Worst Beer You Have Ever Drank...

miller high life is pretty damn vile...only thing worse for me is MGD :throwup: its bad when a beer makes you sick without any intoxication...the only time miller high life was ever good was when they had the limited edition camo cans...for some reason that made them taste better, mental thing i guess...pretty much any cheap american beer is gonna be disgusting though IMO
Guiness and Murphys. Those are fucking gross. Tastes like I'm chewing coffee beans with a little bit of water.
In all seriousness: Indeed. I'm the same way. I only drak socially and get fucked up on New Year's, as Alcohalism or even being a regular drinker is NOTHING I chould ever get into. Way too fattening as I also mentioned in another recent post, and I simply don't get it. But all the alpha-male beer cheering, once it has been said & done, ALL beer that I've tasted so far from various countries is absolute shit. Sorry to say. Just my own taste bud's opinions and perverbial. :2 cents:

Personally for me, a good red wine or a more "girly" drink is MUCH better for getting sauced on the big 'Eve. Never understood beer's appeal myself. Maybe cause it's so cheap & easy to obtain? Alas to each they're own.

Wine's leave you with a lethal hangover though. I think the worst hangover I ever had was on Zima though. Oh god, Zima will put you in a fucking coma.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Alexander Keith's is pure shit. And their spokesman is a pedophile.
There are two beers which compete for this title in my book: Spaten, and a beer which I can't remember what it's called.

I bought the Spaten at Costco because it was something like $18 bucks for a 24-pack, and I regretted it. It tasted like glass cleaner. My roommates and I were all big beer drinkers, 12-packs rarely lasted longer than a couple hours, but the bottles of foamy glass cleaner sat in the fridge for nearly 2 months.

The other beer is some shit that I got from Beverages & More because the tag on the shelf said that it had the Guiness record for the world's most alcoholic beer. I decided to get a bottle to see what it was like. Ugh, it was vile! The fucking thing tasted like a mixture of soy sauce, Wocerstershire sauce, and steak sauce. It was thick, salty, and bitter (yeah, yeah. That's what she said, I know), and was quite undrinkable. My 3 roommates and I all made an honest effort to drink more than one gulp, but none of us were able to. We ended up flushing most of it down the toilet because nobody could drink it. :pukey:

Wine's leave you with a lethal hangover though. I think the worst hangover I ever had was on Zima though. Oh god, Zima will put you in a fucking coma.
Not as bad as Jack. I once bought a Costco-sized bottle of Jack Daniels, you know, the half gallon size. Well, it turned out that I was the only one present who liked Jack, so the bottle was all mine. By the time I passed out, which was long before the party ended, I had consumed half of the bottle all by myself. The next morning I woke up still drunk. I went to work, got off work, drove back home, and I was still drunk. Sometime around 6 in the afternoon I ceased to be drunk and became hungover. Ugh, that was the worst feeling I have ever had! Every time I burped my mouth, throat, and esophagus burned worse than heartburn. I had a headache which was only bearable if there was no light or sound, because the moment either happened it became agonizing. I kept dry-heaving, and couldn't stomach any food. That day sucked.

That was the last time I drank hard liquor.
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just curious to what everyone says, most people have different tastes regarding beer :glugglug:

The worst, huh ? well, as such, some of these '''ol swills'' are probably long gone from the marketplace but, here we go :
2)"generic" (yes, there was such a thing) :pukey:,
3)warm "Hamms"
5)"Oly" and basically anything that was less than, I don't know . . $3.50 per 6'er at the time.
Yep ! as they say, you get what you pay for. . and when we're talking beer it couldn't be more true !
few exceptions exist, trust me :1orglaugh :pukey:

Thanks for the thread bro, you bring back some, well, memories ! :glugglug:

Life's a bitch, you drink bad beer, then you die !
steel reserve
old english
Colt 45
Sierra nevada
(being an SF guy i know ill catch flak) anchor steam
red tail (CA beer)
theres otheres i cant remember. no pun intended


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Hey GSB that most alcoholic beer you drank sounds like Sam Adams Triple Boch to me, did it come in a fancy dark blue bottle? Triple Boch has the same vile taste of soy, Worcestershire, and steak sauce combined. Also a bottle of the stuff costs about $20 or more. I forget how they brew it, but I am assuming it is the bottom of those beer making kilns they use.
It's not a flavour I would want to pound back, but once in a while, I like to enjoy a strange taste over some video games. :glugglug:

Oh, I gotcha now. Yeah, it would be great for pouring over video games.

(is that something that people who play video games do? Pour beer over their games?)
