Workplace Ethics?

I am a hairstylist, and I'm surrounded by hot chicks everyday. Is it wrong to take a peek or two at some co-worker's thong/cleavage/upper-inner thigh when I get the chance? I have a really hot girlfriend, but that doesn't mean I can't look, right?

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I have a really hot girlfriend

It's okay, virgin. I'm sure you'll get to see a vagina before you die. There's no reason to be "Pete the Pervert" while you're working. Let it happen naturally...


Member, you member...
What about your clients cleavage?
I would think it would be easier to get a peek there as you are over them.


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
What about your clients cleavage?
I would think it would be easier to get a peek there as you are over them.

Yep I am going to have to agree with him on this; especially when your shampooing a female clients hair and they sit in that sink/chair.
If it's not illegal, it's not unethical.




Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think you should not do it too excessively, but a little peek here and there was fine for the female colleagues I had over the years.

Just don't get too creepy ^^
No it's not alright! Have you ever stopped to think about the feelings of those poor unfortunate women living and conforming to this male dominated world being discriminated against by your dirty male mind, let alone the fact that if your 'girlfriend' found out she'd be heartbroken? No you didn't did you!? That's just disgusting and I hope you feel very ashamed of yourself.

This abomination of an act as you very well know under the 'Hairstylist's Code of Ethics' will not go unpunished. So it would be the noble thing for you to do before you muddy the hands of your well manicured co-workers if you fell on your scissors and tear open your belly as a symbolic gesture to the rest of your profession just like the Samurai's of old. This is a noble death, a true gentlemen's death. So do not be afraid, it is the correct thing to do in order to uphold the honour of your establishment, your profession, your girlfriend, the entire female species that you have defiled with your disgusting mind and most importantly to yourself.

Remember your oath as a hair stylist. This is the correct thing to do...
No it's not alright! Have you ever stopped to think about the feelings of those poor unfortunate women living and conforming to this male dominated world being discriminated against by your dirty male mind, let alone the fact that if your 'girlfriend' found out she'd be heartbroken? No you didn't did you!? That's just disgusting and I hope you feel very ashamed of yourself.

This abomination of an act as you very well know under the 'Hairstylist's Code of Ethics' will not go unpunished. So it would be the noble thing for you to do before you muddy the hands of your well manicured co-workers if you fell on your scissors and tear open your belly as a symbolic gesture to the rest of your profession just like the Samurai's of old. This is a noble death, a true gentlemen's death. So do not be afraid, it is the correct thing to do in order to uphold the honour of your establishment, your profession, your girlfriend, the entire female species that you have defiled with your disgusting mind and most importantly to yourself.

Remember your oath as a hair stylist. This is the correct thing to do...

BlueBalls, you are totally right. I shall retire immediately and soon after, I will fall on my longest pair of shears in the parking. Thank you, wise one!
Dude, you have no idea of the amount of control I have over women.

When you hold a womans head between your hands, remember, you are asking how they like their bangs or if they are happy with their perm, you are not about force your cock down their throat.

Secondly, your a hair stylist, be prepared to defend your sexuality, not only to your friends but the guys on this board, the internet, the world when they find out what you do.

You over estimate this control.
it's all right as long as you don't take shot under the skirt. lol


Of course you can look


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Greatest thread ever!!!