Anyone else find the Million Dollar Snoozeaway segments incredibly time wasting to watch?? Hell, the fans at the show were booeing and yelling "boring," and WWE fans at shows are usually quite dumb.
Eh, as someone said, another cheap attempt at ratings.

yea i do too..
raw over all sucked ass this week and what a way to waste a ric flare moment hell just bring him back as a manger already and not for HHH the best part of raw was nothing the whole show sucked
Indeedadoodle, this past Monday's Raw was indeed stale and shittastic.
Jericho's promo was the only good part, and i did get a chuckle when HHH pointed out the age group of Yawn Cena's fans "Most of your fans won't be able to see our match cuz it'll be past their bedtime" and the foam belt comment, hyuk.

And WHY DID FLAIR APPEAR?!?!? I love Ric Flair and consider him the best (way better than Joke Hogan) but he's supposed to be retired! Makin little pop-ins like that will only tarnish his legacy more, and he'll be in the same group that Hogan, Austin, and Foley are in, where they just appear for a check. (and i know Foley's a current commentator but he did do that.) Damnit.

But it appears that the ratings-seeker giveway is gonna plague Raw for many weeks, it's almost taking over the show, a WRESTLING show.
i did get a chuckle when HHH pointed out the age group of Yawn Cena's fans "Most of your fans won't be able to see our match cuz it'll be past their bedtime" and the foam belt comment, hyuk.

I don't have anything against Cena but that was certainly a plus last night, I started going wild for a bit before they went at it. I hope they'll be a split in the crowd at NOC at their match, that's always fun to see.


IMO Melina should have won the bakini contest
It woulda been awesome to see ODB and Awesome Kong just charge the ring during that Borekini contest and just........pummel em.


Melina and Maryse looked fuckin hot last night,Maria was hot too,but IMO Melina should've won.

hell yeah, I new right from the beginning that Maria was gong to be the winner

Hat Man

Closed Account
Two things.

1. Is there a hotter woman than Lilan Garcia? :bowdown:

2. Who is going to go where in the draft next Monday? I've read from one wrestling site that Carlito is not happy at RAW and there's a good chance he's headed to Smackdown.

Don't put in who you think or want to see go from one show to another, that doesn't give any insight.

Hat Man :hatsoff:


I didn't think Raw was to bad this week. Million doller mania sucked, but the rest of the show was decent.
I thought Maria was rightful winner of bikini contest with Melina close second.
Jeff Hardy against Carlito was a very good match where both performed well.
HHH/Cena promo was good.
Mixed tag match advanced fueds of Mickie/KatieLea and Kennedy/Burchill and was a strong match
HHH against Jericho was a good match with a crappy ending. Why would Lance Cade get involved in a main event feud when as a singles wrestler all he has won is a mini feud with Murdoch.
Have to agree with Jim. This Raw was quite decent, especially on the promo and plot side of things. The HHH - Cena one was classic, and Trips won it hands down. Jericho did his best to sell the heel-turn, but he was just getting no heat. His match went a long way toward rectifying that.

Don't know what Cade was doing there. For a while I've been thinking that he'll be the mystery partner of DiBiase Jnr, but now that he's with Jericho who knows.
What was the point of bringing Flair back? I mean they at least could've announced him as GM, later down the line.
Cade coming out = a push.
And i think Cade deserves some sort of push. Maybe not straight to championship gold, but he's a good worker and i can see him as a high card type. Maybe challenging someone and losing for a bit, to build him up as a main event heel. Give it time.
I just hope that Flair doesn't come back like that ever again. Save it for a while, like....years, then if someone needs a manager, BOOM, or WHOO.

Right now the best thing going on on Raw is Jericho becoming heel and feuding with HBK. Those matches and promos will be awesome things to see.
Cade coming out = a push.
And i think Cade deserves some sort of push. Maybe not straight to championship gold, but he's a good worker and i can see him as a high card type. Maybe challenging someone and losing for a bit, to build him up as a main event heel. Give it time.
I just hope that Flair doesn't come back like that ever again. Save it for a while, like....years, then if someone needs a manager, BOOM, or WHOO.

Right now the best thing going on on Raw is Jericho becoming heel and feuding with HBK. Those matches and promos will be awesome things to see.

Agreed, Jericho is a natural heel, Jericho has been the freshest thing on Raw lately.I'm glad the draft is this Monday.
I think they used Flair well. HBK wasn't there to sell his beating from a weak ago so they needed a way to further the feud so they get Jericho to threaten Flair whilst also building up more heat for Jericho.
I think they used Flair well. HBK wasn't there to sell his beating from a weak ago so they needed a way to further the feud so they get Jericho to threaten Flair whilst also building up more heat for Jericho.

True, but they could of done the same thing using HHH, which they did, and it worked. They could have totally avoided bringing Flair out, and plus, Jericho is good at getting heat.
I just hope that they don't make this a routine with Flair, little pop-ins in the future. The longer he's out, the better any return he chooses to make will be.


Nikkala made me do it!
I just hope that they don't make this a routine with Flair, little pop-ins in the future. The longer he's out, the better any return he chooses to make will be.
I dunno about anyone else, but as an unrepentent Flair mark, I totally enjoyed his appearance Monday night. He can come back whenever and as often as he wants. But I do think he and WWE should stick to him never wrestling a match again. :thumbsup: