Workers discover 18th century ship buried at World Trade Centre site

I suppose an amazing find in relation to the modernised commercial area around and above it but was probably insignificant at the time it was buried. Weird what you can find if you dig deep enough.




The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Neat. All I have buried in my backyard is the body of my ex-wife.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Dig her up and stick her bones on eBay, the Chinese or Japanese (I forget which) go crazy for that shit

I don't know if that's a good idea. The part of the lawn that's above her has gotten really green and healthy. I guess shit does make the best fertilizer. :tongue:

I hate it when you post first, cause anything after that is but a shadow in comparison.

Pretty cool about the boat though.:dunno:

Ruining the board one post at a time. :thumbsup:

In all seriousness, I'm having a hard time believing that they just found a boat at Ground Zero. What's next, are people going to say that the boat was carrying a cursed mummy to America for display and it got lost there and that's why 9/11 occured?

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I don't know if that's a good idea. The part of the lawn that's above her has gotten really green and healthy. I guess shit does make the best fertilizer. :tongue:

Ruining the board one post at a time. :thumbsup:

In all seriousness, I'm having a hard time believing that they just found a boat at Ground Zero. What's next, are people going to say that the boat was carrying a cursed mummy to America for display and it got lost there and that's why 9/11 occured?

You may have stumbled upon a new conspiracy theory. At the very least a new urban legend.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
You may have stumbled upon a new conspiracy theory. At the very least a new urban legend.

I kind of just plagarized that from an urban legend about the Titanic, but if you want to credit me for it go right ahead.


Member, you member...
Sooooo, does this mean they will make the place an archaeological dig site and preserve it for years?

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Or does it mean that conspiracy theorists will say that 9/11 happened at the behest of the Catholic Church so scholars could find the ship which is really Noah's Ark and bring faith back to people.

As crazy as it sounds......I thought of it first!
Sooooo, does this mean they will make the place an archaeological dig site and preserve it for years?

Doubt it. What I've seen in London is that if an area is being developed (especially prime real estate) and something of historical importance is found then the archaeologists have a limited time to examine/document what they've found and remove what they can before the area is paved over, unless it's something of major historical importance of course. In New York an 18th Century boat will not stop this being built:



The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
Or does it mean that conspiracy theorists will say that 9/11 happened at the behest of the Catholic Church so scholars could find the ship which is really Noah's Ark and bring faith back to people.

As crazy as it sounds......I thought of it first!

I like mine better. :mad:


Hiliary 2020
1) far out man. groovy stuff.
2) totally awesome.
3) that shit be trippin yo.

whichever youre most comfortable with.

nice thread U
Ummm, why the fuck are we still digging at Ground Zero? Within a year of the Great Chicago Fire, the entire city was rebuilt. There were no signs that it ever burnt down. That was in 1871. The Empire State Building was built in one 1930.

Really, what the fuck?


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
Have they determined which country this ship came from yet???