Australians call them chips as well.
I did not know that
Why the fuck not?
you're free to call them what you like, I simply think that crisps describe them better than chips, and therefore cannot comprehend the origin of chips instead of crisps?
Jesus,can you guys hate America any more?
I'm not jesus, and do you really think that asking why crisps are called chips, or chips not called crisps constitutes hatred?
What kind of ignorant question is this then. Because its a different country different culture, you can't expect everywhere to be the same. you know you should try 118, see what they tell you :rofl2:
What kind of question? a simple one really I suppose. What's ignorant about it? In england we call them crisps, in the us (and subsequently I've found in australia too) you call them chips. I think crisps/chips seem more crispy than chippy, so wonder why you call what I call crisps chips.
I'm not suggesting all countries should call crisps/chips crisps, it's just a question.
Why do Brits call an "exit" a "way out"? Why do you call an "ass" an "arse"? Why do you say "wanking" instead of "jacking off"? Why is the pope a catholic? Why does the bear....oops, don't want to offend my pal Bear.
You get the idea. It's just the way it is. We're different. Good thing too....makes it much more interesting.
Way out = Exit
Arse = ass (US Version)
ass (UK Version) = Donkey
wanking = jacking off
I think the pope was probably brought up in a catholic family.
I don't know anything about no bear
crisp (UK) = crispy
chip (UK) = chippy
yeah, I agree, but I still don't get the chip = a crispy thing.
Because we're not uppity and snooty. We speak American, dammit! Deal with it.
Does it matter why we assign certain names to objects? We're a completely different nation. Our vocabulary is neither superior nor inferior to yours.
Not really, it's not something I worry too much about I suppose, but names for objects often reflect the properties of that object, like mashed potato = a potato that is mashed or as mentioned above, clotted cream = cream that is clotted. chip as I've mentioned here already sound chippy, and not crispy like what a chip (US) or crisp (UK) is.
Who suggested anything about being superior or inferior, I'm just asking about chips/crisps.
They also say "fapping" for jerking off. And I believe they sometimes say "ragging" for "fucking".
"I was ragging a bird in the arse." That sounds awful.
Anyway, American potato chips were invented by an African-American in New York a few years before the Civil War. It was actually done because people were bitching that their order of cut and friend potatoes (chips) were too thick and soggy so, to shut them up, he spitefully sliced them as thin as he possibly could before frying. So, "chips" is the original name. Potato chips are just thinly sliced "chips".
that's an informative answer.