Indeedadoodle, this past Monday's Raw was indeed stale and shittastic.
Jericho's promo was the only good part, and i did get a chuckle when HHH pointed out the age group of Yawn Cena's fans "Most of your fans won't be able to see our match cuz it'll be past their bedtime" and the foam belt comment, hyuk.
And WHY DID FLAIR APPEAR?!?!? I love Ric Flair and consider him the best (way better than Joke Hogan) but he's supposed to be retired! Makin little pop-ins like that will only tarnish his legacy more, and he'll be in the same group that Hogan, Austin, and Foley are in, where they just appear for a check. (and i know Foley's a current commentator but he did do that.) Damnit.
But it appears that the ratings-seeker giveway is gonna plague Raw for many weeks, it's almost taking over the show, a WRESTLING show.