Initiation Ceremony
... I prefer natural boobs, but I don't mind fake boobs.

To be clear, I don't mind fake boobs either, as long as they don't look fake. ;)


To be clear, I don't mind fake boobs either, as long as they don't look fake. ;)

Catch-22-ish, if they don't look fake, how do you know they're fake???
I voted for Public Lust with picture framing in mind.
This is the type of pic that elevates to another level when framed. Win or lose, I have some interesting images to share of this pic. :)

Public Lust* - 4
Initiation Ceremony - 4
Tushies & Toes - 1
*holds tiebreaker advantage

Time remaining in match (as of this post): ~ 24 hours
By virtue of tournament's tiebreaker rule, Public Lust holds on to claim the WCN Multi-Model Runner-Up title and 4th hall-of-fame slot of the 2017-18 playoff season!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm"Public Lust"


mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmFinal Tally
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmPublic Lust - 4
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmInitiation Ceremony - 4
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimmmmmmmmmTushies & Toes - 1

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmWCN... porn for the art of it! ii
Wow, what a difference a frame makes!... at least for this pic, as it clearly helps minimize that glaring "top chop" so obvious in the frameless version.
Happy that Public Lust won, but disappointed that I was unable to get the name of the models or the photographer.
This is very important to the mission of WCN - that is, to recognize and honor excellence from the world of nude photographic arts.
Any help in tracking down this photo's info would be greatly appreciated!


Light one for Me
Wow, what a difference a frame makes!... at least for this pic, as it clearly helps minimize that glaring "top chop" so obvious in the frameless version.

Why did you not add a frame to each of the pictures? I can't understand how that won over Initiation Ceremony. Same number of votes, more women and in colour. Ah well.


Happy that Public Lust won, but disappointed that I was unable to get the name of the models or the photographer.
This is very important to the mission of WCN - that is, to recognize and honor excellence from the world of nude photographic arts.
Any help in tracking down this photo's info would be greatly appreciated!

I'm sure I've seen the model on the left before and possibly the other model too.

Post the photo in the "Identify / Name the Babe" section of the forum to help identify them.