If skin color was the only difference then I wouldn't really care. However that mentality is prescribed to by people who are incapable of actually looking into the subject of racial differences, such as cranial size, hip width, the amount of fast twitch vs slow twitch muscle fiber, etc. Live in constant reality denial if you want, I'd rather be informed than blissfully ignorant.
So what? So I'd better not have sex with someone with quick twitch muscles. I see. Not.
I never denied that I was a racist. Racism to me is acknowledging you are of a certain race and that you put the betterment of your race as the highest priority. Doesn't have anything to do with hating someone because "their skin is a different color". That's an extremely childish line of reasoning. But then again what more could I expect from you?
Then that would be the human race..
You think it's such a cute idea about having your jungle fever experience, as if it were some sort of fad some brain dead girl discovered by watching too much MTV. Why don't you try the bisexual fad, it's a little more contemporary. Do what you want, it's your body, just don't expect everyone to think its some wonderful thing. I feel sorry for the white sucker who hooks up with you after you've had your little ethnic experience.
Jungle Fever! If the people in my family were that stupid I'd not be the wonderful mix I am. Born in Trinidad! We are a wonderful mixture of happy people. I am bisexual too:
You Might think racism is some character flaw (unfortunately thousands of years of history have shown it's quite handy for survival purposes, animals exhibit a similar behavior every day), but to me it shows that your mind hasn't been turned to a puddle of goo by getting your socially acceptable behavioral training from popular culture. Too much TV just helps to make you dumber.
You are living proof, wait you just read books that make you dumber?