Why Should I Care About California?

Touted as the place to be way back ion the 1980's, I wonder what has happened to this once place to be. Is it their fault for years of electing these individuals that have brought this State down? Should the "Governator" resign? WTF is really going on in this state? Is this is what is goign to happen to the rest of the States? You think the feds are going to bail them out too?

California voters kill budget measures
Only salary curbs survive in a rout of Schwarzenegger's slate of reforms
By Eric Bailey
May 20, 2009
Reporting from Sacramento -- The "big five" elected leaders -- Schwarzenegger and the legislative chieftains from both houses -- are slated to begin closed-door meetings today upon the governor's return from Washington, where he spent election day after casting a last-minute absentee ballot.

On Thursday a small group of Senate and Assembly members will hold the first of what's expected to be a slew of daily public sessions to wrangle over the details of the budget.

The complete article under this link


Will E Worm

You don't need to worry about California. They wanted to elect a movie star, that was their decision.

Many problems in California. I wouldn't live there.
Touted as the place to be way back ion the 1980's, I wonder what has happened to this once place to be. Is it their fault for years of electing these individuals that have brought this State down? Should the "Governator" resign? WTF is really going on in this state? Is this is what is goign to happen to the rest of the States? You think the feds are going to bail them out too?

California voters kill budget measures
Only salary curbs survive in a rout of Schwarzenegger's slate of reforms
By Eric Bailey
May 20, 2009
Reporting from Sacramento -- The "big five" elected leaders -- Schwarzenegger and the legislative chieftains from both houses -- are slated to begin closed-door meetings today upon the governor's return from Washington, where he spent election day after casting a last-minute absentee ballot.

On Thursday a small group of Senate and Assembly members will hold the first of what's expected to be a slew of daily public sessions to wrangle over the details of the budget.

The complete article under this link


It's their fault that they're on the Mexican border. That about sums it up. Just fate.
i live in Kalifornia and i don't give a shit about this place. the second i get a chance to leave, i'm outta here.

That's the spirit. Don't try to make it better.

Easier to just RUN!!!


Not trying to jump on you Neutron66, but maybe Mauser98k wants to run because sometimes no matter what you do in a individual scale the majority of voters keep electing incompetent folks to office and you either lock step with them and drown in a sinking ship after they decided to take that route or just bail out and live to fight another day.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I say let's just let the whole rotten fucking system collapse under its own weight and start all over. I'm glad the voters of California have said "enough!" to this never-ending cycle of spending money we don't have to pay for shit we bought last year that we couldn't afford to pay for then because we were paying for the shit we bought the year before with money we didn't have.....on and on and on. You can't run a household with that mindset, you can't run a business with that mindset and you can't run a government with that mindset.

Let California go bankrupt. This American taxpayer is fed up.
I'll trade somebody houses. You can come live in Windsor, Ontario. Mauser? You up for it? All the hockey you can watch.
I say let's just let the whole rotten fucking system collapse under its own weight and start all over. I'm glad the voters of California have said "enough!" to this never-ending cycle of spending money we don't have to pay for shit we bought last year that we couldn't afford to pay for then because we were paying for the shit we bought the year before with money we didn't have.....on and on and on. You can't run a household with that mindset, you can't run a business with that mindset and you can't run a government with that mindset.

Let California go bankrupt. This American taxpayer is fed up.

Good observation! Now how does this reflect on a national level? I think the whole U.S. is in real bad shape and it will slowly continue to go in its way into some sort of financial armageddon like California is heading too, because the system did not clean up itself, just like it needs to happen there in California. Somehow I think politicians at Congress will come up with "California is too big to fail as a state" and some bail out will postpone its financial bankruptcy.


Closed Account
I'm a Californian and I dont remember what I voted on. I just filled in yes or no on whatever because every tax plan is the same bogus shit.
And then they try to play devils advocate. A proposed plan will sound good but if it passes, then kids won't get an afterschool program.

How can we fix the budget? Legalize casinos and sports betting and tax it.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
How can we fix the budget? Legalize casinos and sports betting and tax it.

Why not legalize marijuana for the same reason (among others)?? It's by far the largest cash crop in California and the government gets absolutely ZERO revenue from it.

Makes no sense whatsoever. :rolleyes:
I say let's just let the whole rotten fucking system collapse under its own weight and start all over. I'm glad the voters of California have said "enough!" to this never-ending cycle of spending money we don't have to pay for shit we bought last year that we couldn't afford to pay for then because we were paying for the shit we bought the year before with money we didn't have.....on and on and on. You can't run a household with that mindset, you can't run a business with that mindset and you can't run a government with that mindset.

Let California go bankrupt. This American taxpayer is fed up.

Now, now. That's not spoken like a true liberal. :)

It's the social services that are killing California.

It's the illegal-criminal South American-invader-aliens that are ruining the state of Kalifornia:

"California's addiction to 'cheap' illegal alien labor is bankrupting the state and posing enormous burdens on the state's shrinking middle class tax base," stated Dan Stein, President of FAIR. "Most Californians, who have seen their taxes increase while public services deteriorate, already know the impact that mass illegal immigration is having on their communities, but even they may be shocked when they learn just how much of a drain illegal immigration has become." ...

Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually:
State's "cheap labor" costs average household $1,183 a year


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Now, now. That's not spoken like a true liberal. :)

Scott....don't misunderstand me. I am absolutely a social liberal but when it comes to fiscal matters I am extremely conservative....especially when it's MY money you're talking about! :mad:

We can argue individual issues and I'll wear different hats so no dogmatic labels for me, please....I'm more complex than that. :D
I voted against the fucking proposals because I'm fed up of the government taking more and more of my money and squandering it. Maybe if it was actually used on shit that we need I wouldn't be as mad, but just last month it was all over the news that they had found that high level scumbags- I mean politicians- in the governor's cabinet had been using state money to pay for their personal commutes from LA to Sacramento and back on weekends, and there was even one shit stain who not only bought airfare from Sac to LA, but bought front row Justin Timberlake tickets for his daughter and the limo service which took them to the show with my fucking money. Did they get recalled? No. Did they get arrested for embezzlement or fraud? No. Are they still in office doing the same shit? Most likely.

The thing that surprises me is that there are still people willing to not only tolerate this reckless, irresponsible financial management that we've seen in recent years, but actually support the people who do it. 2 weeks ago at my monthly union meeting Assemblywoman Fiona Ma went in to try to sell us the ballot proposals. When she finished speaking someone from the membership stood up and said something to the effect of the government should be taxing us much more to ensure that this budget crisis doesn't happen again. His contribution was followed by cheers and applause from the members. Why?!? How can anybody who works for a living want to encourage the government to take more money out of his pocket?

The main thing that made me vote against the proposals, though, was the fact that, had they passed, they would only have given the state more money, but not specifically delineated the way in which said money would be spent, thus merely giving government more money to squander.

I really hope they can find a way to unfuck the current situation. When the people elected Ahnuld into office (by the way, you can't blame me, I voted for McClintock in that election) they elected him to unfuck what Grey Davis had fucked before him, but he's actually fucked things way beyond what Davis had done.

I need to get the fuck out of this fucking shithole.
It's the illegal-criminal South American-invader-aliens that are ruining the state of Kalifornia:

That's a huge impact, and California's biggest problem of this decade/century is the impact of the whole Enron fiasco. California was in a much better fiscal position before it, and after all was said and done, stupid decisions were made to try to get the money back, and they backfired, big time. But I don't think you can emphasize enough the impact that the Enron crisis had on California and it's fiscal position.
All of you guys are off base. The impact on CA's social services by illegals not nearly the problem. After all, California isn't the only border state with mass influxes of illegals.

California's fiscal house fell apart due to the gaming of it's energy grid by Enron and Reliant which caused the bankruptcy of Pacific Gas and Electric and the state bailout of So Cal Edison in 2000 and 2001.

This cost the state at least $15 billion.
Why not legalize marijuana for the same reason (among others)?? It's by far the largest cash crop in California and the government gets absolutely ZERO revenue from it.

Makes no sense whatsoever. :rolleyes:



Wow! How could anyone think a $10 Billion drain on the economy is the same as a $15 Billion drain?
What were we thinking?:rofl: