Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

the japanese look out for their own it's their country so they make the rules, thye're not like some places in europe who tend to pander to immigrants that's just how it is.

Mr. Daystar

In a bell tower, watching you through cross hairs.
I just read this whole thread. I'm going to go fuck one of my white friends now.

As long as he consents, it's perfectly acceptable.
yes but most are japanese maybe i should've been clearer i meant pornstars who were raised or adopted the western culture like keni styles he's the only male i can think of who represents asian males in american or european porn.
as soon as the black man stops blaming whitey for all his problems

Just don't go there, you don't know how hard is to be black so you don't know our races. Look up Slavery, Civil Right, and Rodney King to see why. BTW ever here of Nation of Islam who are racist against white people.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
#1 was wanking to my drag shoot right? Right?

I've seen smartassery of this caliber before. Is this a multiple account for BobkazBictim, STDiver, ManScratch or Dirl? Is it? IS IT?
Its not a major issue at all. Race has nothing to do with a porn movie.
Fucking is fucking - as long as it turns you on, it's totally good.