I don't know if this has been pointed out yet... But did anyone else get bothered by the extreme misplacement of Azazel and Mystique?
I mean... When it comes to the movie time-line, Nightcrawler is already born during First Class... He'd be young, but alive. Especially since Storm makes a cameo appearance when Prof. X is seeing all the mutants around the world for the first time, and he is to be said to be her age in X-2.
So in other words... SOMEHOW nightcrawler is alive (?) and Azazel and Mystique have CLEARLY not gotten it on.
I was especially disappointed with the fact that they pretty much ignored each others existance... I mean come the fuck -on-.
Actually, looking back on it, I was quite disappointed in their demonstrations of Azazel all around. He's so much more bad ass in the comics.
Beyond that little nit-pick I had, I rather enjoyed the movie for what it was worth. Although I went in not expecting any relevancy at all.