The audacity of some of the trolls in this board!!!! To think that is up to them to decide if they want to be with a transgendered person or not....what on earth makes some of you think a "shemale" would be interested in you to begin with???! And I insist, is no different than asking if someone would wanna have sex with a person of color or a muslim...the exception is that "shemales" are not been treated like human beings, with a recognized medical condition, but like objects that exist for sexual fantasy.
This happens so frequently, men treating transgendered women (so called shemales) like they must be wanting to get in their pants just because of what we are...when a lot of the time is more like ewww nooo, your not my type. Have you considered that just as disgusted as
You Might be of us, we are of you as well??? But I guess is an ego trip....and actually, you should be proud if a transgirl accepts your invitations, even if then you reject her for her genitals. But by the question, I take that it means that if you meet a really hot girl and turns out to be a shemale....well guess what....those really hot shemales (not the truck drivers in dresses you imagine) already get to pick from the best of bestest. Living in NYC, I know the hottest gizel and jessica and they date the hottest guys most women go crazy over and most guys wouldn't have a chance with them....its amazing... and I guess well deserved for so much bullshit they have to put up with... :2 cents::2 cents: