Why Is U.S. Health Care So Expensive?

Oh look, a retard has entered the arena; another one of those "I just claim we're the best in the world in everything only based on my pride and not facts, and if someone points out something else I just ignore it as irrelevant and say they are jealous" type of guys *sigh*

I'm sure there are hospitals in the US where you get the best treatment ever and schools with a top notch education and dozens of US surgeons and doctors in the "best 100" and so on. The topic however is healthcare and why it is so fucking expensive. Facts huh? Please enlighten us all and show us these studies claiming 'health care in the usa is so expensive because the quality of the threatment is the best in the world'.

Why, hello :douchebag:

Trying to educate you on "things" is just what I had in mind today. Fuck yourself.


Healthcare in the United States is so expensive because it is the best, hands down, in the world. JesusChristshutthefuckup if you even try to counter. When foreign heads of state and whatever that turd Arafat was come to your shore when it absolutely, positively has to not kill me, doc, you're doing it right. Just so happens that free market capitalism is good for the development of and innovation in medicine, not so good when big pharma boardrooms then sodomize you for your care. So yeah, the greedy fuckers. Which is also you, since you reserve the right to sue into the stone age on grounds of medical malfeasance, rather than submit to any sort of tort reform. So the fucking pig-fucking lawyers, too. I don't know, wasn't Obama fixing this? ;)

Only rich people get the best health care, that's why they are opposed to universal health care.
Everyone else gets second rate or worse health care even if you have insurance, and about 70% of the time the insurance only covers part of the costs.
The only way Obama was able to pass the Affordable Care Act aka Obamacare, was to let the insurance, big pharma and other "health care" profit first companies charge anything they wanted.
That's why health care "profit over lives" companies are making record profits.
We're back at the same situation before 1776, we need another revolution to remove the greedy assholes from power.