Worst Crime Ever

i don't know if it's the worst thing ever but it's certainly horrendous. the whole of what they did to him is like they were running their own little auschwitz. i imagine they were doing it for much the same reason the men who ran the camp were, to feel powerful and important. the first time they dominated the victim they probably felt powerful for the first time in their pitiful lives and became hooked to their 'power'. humanity has this incessant need to subjugate one another. everywhere humans can subjugate, from the extreme violence of genocide to the more subtle politics of the workplace, we do...what these useless humans did falls somewhere in the middle of these.
They got off easy. They should all be tortured for 20 yrs and then shot.

Worse still in this country you end up serving only half the sentence if you show good behaviour, should send them to jail in Siberia, it'll cost us less than imprisoning them here plus the Russians have the room and would welcome the money.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Worse still in this country you end up serving only half the sentence if you show good behaviour, should send them to jail in Siberia, it'll cost us less than imprisoning them here plus the Russians have the room and would welcome the money.

Great idea. You guys don't at least have life w/o parole? BTW one of my best friends is from Wales. He's one of the founders of Green Diamond Tyre out of Iceland.
The worst crime ever is quite repetitive for me and occurs most of the time before 9:00 in the morning.

And seriously, I feel sorry for this poor bugger, but horrible things happen all the time. It's only when these events are covered by the media that we really realize that.
The green lighting of a prequel to Kurt Russell's movie The Thing.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
The female brute who took my virginity
or the go ahead to the fucking sequel of Escape from NY, Escape from L.A.




And lets not forget the green lighting of the remake of Escape From New York as well.
Update, no more 'jokes' about the 'worst crime ever' title please!!! I was a novice back when I started this thread :o

Kept as a slave, sexually abused and finally beheaded: How man with learning difficulties was failed by EVERYONE

* Vulnerable Michael Gilbert was stabbed, shot at with an air gun and treated like a dog for a decade

* Criminal family hacked up body and dumped him in a lake

* Police ignored his pleas for help claiming he had 'invented his injuries'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...ly-abused-finally-beheaded.html#ixzz1RWeP32qe
the worst crime I can think of is the Amish school house in PA being shot up and those little kids dying.