Would It Bother You If


Official Checked Star Member
How can feelings be connected to physical attractiveness? They're different people.
I KNOW they're different people but some women (and probably men, I don't know) unconsciously seek out people that remind them of their ex, if they're still not over them. Ever see that episode of Friends where Rachel dates Russ? (clone of Ross) ...it happens IRL. So I'd imagine that sometimes people date people and are drawn to people because it reminds them of their ex, and some of those people will still harbor feelings for their ex. I guess you could say its a type of rebound.

Right? :dunno::wtf:

LOOK. I'm not debating the validity of your statements, I'm dating the necessity of them. You can't think like a guy. PERIOD. And a woman's opinion isn't what we need on this particular subject. This is a "hey dude" type question. Although (like I said before), your input is appreciated, there's no need to get on any sort of high (or fucking short, really... :dunno:) horse, because this isn't your fight. I mean if you were watching a pro sports game would you run out onto the field/whatnot and try to join the game? Because that (to me :2 cents:) seems like what you're doing here... :2 cents::dunno:

Well thats fine, if this is a "guys only" thread, I understand and apologize for piping up in the first place. I just thought that the topic at hand COULD pertain to females as well, at the very least on the pretense that guys could date girls that remind them of their ex too. I've certainly gone on dates with guys who've said things like "your eyes are exactly like my ex's" or, "I love blondes, my ex's have been blondes" etc etc. And I thought I could at least throw out my own opinion. Guess not though. *moves aside so the rest of the peens can jump in*


Official Checked Star Member
Spexy...Let's say you left your ex because he was a cheap, rude, lying asshole. You wouldn't give another good, polite, honest guy a chance because they have similar facial features? That is crazy to me.

Well, it'd creep me out if there was any SERIOUSLY similar features. I mean I don't knowingly seek out guys that DON'T look like my ex's...but if I saw a guy and was like "holy shit that looks exactly like *insert name here*"....I'd just be like "eww". Sure I may be casting aside a really great guy, but honestly I'd be thinking "gross' the whole time lol.

And now that I think of it, all of my serious bfs look nothing alike. I've dated tall, short, fat, skinny, ripped, goths, skaters, jocks, etc etc etc. Maybe I unconsciously think after every relationship failure that I'll move onto something "new". :dunno:


Official Checked Star Member
I mean thats just me. Everyone does things differently. But I couldn't see dating someone that looked like any of my ex's. It'd just be wierd to me and I'd honestly hate to be reminded of my ex while I'm trying on something new for size.


Official Checked Star Member
Anyways, I was already bitched at for even responding here so I'll peace out. Please, gents, continue.
Spexy...Let's say you left your ex because he was a cheap, rude, lying asshole. You wouldn't give another good, polite, honest guy a chance because they have similar facial features? That is crazy to me.


Well thats fine, if this is a "guys only" thread, I understand and apologize for piping up in the first place. I just thought that the topic at hand COULD pertain to females as well, at the very least on the pretense that guys could date girls that remind them of their ex too. I've certainly gone on dates with guys who've said things like "your eyes are exactly like my ex's" or, "I love blondes, my ex's have been blondes" etc etc. And I thought I could at least throw out my own opinion. Guess not though. *moves aside so the rest of the peens can jump in*

Anyways, I was already bitched at for even responding here so I'll peace out. Please, gents, continue.

Did I NOT state TWICE (this being the 3rd...) now that I appreciate/ thank you for your input?? :why::dunno:


Official Checked Star Member

Did I NOT state TWICE (this being the 3rd...) now that I appreciate/ thank you for your input?? :why::dunno:

You did, but you also made it clear that my input was not really necessary here, since I have a vageen. So, I'm stepping aside and letting all the dudes say their piece. No need to get argumentative hun! :tongue:

But I will add, that I just asked my ex the question at hand and his response was this- "yes it'd be wierd because I'd always be wondering if the girl I was seeing was actually thinking of her ex and not me." ...and then went on to say "if you dated someone that looked like me, it'd be a compliment to ME and not so much to the guy you're dating because I'm the one being compared to". Just some :2 cents: from another dude.
Some years ago I was seeing a girl off and on. We went on dates and had sex but I was pretty much into my own thing too much to really commit to something more serious with her. She made mention quite a few times about how much I looked like her ex though...So too would her sister who I met at the same time she and I met. They would comment on it (back and forth to each other in my presence) always in the context of it being a very good thing.

When she first mentioned it I said something along the lines of ...well, I can't remember exactly what I said but it was some light hearted quip to which she seemed to say something like she liked the way I looked or she liked it or whatever.

Like I said, she mentioned it quite a few times and seem to be pretty struck by it. I don't seem to recall it making an impression on me one way or the other as it didn't really bear upon my intentions with her. To the degree that it would have it seemed to be to my advantage. So it was something noteworthy but pretty much went in one ear and right out the other.

Fast forward to the present day...I meet a woman that is a spitting image of another girl I dated before. I mean it's just mind blowing how much they share a resemblance so I approach her and fortunately we hit it off. But as I talked with her it was just distractingly striking how much they looked alike to the point where I almost mentioned it...a few times.

A part of me thinks that I'm going to mention it to her at some point..most likely after we at least have sex.:1orglaugh:1orglaugh (Not right afterwards dummies..:cool:)

But it did make me think back to that previous situation and I can kind of see why she mentioned it the way she did. It is distracting...but not in a bad way though. Almost like someone having really nice eyes, a really nice smile or anything else that strikes you about them while you're talking to them and you're moved to comment or compliment them on it....something like that I guess.:dunno:

Though they bear a near identical resemblance I don't find myself longing for my ex over her. They are two different people who happen to share physical features I'm predisposed to being attracted to. I see them looking alike as just a conversation piece almost.

As I try to figure out a simple way of mentioning this to her I wondered would it (or should it) bother the average person if this was mentioned to them?

Having seen both sides and thinking about it for a bit now I don't think it should bother a person.

The way I look at it is no one has a patent on a look. Who's to say which looks like the other? My ex could look like her just a much as she could look like my ex. Just because we stumble on one before we stumbled upon the other shouldn't make the difference IMO. Frankly, having thought about it....if one of my ex's did find someone who looked like me and they really hit it off. I think it would be kind of naive and delusional to see that as a necessary compliment to me. It would kind of be more of a negative. I mean I would know she physically liked me already because she wouldn't have dated me to begin with if she didn't. But it could mean she found other shit about the guy which made her happy that she didn't see in me. Version 2.0 (if you will).

Though I think if someone wants you to look or act like an ex and you don't....that would be an insult IMO.
It would make me reticent about being involved with her, to say the least.

Well I should think it's even simpler for you VV...No more Greek wimins.
Nah, if she's been lucky enough to find two guys as good looking as me....:rofl:
You were "involved" with a chick and one of the reasons she was attracted to you (physically) was because you had a striking likeness to her ex-bf?

Yes it would bother me. Getting compared to an ex from the beginning, is not a great start to a relationship.
Not as long as she didn't expect me to be like or have the mannerisms of this gorgeous Ex !!!!!!
Yes it would bother me. Getting compared to an ex from the beginning, is not a great start to a relationship.

So, if you met by chance a woman bearing a striking resemblance to an ex you wouldn't mention it because it would suggest you're comparing the two?

I wouldn't mention it right away...for fear that she would naively think my mentioning it actually meant something beyond a mere anecdote.

But it wouldn't be a matter of comparisons to acknowledge a person coincidentally looks like someone else. I would hope she would have more sense than to think I was out shopping for a replica of my ex.

That's why I asked the question because it seems like the natural inclination of people is to put more into something like that than meets the eye.
My only experience here was the opposite, my ex-gf once told me that after we broke up she was seeing some guy who supposedly looked a lot like me, and I did once date a girl who looked a little bit like another ex of mine.
i'd probably say no, if I found that out, I would prefer someone love me for me not for some resemblence to an old flame. Hey, I mean be attracted to me but I will not like being compared to an old flame and I do not want that trouble.