Official Checked Star Member
I KNOW they're different people but some women (and probably men, I don't know) unconsciously seek out people that remind them of their ex, if they're still not over them. Ever see that episode of Friends where Rachel dates Russ? (clone of Ross) ...it happens IRL. So I'd imagine that sometimes people date people and are drawn to people because it reminds them of their ex, and some of those people will still harbor feelings for their ex. I guess you could say its a type of rebound.How can feelings be connected to physical attractiveness? They're different people.
Right? :dunno::wtf:
LOOK. I'm not debating the validity of your statements, I'm dating the necessity of them. You can't think like a guy. PERIOD. And a woman's opinion isn't what we need on this particular subject. This is a "hey dude" type question. Although (like I said before), your input is appreciated, there's no need to get on any sort of high (or fucking short, really... :dunnohorse, because this isn't your fight. I mean if you were watching a pro sports game would you run out onto the field/whatnot and try to join the game? Because that (to me :2 cents
seems like what you're doing here... :2 cents::dunno:
Well thats fine, if this is a "guys only" thread, I understand and apologize for piping up in the first place. I just thought that the topic at hand COULD pertain to females as well, at the very least on the pretense that guys could date girls that remind them of their ex too. I've certainly gone on dates with guys who've said things like "your eyes are exactly like my ex's" or, "I love blondes, my ex's have been blondes" etc etc. And I thought I could at least throw out my own opinion. Guess not though. *moves aside so the rest of the peens can jump in*