Wis. State Fair sees rash of racially motivated attacks


Hiliary 2020
It's official. Every person on this board belongs in an insane asylum.:drama:


Just raise your hand darkwarrior. Just raise it up there.
C'mon darkwarrior , you wanna watch the world series?
Just raise it up.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Hard to find a side to agree with on this. Violence without justifiable cause? Racial violence in a white state? Ehh...
White guys, you dont need to learn to fight. Because YOURE WHITE. Dont put yourself in a situation you cant come out on top.
Black guys, really..? Beat on random whiteys? Yup, that makes up for all the opression and lack of black guys in your state. Way to even the score. :rolls eyes:
Irish guys? I'll hold the bottles while you guys scrap it out. ::chug chug chug:: aww yeah..

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
The Iowa State Fair began today. I asked a couple friends there which night would be the one when the random acts of violence would occur. No answer yet.



Jaysus Tapdancing Christ....some excerpts from the article:

"Opportunistic thrill-seeking and resentment fueled by stark segregation and high unemployment among young black males (39 percent versus 23 percent for white teens) have been cited by sociologists as possible causes for the recent attacks."

I do enjoy the intellectualization of mob violence. It makes me want to carry my crowbar with one pinky up and consider having a spot of tea after knee-capping a motherfucker.

"The attacks have touched off debates in Milwaukee and elsewhere about who bears ultimate responsibility for the incidents: parents or society at large?"

Are you fucking serious?!? How about blaming the punks committing the violence? Or would that be too weird?

...."appears to be the first time that specific hate charges have been cited in relation to recent attacks. Two similar attacks earlier this year in Milwaukee did not result in hate crime charges against the suspects."

I'm not as indignant about this line. But a crime is a crime. Violent crime is violent crime. But, I suppose that's a debate for another thread.

P.S. "he said he personally picked out white people because they were "easy targets."

Quit being easy fuckin' targets.

