Worst Genre of Music?

What in your opinion is the worst musical genre?

I have to say Porngrind which I have just recently come to know and with a name like Porngrind to me as an active member of a pornsite left me so dissapointed :D I mean yeah Torsofuck's song Raped by Elephants sounds great but to listen to ..... not so much. :rolleyes:

I mean isnt this just the worst thing you have ever heard? Or is it just me? This is just my opinion if there is anyone out there who actually likes it explain why, please? To me it just sounds like a band who werent good enough to be a death metal band but for some reason decided to carry on.

I like metal, most kinds of metal. But this, I just cant get.

Here's an example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX17Ur7dEBg

I suppose Porngrind is more of a sub-genre of grindcore (or whatever :dunno:) but I still feel it's a valid choice :D.

Your thoughts?


Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Rap/hip hop, without a doubt...with polka's running a close second.
Country. I'm sure there are a bunch of are sub genres that are terrible, but they are easy to avoid. I can't go anywhere without hearing some shitty ass country singer playing his generic ass guitar riffs.

And you're right about this porngrind. No talent.
Country and Rap. Definitely.

Why? Well, Rap is just plain unpleasant, and my parents loved country music.

I'm sure they should have been sent to jail for playing that stuff.....Slim Whitman...."When I'm calling yoooooo ooooo eeee ooooo oooo oooo"......aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrh! I still have nightmares about that.
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I like hip-hop, but the current mainstream stuff pisses me off.

Also emo and indie.
[B][URL="https://www.freeones.com/panther said:
Panther[/URL][/B], post: 3300631, member: 26138"]Without a doubt. Also, scatting ruins Jazz vocals.

No, scatting ruins bulletin boards. :hatsoff:
The question is kinda pointless, don't you think? Which music genre is "good" or "bad" is really a matter of taste. ;)
I bet you'll even find enough people who like white trash nazi bands that deny the Holocaust. And that's some music I'd define as "bad".

I like Porngrind, by the way. And there are a lot of bands in Porngrind that are quite good. Just because not every band wants to sound like Dream Theater doesn't mean they're all less versatile than Dream Theater. But I'd grant that there are more Porngrind bands with less appealing songs or albums than for example Death Metal bands.
And to me, Country isn't the worst music either. I think, there are a lot of good or culturally important Country songs. For example: hardly any musical genre has dealt as extensively with the beginning of the atomic age in the 1940s and 1950s as the Country Music genre. Some scholars had field days researching the connections between Country Music and American history, culture, politics and ideology. ;)

I personally dislike almost everything that comes out of the Schranz or Dance Floor corner. And a lot of todays Hip Hop or Rap, too, but not all of it. And I can't stand Deutsche Heimatmelodie. That's one of the worst, stereotypical, most degrading pieces of German culture. If you don't know, what I'm talking about: have a taste.


what the fuck you lookin at?
Rap/hip hop/R&B all complete shit!
How could someone call hip hop shit when it's not music. That just shows that you guys are only going by what you hear on the radio. Rap is music, hip hop is the culture.
The question is kinda pointless, don't you think? Which music genre is "good" or "bad" is really a matter of taste. ;)
I bet you'll even find enough people who like white trash nazi bands that deny the Holocaust. And that's some music I'd define as "bad".

Thats why I made it quite clear in my original post to ask: "What in your opinion do you think is the worst genre of music?"

The thread is not for us all to come to some sort of consensus about what actually is the worst genre. Just for members to give us their opinion.

Yeah its a pointless question because we're never going to get a definitive answer to the question. But can you really say its any different from the 99.9% of the other threads on this board? Everyone has contrasting opinions and nothing is ever resolved through a thread. So shut up and get on with it :D

And I say that with the utmost respect ;)

I like Porngrind, by the way. And there are a lot of bands in Porngrind that are quite good. Just because not every band wants to sound like Dream Theater doesn't mean they're all less versatile than Dream Theater. But I'd grant that there are more Porngrind bands with less appealing songs or albums than for example Death Metal bands.

At least we have one fan to back it up, maybe there are more. But I just dont get it :dunno:.

Who are Dream Theater?
