Worst Crime Ever

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Indeed this is a Very despicable crime, I feel sorry for the guy, living like that, in pain, the constant, barbaric torture, I hope all of the guilty are tortured and suffer as much pain as the victim suffered. but is it the Worst crime ever? I am not sure about that, of course this crime was very brutal in nature, but there have been others that have taken place that are equally as vicious, I'm just saying the same kind of thing has happened to entire families, mass victims, children etc.. they are all examples of the worst humanity has to offer.

Which actual incident is the worst ever??? who knows but as long as there are evil sadistic money hungry people in our society amongst our population this will no doubt continue too happen over and over again, each time its just as bad, just as sad, and unimaginable to fathom. :dunno::2 cents:
Somebody stole my umbrella and a pair of leather gloves when I was in college. I've never gotten over it. That was the worst crime ever! :mad: :crash: :violent:


Hiliary 2020
bad crime, sick crime, yes.

but with all the horrible stuff that humans have done to humans since recorded history, pinpointing which one was worse is impossible.


Hiliary 2020
Who cares?

yeah i like that thread you started too.
what was that topic again?
oh yeah, "take your dick out of my ass and put it in my mouth".

just joking mrt, but youv'e been doing this who cares stuff a lot lately.
its a message board for the love of pete!
yeah i like that thread you started too.
what was that topic again?
oh yeah, "take your dick out of my ass and put it in my mouth".

just joking mrt, but youv'e been doing this who cares stuff a lot lately.
its a message board for the love of pete!
Well this is just another of those "ooh isn't the world a terrible place with terrible crimes like this happening" & everyone can tut in agreement. :mad:

Anyway, re my response. Why don't you complain. . .on another messageboard! :thefinger
Indeed this is a Very despicable crime, I feel sorry for the guy, living like that, in pain, the constant, barbaric torture, I hope all of the guilty are tortured and suffer as much pain as the victim suffered. but is it the Worst crime ever? I am not sure about that, of course this crime was very brutal in nature, but there have been others that have taken place that are equally as vicious, I'm just saying the same kind of thing has happened to entire families, mass victims, children etc.. they are all examples of the worst humanity has to offer.

Which actual incident is the worst ever??? who knows but as long as there are evil sadistic money hungry people in our society amongst our population this will no doubt continue too happen over and over again, each time its just as bad, just as sad, and unimaginable to fathom. :dunno::2 cents:

Couldn't think of an appropriate heading. But it is the worst story I've heard of over here in the UK for a while, it was all over the news today as people question how such monsters live amongst us, especially some of the women now. They showed one of the mobile video clips the scumbags had and the poor guy just stood there while they whacked him with a baseball bat just for a laugh or a bet I dunno, the victim had learning difficulties which would have made him almost like a child.


Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Couldn't think of an appropriate heading. But it is the worst story I've heard of over here in the UK for a while, it was all over the news today as people question how such monsters live amongst us, especially some of the women now. They showed one of the mobile video clips the scumbags had and the poor guy just stood there while they whacked him with a baseball bat just for a laugh or a bet I dunno, the victim had learning difficulties which would have made him almost like a child.


No worries. I wasn't casting judgement or criticizing your post or thread, I was just presenting my opinion of the matter. Yeah it was a brutal crime and the poor guy didn't deserve what he got, unfortunately it happens more often than we think and hear about. :2 cents:


Hiliary 2020
Well this is just another of those "ooh isn't the world a terrible place with terrible crimes like this happening" & everyone can tut in agreement. :mad:

Anyway, re my response. Why don't you complain. . .on another messageboard! :thefinger


I agree, there sure is a lot of doom and gloom on here.


what the fuck you lookin at?
no where near the worst thing one human could do to another.