Why Is U.S. Health Care So Expensive?




Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Because you are in the USA. In Europe, like with renewerable energy, it would actually work.
This is a political discussion. Why is it in the general talk section?


The reason US Healthchcare is expensive simple: Too many third parties pay for too many of the costs.
Many illegals are receiving healthcare and the American taxpayer foot the bill through higher premiums and deductibles.
Human health and happiness is a very profitable commodity.
Indeed. For example, you take your teenage kid to the Dermatologists for acne. Do the Dermo's want to cure his/her acne? No, they don't. That would be thousands of dollars lost in profits. They want you to keep coming back again and again for bullshit treatments.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
Because obama feels we should pay more, so those who choose to live off of the taxpayers, can have healthcare at no cost to them, and in the process get health care for their children....whom are likely to have a father that is not paying child support, and taking responsibility.

Vote for hillary, she wants to expand it. Your deductible will only double, at worst...and lets face it, it's only right we pay $50 dollars for a $20 prescription, so they get that coverage too.
Or curable cancers. Of course their going to run you under the mill with un-need procedures. They want to draw as much money from you as possible. Cancer is a 200 Billion dollar a year industry mang.
1) Medical school is ridiculously expensive, AND time consuming. 2) Medical malpractice insurance is ridiculously expensive. 3) Lately, there is no rhyme or reason as to how pharmaceutical companies justify charging what they charge. 4) MRI machines ain't cheap, kiddies. Etc.
Healthcare in the United States is so expensive because it is the best, hands down, in the world. JesusChristshutthefuckup if you even try to counter. When foreign heads of state and whatever that turd Arafat was come to your shore when it absolutely, positively has to not kill me, doc, you're doing it right. Just so happens that free market capitalism is good for the development of and innovation in medicine, not so good when big pharma boardrooms then sodomize you for your care. So yeah, the greedy fuckers. Which is also you, since you reserve the right to sue into the stone age on grounds of medical malfeasance, rather than submit to any sort of tort reform. So the fucking pig-fucking lawyers, too. I don't know, wasn't Obama fixing this? ;)

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Excellent and interesting video. It touched on most of the major cost drivers that I assumed were most prevalent. But the one that it left out was the role that potential litigation plays in driving up costs. For doctors and hospitals, having to purchase expensive medical malpractice insurance (for physicians) and errors and omissions insurance (for hospitals), adds to the cost of doing business... and that cost gets passed along to medical consumers - just like all other costs. Some doctors and hospitals certainly need to be sued into the ground. But they all have to carry expensive insurance policies. I wonder what the cost of malpractice insurance is in the U.S. vs. other countries? And how prevalent are malpractice suits in Europe, South/Central America and Asia vs. the U.S.? That would be an interesting stat, I think.

I'm not saying that's the primary driver. But I do think that it's one that needs to be pointed out, in addition to the ones in the video.

What a stupid argument. 'because it's not the most affordable, it's not the best'

The quality of treatment is unsurpassed. Not the cheapest. We're not the healthiest nationality (because we're Rome, and we can afford vice like the rest of the world can only dream of). But it is the best. Thanks for playing, though - never let nuances like fact get in the way of your agenda.


Closed Account
What a stupid argument. 'because it's not the most affordable, it's not the best'

The quality of treatment is unsurpassed. Not the cheapest. We're not the healthiest nationality (because we're Rome, and we can afford vice like the rest of the world can only dream of). But it is the best. Thanks for playing, though - never let nuances like fact get in the way of your agenda.

Oh look, a retard has entered the arena; another one of those "I just claim we're the best in the world in everything only based on my pride and not facts, and if someone points out something else I just ignore it as irrelevant and say they are jealous" type of guys *sigh*

I'm sure there are hospitals in the US where you get the best treatment ever and schools with a top notch education and dozens of US surgeons and doctors in the "best 100" and so on. The topic however is healthcare and why it is so fucking expensive. Facts huh? Please enlighten us all and show us these studies claiming 'health care in the usa is so expensive because the quality of the threatment is the best in the world'.