Why is it that if a pornstar doesn't want to get with black guys, it is a major issue?

It clearly says under my avatar that I live in Texas. Racist attitudes have changed a great deal in the last hundred years, whether you think so or not. Of course it still exists, and probably always will because racism is a product of ignorance and of that some people will never be cured.
Racism is a product of self preservation.


Torn & Frayed.
Racism can get you killed, so I find that argument completely without merit.
LOL, If whitey kills a black man in self defense(ex:Trayvon Martin) it's a racist hate crime. If a black man kills whitey it's justified by years of oppression and just considered a crime. Nothing more. Ain't the system great? LMAO
It's a product of idiocy, nothing more.
Kinda off topic for a sec but I had to laugh about 5 min ago. The white girl/black guy couple from across the street just got home. The black guy gets out, unlocks the front door and goes in(closes the door behind him). The white girl gets out and opens the hatchback of her minivan and I saw at least 15 bags of groceries. Well, I'm sitting there waiting for the black guy to come back out to help her carry this shit and he never did-LOL. She had like 5 24pks of bottled water she had to carry and that stuff is heavy. I just had to laugh. That is all. Carry on
You didn't follow the story and yet your pointing out mistakes? Speculation doesn't work for me. Be gone

I'm not speculating. All I'm saying is that even someone who knows about the story from the news and not from dedicated research could tell you Zimmerman was Latino (read: not "whitey") and initiated the encounter (read: not "self defence"). So try harder next time please.
I'm not speculating. All I'm saying is that even someone who knows about the story from the news and not from dedicated research could tell you Zimmerman was Latino (read: not "whitey") and initiated the encounter (read: not "self defence"). So try harder next time please.
You just proved my point and I thank you but did Trayvon know he was latino? No, he did not. See, even latino's can't escape the black mans cries for justice albeit, unjustified. Trayvon, innocent or not, should have followed the rules(especially at gunpoint) but noooooooo, he had to try and fight back. I suppose Zimmerman broke his own nose and gave himself all those lacerations. Blacks ALL have "fight the power" attitudes and always will.
No, it's just swept under the rug because there is nothing anyone can do about it. Where do you live? Alaska? Racism is worse than it EVER was and is only brought to attn. when whitey expresses it. When the black man does it nobody say's anything because if they do--it's racist

This is why I think you're a White guy. Not a racist Black guy.

Why would a racist Black guy be pointing out a media double standard that harms Whites? If anything you would want to keep quiet about it or deny that it exists.

To me this shows you're either a White guy trying to smear Black men or some other variant of anti-Black troll.

I will give you credit for some rather convincing criticism of White people. That was rather harsh, but it's clear to me now that you aren't quite the troll that you think you are and that you've been unmasked now.
This is why I think you're a White guy. Not a racist Black guy.

Why would a racist Black guy be pointing out a media double standard that harms Whites? If anything you would want to keep quiet about it or deny that it exists.

To me this shows you're either a White guy trying to smear Black men or some other variant of anti-Black troll.

I will give you credit for some rather convincing criticism of White people. That was rather harsh, but it's clear to me now that you aren't quite the troll that you think you are and that you've been unmasked now.

Well your kinda right. I AM WHITE, AND I AM BLACK. I already said I was mixed. Try and keep up
I, for one, look forward to Revamp's posts. You always know what you're gonna get.

Self-hatred, race-baiting, self-delusion, and self-esteem issues. Plus Ace Boobtoucher fucking his shit up.

Long live Revamp and his hatred of his own kind!
I, for one, look forward to Revamp's posts. You always know what you're gonna get.

Self-hatred, race-baiting, self-delusion, and self-esteem issues. Plus Ace Boobtoucher fucking his shit up.

Long live Revamp and his hatred of his own kind!
Wanna know what's cool about being mixed? I can go places you wouldn't never muster the balls to go. LOL. Take Detroit for instance, whitey would/should never walk the streets at night. You'd be safer walking the streets of Islamabad carrying an american flag. just sayin
Wanna know what's cool about being mixed? I can go places you wouldn't never muster the balls to go. LOL. Take Detroit for instance, whitey would/should never walk the streets at night. You'd be safer walking the streets of Islamabad carrying an american flag. just sayin

What the fuck did that have to do with my post?

And you're proud that a white person can't walk around a city at night because a black person will kill them? Can you imagine if I said "a black person wouldn't be able to walk the streets of ______ because the white people would kill them." What's the difference between those statements? They're both shameful, but you seem proud of the Detroit example of it.

And again....WTF did any of that have to with my post?
It can't happen fast enough.....

Try holding your breath. Maybe that will work. Or better yet, try wishing the boogieman away. Do you know what cracks a black person up more than anything, and I mean anything? White's that defend blacks. Almost like how we feel about wiggers. We crack the fuck up. If your gonna act and talk black at least to it right for fucks sake. Ya know what I mean?
What the fuck did that have to do with my post?

And you're proud that a white person can't walk around a city at night because a black person will kill them? Can you imagine if I said "a black person wouldn't be able to walk the streets of ______ because the white people would kill them." What's the difference between those statements? They're both shameful, but you seem proud of the Detroit example of it.

And again....WTF did any of that have to with my post?
You've taken me out of context. I am proud that "I CAN" walk the streets of Detroit without being beaten to death with a brick. That's just yet another freedom we have taken from whitey, your limited as to where you can go(IN YOUR OWN COUNTRY). Your guns are next!! LOL