Why isn't Soccer popular in America?

  • Too many other sports to watch

    Votes: 46 19.8%
  • The best players play in Europe

    Votes: 23 9.9%
  • Most American's don't understand the game

    Votes: 76 32.8%
  • Most games aren't played during prime time on TV

    Votes: 12 5.2%
  • Other

    Votes: 75 32.3%

  • Total voters
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Aw...come on people now...
Why is Eddie Munster a werewolf when his mother is a vampire and his father is a Frankenstein monster?
Some things can't - and probably shouldn't - be explained.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Why is Eddie Munster a werewolf when his mother is a vampire and his father is a Frankenstein monster?
Some things can't - and probably shouldn't - be explained.

He came out as a vampenstein but then was bitten by a werewolf. That trumps everything. Unless of course he's bitten by a vampire in which case he would once again become the undead.
The only big foreign sport that I can like in any way is rugby. I'll admit that is an alright sport. How soccer ever got to be bigger than it I don't know.

You mean you don't enjoy an intense game o' Cricket mate? :1orglaugh

How did this thread go from American hate for a gay sport to everyones hate for a gay man?

Like so many others, I am only gay on the internet :love-smi: lol
I do get a strangely high amount of attention though, for being so new on FreeOnes.. interesting.

Actually, the pictures you posted (whoever that was) made me spill my supper. I don't like pictures of naked me.

Obviously you are all impressed by the pictures of my body or you wouldn't be trying so hard to denounce them and say they aren't pictures of me. lol I will take the compliment and thank you.

BTW I am sure I wouldn't enjoy looking at naked pictures of you either, Bloodshot Scott. :rofl:

Anyway I when I was looking for that Cricket vid I think I stumbled on an article that sums up the OPs question nicely.

Why Do Some Sports Seem So Foreign?

I also found this completely off topic vid about the French Foriegn Legion, but it made me:1orglaugh a little, so here enjoy.
And I quote "Are you really that dumb?"

Quoting me yet again... tsk tsk...

Because said gay man showed up with his passive aggressive hypocritical whining bullshit.


Seriously Vlad19 I don't get what set you off on me, but you should really lay off man.. I'm just a normal (pretty mellow) fellow FreeOnes jacker-offer like yourself. Making enemies is bad for the soul, and maintaining enemies leads to high blood pressure which comes with it's own set of problems.. it's a viscious cycle man.

I don't attack you, and I try not to provoke any body. Yes I speak my mind.. but doesn't everybody? I am open to your opinions, why are ya getting so down on me man? I'm a friendly guy, opinionated sure, but generally friendly. If you would uncross your eyes every time you read something I have written, we could get along bro. I know I am willing. I got enough problems in real life, and so do you I am sure. Why make more on our FreeOnes time?

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Quoting me yet again... tsk tsk...


Seriously Vlad19 I don't get what set you off on me, but you should really lay off man.. I'm just a normal (pretty mellow) fellow FreeOnes jacker-offer like yourself. Making enemies is bad for the soul, and maintaining enemies leads to high blood pressure which comes with it's own set of problems.. it's a viscious cycle man.

I don't attack you, and I try not to provoke any body. Yes I speak my mind.. but doesn't everybody? I am open to your opinions, why are ya getting so down on me man? I'm a friendly guy, opinionated sure, but generally friendly. If you would uncross your eyes every time you read something I have written, we could get along bro. I know I am willing. I got enough problems in real life, and so do you I am sure. Why make more on our FreeOnes time?

Your so full of shit kid. This is just another passive aggressive shot at proclaiming your self righteous delusional innocence. Ya know what I mean?
Your so full of shit kid. This is just another passive aggressive shot at proclaiming your self righteous delusional innocence. Ya know what I mean?

Even assuming everything you've ever said about me (which is a lot, almost to the point of obsession I'd say) is true, can't you just get over it? I know I got over you pretty easily.. or is that the part that is bothering you so much?

What the hell happened to my thread:confused:

Check out this article, I posted it above but haters gonna' hate, you know what I mean? It kind of got swept away lol

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