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Why Hillary Will Likely Win The White House

Against all these reasons for optimism must be set the fact that Democrats have won the popular vote in five of the six most recent presidential elections. It may be that Republican victories in legislative and gubernatorial elections don’t carry over to presidential elections for structural reasons. For example, the geographic diffusion of Republican voters helps their party win legislative seats but doesn’t help them win the White House.

One common explanation for the Democrats’ White House winning streak is that demographic trends favor them: Asians and Hispanics, two rapidly growing groups, have leaned increasingly left; young white voters are moving left, too, as Christianity weakens among them. Another explanation is that voters, even ones who are middle-of-the-road ideologically, think Republicans’ priorities are too skewed toward rich people and big business. These are intertwined theories, since the party’s plutocratic image is partly responsible for its weakness among blacks, Hispanics, and young people, all groups that tend to be less prosperous than the national average.

Clinton’s campaign would like the public to warm to her personally, but it does not appear to have any illusions that she can have anything like the charisma Obama did in 2008. Instead its strategy seems to be to bet that the Democratic party’s advantage on demographics and issues can overcome Clinton’s deficiencies as a candidate. When Clinton officially launched her campaign on Roosevelt Island in June, her speech did not contain any memorable statements. Instead it celebrated the elements of the Democratic coalition and championed a series of poll-tested liberal policies.

Clinton’s program includes an increase in the minimum wage, expanded child-care subsidies, universal preschool, mandatory paid leave, and legislation to make it easier to sue employers for sex discrimination. These are policies that deliver concrete benefits to large groups of voters and signal that she is on the side of women, families, poor people, and employees.

As a nominee, she would spend some time making the case for these policies. It seems likely, though, that she will spend at least as much time using them to wage a negative campaign against the Republicans as the enemies of those policies and, by extension, of their beneficiaries. She will also use Republican opposition to Obamacare, including the contraceptive mandate it enabled, for this purpose. If she is running next fall, she will bank on the appeal of these policies and fear of the Republicans to keep black turnout high and increase turnout among single women, who also vote heavily Democratic.

Republicans have very little in the way of popular policy proposals to counter the appeal of liberalism. The Republican presidential candidates have not built their campaigns on offering conservative ideas that would give any direct help to families trying to make ends meet. Their tax-cut proposals are almost all focused on people who make much more than the average voter. So far, Republicans do not seem to be even trying to erode the Democratic advantage on middle-class economics.

The Democratic nominee will also probably benefit from a slight edge in the Electoral College. Eighteen states, with 242 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win the White House, have voted Democratic in each of the last six elections. Some analysts call these states a “blue wall” that Republicans will not easily break through. That’s overstated — Pennsylvania, which is part of that wall, has been getting less Democratic — but a popular-vote tie would probably mean a Clinton victory.

Finally, Clinton will need some luck to win, as any candidate does. It may materialize. The economy is, if not roaring, as good as it has been since the crisis hit in 2008.

Clinton could, of course, be nominated and then lose. But her bet is that the liberal coalition will show up and that swing voters who do not love her will nonetheless decide that they prefer her to a Republican party out of touch with most people’s concerns. It’s not a bad bet.

I almost spit out my coffee when I saw this article on NRO. It's actually a good analysis by Ponnuru but obviously not every conservative shares his opinion as was displayed on the comments section of NRO, on which I frequently post

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
She lost out on Oprah's support. That'll hurt, especially if she wants the Black Panthers to keep white voters out of the polling places. Also, the fact that more than fifty percent of the American people think she's a liar. And the big donors are backing away from her because she's so toxic. The media tried to coronate her in 2008 and how'd that turn out? A literal unknown whipped her ass in the primaries. Personally, I hope she has a stroke or syncopation during one of the debates or when she's trying to convince people at the Iowa State Fair next year that she's just like them; only with a six hundred dollar haircut.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Ace, if only because of you, I will shed a little tear in knowing that your dark days are still not over. After Obama that woman! (Yes, I do not think she should become president, but the alternatives from your side of the isle are just way too terrible. So Hillary it must be.

- - - Updated - - -

Ace, if only because of you, I will shed a little tear in knowing that your dark days are still not over. After Obama that woman! (Yes, I do not think she should become president, but the alternatives from your side of the isle are just way too terrible. So Hillary it must be.
Isn't it hilarious that the liberal faithful here all seem to regurgitate the same press releases? I had this discussion earlier today. NRO is no longer the bastion of conservative thought that it once was. William F. Buckley is rolling over in his grave .

Hillary is imploding right before eyes at this very moment. She will never be president. Her email troubles not withstanding .
Andrew Sullivan called into question Ponnuru's conservative bona fides a while back. It seems that with his tenure at NRO and this garbage that libs seem to be falling all over themselves about that Sullivan had Ponnuru pegged perfectly.
Isn't it hilarious that the liberal faithful here all seem to regurgitate the same press releases? I had this discussion earlier today. NRO is no longer the bastion of conservative thought that it once was. William F. Buckley is rolling over in his grave .

Hillary is imploding right before eyes at this very moment. She will never be president. Her email troubles not withstanding .

NRO and The Federalist are the two conservative sites that I read everyday. Of the two I think The Federalist is a much better publication

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
If you think it happened just there you're dreaming. That's the only one that made headlines.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Okay, "The New Black Panthers." I've heard stories from several friend all over the Northeast about Philly not being an isolated incident.
Okay, "The New Black Panthers." I've heard stories from several friend all over the Northeast about Philly not being an isolated incident.

want to be more specific?

or should we just trust in the importance of the stories you've allegedly heard from "several friend (sic)"?
want to be more specific?

or should we just trust in the importance of the stories you've allegedly heard from "several friend (sic)"?

" Several friend" is grammatically correct. You hear it more in Boston where many times I have enjoyed a night out with friends grabbing a"few beer"
She lost out on Oprah's support. That'll hurt, especially if she wants the Black Panthers to keep white voters out of the polling places. Also, the fact that more than fifty percent of the American people think she's a liar. And the big donors are backing away from her because she's so toxic. The media tried to coronate her in 2008 and how'd that turn out? A literal unknown whipped her ass in the primaries. Personally, I hope she has a stroke or syncopation during one of the debates or when she's trying to convince people at the Iowa State Fair next year that she's just like them; only with a six hundred dollar haircut.

Spoken like a true ideologue


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
In spite of all those New Black Panthers and the puppets throwing millions and millions out of the window on one "investigation" after the other, all that will happen is who hated her before hates her more, and the others see the puppets making fools out of themselves and the political forum that they are pushing further into a clownhouse.

The country moves into the future, and the crusty old clowns are staying behind, if not pushing themselves farther into the past.

And so another dynasty leads the country.
In spite of all those New Black Panthers and the puppets throwing millions and millions out of the window on one "investigation" after the other, all that will happen is who hated her before hates her more, and the others see the puppets making fools out of themselves and the political forum that they are pushing further into a clownhouse.

The country moves into the future, and the crusty old clownsare staying behind, if not pushing themselves farther into the past.

And so another dynasty leads the country.

Do you even think at all before you post?

The only thing missing for the top two Democrat candidates is a Lawrence Welk bubble machine.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
... and 2024 the first LGBT president. Kanye West, after his sex change. And what a First Family THAT will be!
well, it seems objective sources are generally saying hillary "won" in terms of her benghazi committee testimony

it was funny seeing that clown trey gowdy when asked what new information they had obtained when questioning her

he was speechless for a bit, the said err, hmmm, well some of jimmy jordan's questioning, well we knew some of that already, in terms of her testimony i don't think that she testified that much differently today than she has previously

after all the cost and effort of this hearing, and asking hillary 300+ questions that was the best they had - what a complete failure!

the gop truly are a bizarre mixture of varying degrees of hubris, greed, foolishness, bigotry, vindictiveness and stubbornness

watch this space for hillary's poll numbers improving after she took this opportunity to look calm and presidential
