and we have a moral obligation to liberate the rightful owners from the invaders.
Says who?
I know you were making a counter-argument... but still.
Returning to the present, with Mexico a sovereign state along with the United States, there are millions of illegal border crossers coming in illegally to the US from Mexico; settling in like locusts using fake and stolen IDs to take jobs of every kind while using said fake and stolen IDs to fill the welfare rolls; 3 or 4 families living in 1 family dwellings using Apt #1, #2, etc to get multiple welfare payments
See, this is probably where I diverge from you PoV.
I don't blame them, I blame the Federal gunverment and it's retarded policies [Fair warning for all readers: My wife of over 30+ years is an immigrant from Afghanistan - a dirt poor, 4th world nation].
The Feds
encourage such behavior - do you think there'd be SO many flocking here if there was no welfare? I'm not discounting the fact that the vast majority of those who come here do so because they want to better their lives ---- but the existence of welfare gives an added incentive.
using the emergency rooms for regular medical care, and just never paying their bill.
Now hold on to your horse there cowboy!
A recent article in Slate claims that the uninsured and the insured folks both visit the ERs in roughly the same proportion
Full article
The last time I checked their was no need for 10,000,000 fruit pickers anywhere, and there are Americans lining up for jobs that Mexicans are taking at $6 and $8 an hour 'cause they have almost no cash expenses like American citizens do.
Dude, admit it - this is
highly debatable.
Doctors get paid, medicine costs money to restock, so the hospitals are going bankrupt from the drain. States are paying out for schools and services with a shrinking tax base to pay for it all...
Again, the problems here are not the "immigrants"
per se but government policy. There are way too many Americans who abuse the system - in fact, it is my
personal experience that illegal immigrants rarely chose to get regular medical checkups ... coming in
mostly when they have been persuaded/in-too-much-pain-to-ignore-otherwise (I used to staff a clinic in the Louisiana-Texas border and many of our patients were the migrant far worker bunch).
not to mention the cost of illegal immigrant crime and foreclosure rates for houses and cars.
As opposed to legal citizen crime and foreclosure rates? Again, the problem is not the migrant - it's government policy!
I would suggest you stop listening to so-called pro-Immigration propaganda and do some actual research.
There is no "pro-immigrant propanganda" involved in saying "a good bunch of the lowest paying jobs in the US are held by undocumented workers".
You should be able to draw the 'economic conclusions' of that argument on your own.
Mexican-Americans are a great part of the melting pot that is the US of A; illegals are not.
PS... My ancestors came in legally, and you seem to be confusing legal immigrants with illegal ones. The key is allowed in vs snuck over the border.
Philbert, you know how much I dislike
disagreeing with you but this is one of those times:
Especially when you seem to make a case for "government (especially Federal) controlled immigration". By adding on stuff like "my ancestors came here
Yes. I understand. "IT IS THE LAW!"
No doubt.
But if the law doesn't make any sense what-so-ever... why should we continue to follow it?
Let me give a different example: The Bill of Rights.
no point does that glorious document ever say "citizen". It always mentions "person" or "people". In fact, at whatever points the Founding Fathers thought fit, they used the word "citizen" if they implied such a term [you're free to look up the Constitution and tell me how often then used that term].
Now, I'm no idiot. I recognise that the border states are grappling with this issue. I'm not dismissing your concerns...
BUT, IMHO - we are "scapegoating" the wrong offender.