un less you really know.
Im sure many of the people in here once in their life have been with somebody under the age of 18, and thank god it did not get so bad where you did not have to go to jail for it, so are you a crimal or a bad person because of that?
You Might of killed somebody because they trated you and your family and it was the only way out.
I hate to say this, but people are really stupid when they start judging with out knowing the facts.
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Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Re elect bush, i rahter take a chance with Kerry, then go with bush again!
Arnold sucks! :ban:
Carmen Luvana said:
Re elect bush, i rahter take a chance with Kerry, then go with bush again!
Arnold sucks! :ban:

I've come to the conclusion that we are obviously not communicating with Carmen herself (as with most of the broads on here). And that's just lame. And one last comment. Your a terrible representation of Carmen "Carmen Luvana". Why don't you learn how to spell first instead of trying to turn peoples votes around. It appears as if your way out of your league.

Carmen Luvana

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
Jizm said:
Your grammar needs a major overhaul as well. Your a joke.:rofl:

First of all it is carmen and do not care if you beileve me or not, i have no reason to have to prove my self to you or anybody. I am nice enoughf to interact with my fans because i care and gice a fuck and this is what i get.
Second my grammer may be bad, maybe because my primary language is spanish and not english, at lease i know how to speak and write in both languages even if it is not perfect, what about you my brother? That makes you really smart ha.Come on write something in spanish for me, oh im sorry ,Mr. Genious dosent know spanish, but i am dumb because my second language is not written 100% correctly.
Well you are defenetly a waist of time, so here i end my message.
Have a nice day.
Your a joke.
Jizm, that was just wrong, man. You're a nicer person than that. What's gotten into you?

She IS the real Carmen Luvana (I happen to know, and FreeOnes himself has given her a special ranking here because she's verifiable). She's trying hard to not only just come on here and promote her website (as others do, and then we never hear from them again), but she's actually taking a political stance and sharing her opinions and thoughts with others. She believes in what she has posted, quite obviously, and whether or not you agree with her, you should at least be respectful. Certainly, her posts can be "rough" in ways, but as she stated, English is her second language.

I'd kindly suggest that before you condescend to someone about his/her English grammar or spelling, You Might perhaps check your own first, especially since English IS your native tongue.

It's "you're a joke," by the way.

Now everyone play nicely together!!! :) :hatsoff:

Jizm said:
Your grammar needs a major overhaul as well. Your a joke.:rofl: