Long time I thought that freeones board consists just of the "ID babe" section. It is kinda hobby for me. It was (and is) interesting to help other people and check my own memory skills ID'ing different pictures.
Later on I had discovered "Freeones talk" board, and many interesting people out there. I like that this board has a large amount of active users, and it ain't no stupid dissing/fighting/clashes in every and each thread, like it happens at many other boards in the internet. Also, it is nice to talk with people, who *by default* are porn lovers (to a greater or lesser extent), cuz it means that at least they are not sanctimonious persons. I hate hypocrite people.
As for nude girls and porn itself, I know a lot of other places to find that kinda material. At Freeones I am more interesed in talking and ID'ing hobby. All in all it is a good board with friendly atmosphere.